
ACCU Online: The ABC++ of Programming and Polymorphism

By Ralph McArdell

10 May 2021

ACCU 'local' online events is pleased to welcome Richard Park who will be telling us about A Programming Language and Phil Nash who will fill in languages from B to C - and beyond - while presenting 'Polymorphism À La Carte'

The event will be hosted, virtually, on Remo. This will also give us the social and networking aspect of meet-ups that we miss from the in-person version.

When: Thursday, 20th May 2021, 19:00 start.
Duration: Around 2 hours.
Where: A link to the event will be sent to those who RSVP as attending nearer the time.

To attend: Please sign up on the ACCU London event page:

Programme (times are approximate):

19:00 Intro and News

19:10 A Programming Language for Thinking about Algorithms - Richard Park

Being able to code isn't enough. You have to be able to reason about your algorithms if you want to get them right. Just like the symbolic notation of traditional mathematics allows you to think about your formulas, so too, a programming language inspired by traditional mathematical notation can aid your thinking about problems and the code used to solve them.

This session presents APL and its benefits for high-level development and comparison of algorithms, leading to an intuition about performance, for example in the context of memory access and amenability to GPU computing.

20:00 Break

20:15 Polymorphism À La Carte - Phil Nash

If we've been using C++ family languages (including Java, C#, D etc) we may have a narrow idea of how polymorphism works. In this talk we'll present several different ways to do polymorphism, in a few different languages, along with their respective trade-offs, and conclude that, ideally, we'd have access to several approaches so we can pick the right one for the moment. Clojure does just that, coining the term Polymorphism À La Carte, and we'll hint at a C++ library that can do so, too. We'll do this in the context of the historical family tree of languages that C++ grew up in.

21:00 Talks end -- socialising in Remo

About the speakers:

Richard Park works for Dyalog, a modern APL implementor, teaching both novices and more experienced users about traditional and modern APL.

Phil Nash is the original author of the C++ test framework, Catch2, and composable command line parser, Clara. As Developer Advocate at JetBrains he's involved with CLion and ReSharper C++. He's also the organiser of C++ London and C++ on Sea, as well as co-host and producer of the podcast. More generally he's an advocate for good testing practices, TDD and using the type system and functional techniques to reduce complexity and increase correctness. He's previously worked in Finance and Mobile offers training and coaching in TDD for C++.

May's C Vu Journal has been published.

By Bob Schmidt

8 May 2021

The May 2021 ACCU C Vu journal has been published and should arrive at members' addresses in the next few days. C Vu 33-2 and previous issues of C Vu can be accessed via the Journals menu (ACCU members only).

April's Overload Journal has been published.

By Bob Schmidt

13 April 2021

The April 2021 ACCU Overload journal has been published and should arrive at members' addresses in the next few days. Overload 162 and previous issues of Overload can be accessed via the Journals menu.

Videos from ACCU 2021 Online have been posted.

By Bob Schmidt

6 April 2021

Videos of sessions from the ACCU 2021 Online Conference have been posted to YouTube.

Videos can be found on the ACCU YouTube page.

Links to the videos can be found on the ACCU website under the Videos menu drop-down; the ACCU Conference Videos page; and on the archived conference schedule page.

Agenda for the 33rd Annual AGM has been posted.

By Bob Schmidt

24 March 2021

The Agenda for the 33rd Annual AGM of the ACCU has been posted. The agenda may be accessed from the AGM page (member login required).

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