C Vu Content by Author

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[ Metcalfe, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[ACCU Committee, 2016]
View from the without a Chair.
ACCU Committee.
C Vu, 28(1):24, March 2016.

[Adcock, 2000]
The Wall.
Dan Adcock.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Ahonen, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Anonymous, 1999]
Reflections on Job Hunting.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Anonymous, 1999]
From the Coalface.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Anonymous, 1999]
No Truth.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Anonymous, 1999]
From the Academic Coalface.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Anonymous, 1999]
An Exercise - Source unknown.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Anonymous, 1999]
From the Academic Coalface.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Anonymous, 2000]
The Wall.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Anonymous, 2001]
Your Letters - The Editor's Replies.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Anonymous, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Anonymous, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Anonymous, 2001]
From the Coalface.
C Vu, 13(4):, August 2001.

[Ansell, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 96.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Gareth Ansell, Matthew Wilson, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(5):21-26, November 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Antonsen, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Appleby-Alis, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 44.
Roger Orr, John Appleby-Alis, Calum Grant, David Carter-Hitchin, Balog Pál, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(1):22-28, February 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Ardler, 2000]
The Wall.
Bob Ardler.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Armstrong, 2000]
The Wall.
Phil Armstrong.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Asproni, 2007]
Get Ready for the ACCU 2008 Conference.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 19(4):15, August 2007.

[Asproni, 2007]
Sponsored Conference Places.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 19(6):30, December 2007.

[Asproni, 2008]
ACCU 2008.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 20(1):11, February 2008.

[Asproni, 2008]
Conference Report.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 20(5):44, November 2008.

[Asproni, 2010]
Another year, another great ACCU conference is coming!.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 21(6):22, January 2010.
Giovanni Asproni gives us a taste of things to come.

[Asproni, 2010]
ACCU 2010: A View from the Conference Chair.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 22(3):36, July 2010.

[Asproni, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Asproni, 2011]
Agile Cambridge 2010.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 22(6):24, January 2011.
Giovanni Asproni gives us an alternative view of Agile Cambridge 2010.

[Asproni, 2011]
Goodbye from the Conference Chair.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 23(3):23, July 2011.
Giovanni Asproni takes his last bow.

[Asproni, 2012]
Secretary’s Report.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 24(5):31, November 2012.

[Asproni, 2013]
The AGM and the Proposed New Constitution.
Giovanni Asproni.
C Vu, 25(1):28, March 2013.

[Aulton, 2001]
Swamp Fever.
Barry Aulton.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Austad, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Backe-Hansen, 2003]
Letters to the Editor.
Melanie Backe-Hansen.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Bailey, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 53.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Charles Bailey.
C Vu, 20(4):19-21, August 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Balaam, 2014]
Talk in Code.
Andy Balaam.
C Vu, 26(4):15, September 2014.
Andy Balaam presents some tips on clear communication.

[Balaam, 2017]
Planet Code.
Andy Balaam.
C Vu, 29(5):23, November 2017.
Andy Balaam introduces his blog aggregator.

[Balog, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 44.
Roger Orr, John Appleby-Alis, Calum Grant, David Carter-Hitchin, Balog Pál, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(1):22-28, February 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Balog, 2010]
Code Critique Competition #62.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(1):28-32, March 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Balog, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 63.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(2):21-23, May 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Balog, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 64.
Roger Orr, Matthew Wilson, Paul Stephenson, Pete Disdale, Terry Whiterod, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(3):22-32, July 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Balog, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 72.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Peter Sommerlad, Balog Pál, Huw Lewis, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(5):21-27, November 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 76.
Roger Orr, jingyu_chen, Paul Floyd, Helmut Wais, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 24(3):24-29, July 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 82.
Roger Orr, Pawel Zakrzewski, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(3):17-21, July 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 83.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Phil Nash, Peter Sommerlad, Mirko Stocker, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(4):13-16, September 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Russel Winder, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(5):16-18, November 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 110.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Paul Floyd, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(1):15-26, March 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 111.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Balog Pál, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(2):15-22, May 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2018]
ACCU18 Trip Report.
Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(3):6-8, July 2018.
Balog Pál reports his experiences from the 2018 ACCU Conference.

[Balog, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 112.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(3):17-20, July 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 116.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(1):11-15, March 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Balog, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 123.
Roger Orr, Francis Glassborow, Ovidiu Parvu, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, James Holland.
C Vu, 32(2):14-21, May 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Bannon, 2003]
Letters to the Editor.
James Bannon.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Barratt, 2017]
A Magical New World?.
Samathy Barratt.
C Vu, 29(3):7-8, July 2017.
Samathy Barratt shares her experience as a first time ACCU Conference attendee.

