By Bob Schmidt | 9 August 2023
As you have no doubt already seen, there is a new feature on ACCU's website - a privacy pop-up with options to accept non-essential cookies containing personal data and the sharing of your IP address.
The pop-up is required by the EU's GDPR, which mandates that web site users have the ability to affirmatively opt-in to process their personal data.
A new requirement, as found by a German court (LG München I, Endurteil v. 20.01.2022 – 3 O 17493/20) prohibits a website from sharing a user's IP address without the user's permission. Accepting the sharing of your IP address will restore the thumbnails on the video pages, and some book covers on older reviews.
ACCU's new Cookie Policy can be found here. ACCU's Privacy Policy can be found here. Both are accessible via links on the pop-up. You may change your permissions at any time through the button at the top of the Cookie Policy page.