[Barry, 1999]
You Write, the Editor Replies.
Jim Barry.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Bashir, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bashir, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bashir, 2008]
Omar Bashir, Colin Paul Gloster, Ivan Uemliani.
C Vu, 20(3):37-40, June 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bashir, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bashir, 2012]
Holiday Rules.
Omar Bashir.
C Vu, 24(1):14-19, March 2012.
Omar Bashir provides an implementation of calendars and holiday rules in Java.

[Bashir, 2016]
Sliding Window Filters : A Set-based Implementation.
Omar Bashir.
C Vu, 28(1):3-6, March 2016.
Omar Bashir presents an implementation using pre-sorted data to reduce CPU load.

[Bass, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Phil Bass.
C Vu, 22(3):19-21, July 2010.
Phil Bass heads for the life boats.

[Batty, 2000]
The Wall.
Mark Batty.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Batty, 2000]
The Wall.
Mark Batty.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Baynes, 2000]
The Wall.
Stephen Baynes.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Baynes, 2011]
What is in a name?.
Stephen Baynes.
C Vu, 23(1):18, March 2011.
Stephen Baynes examines just how important a name is.

[Baynes, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Becker, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 114.
Roger Orr, Gennaro Prota, Stewart Becker, Joe Wood, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(5):9-15, November 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Becker, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 133.
Roger Orr, Stewart Becker, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(6):12-16, January 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Bellingham, 2008]
The 20th AGM.
Alan Bellingham.
C Vu, 20(1):27-28, February 2008.

[Bellingham, 2011]
The 23rd AGM.
Alan Bellingham.
C Vu, 23(1):28, March 2011.
Secretary ACCU.

[Bellingham, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Benson, 2000]
The Wall.
Chris Benson.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Bentall, 2012]
Learning and Applying the Personal Software Process.
Robert Bentall.
C Vu, 24(4):6-9, September 2012.
Robert Bentall shares his experiences from learning to measure his own performance.

[Bergin, 2004]
Introduction To C#.
Mike Bergin.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Bergin, 2004]
Introduction to C# - Part 2.
Mike Bergin.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Björkholm, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 92.
Roger Orr, Jim Segrave, Tom Björkholm, James Holland, Alex Paterson.
C Vu, 27(1):21-25, March 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Björkholm, 2015]
Writing Good C++ APIs.
Tom Björkholm.
C Vu, 27(2):5-8, May 2015.
Tom Björkholm examines some common pitfalls that make code hard to use.

[Björkholm, 2015]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr, Tom Björkholm, Simon Brand, Jim Segrave, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 27(2):23-, May 2015.
Competition 93 and the answers to 92.

[Blanchette, 2004]
Rapid Dialog Design Using Qt.
Jasmin Blanchette.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Blanchette, 2004]
Writing Custom Widgets in Qt.
Jasmin Blanchette.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Blanchette, 2005]
Using Qt's Non-GUI Classes.
Jasmin Blanchette.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Blanchette, 2005]
New Container Classes in Qt 4.
Jasmin Blanchette.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Blanchette, 2005]
Qt 4.0 is Out!.
Jasmin Blanchette.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Blower, 2000]
A Tale of Old Java.
Gareth Blower.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Blundell, 1999]
You Write, the Editor Replies.
Richard Blundell.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Bodsworth, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Bolton King, 2008]
A sideways glance at Java.
Guy Bolton King.
C Vu, 20(4):1, August 2008.
Guest Editorial

[Booth, 2000]
The Wall.
Mark Booth.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Bourguet, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Brand, 2015]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr, Tom Björkholm, Simon Brand, Jim Segrave, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 27(2):23-, May 2015.
Competition 93 and the answers to 92.

[Breimo, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 25.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Robin Williams, Jan Eric Breimo.
C Vu, 36(6):10-13, January 2025.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Brian, 2002]
ACCU UK Python Users Group.
Paul Brian.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Briggs, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Nathan Briggs, Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Brodie, 1998]
A Critique of Some Code Revisited.
Stewart Brodie.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Brookfield, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Brooks, 2007]
Membership Report.
David Hodge, Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(1):36, February 2007.

[Brooks, 2007]
Membership Report.
David Hodge, Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(2):35, April 2007.

[Brooks, 2007]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(3):39, June 2007.

[Brooks, 2007]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(4):31, August 2007.

[Brooks, 2007]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(5):31, October 2007.

[Brooks, 2007]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(6):32, December 2007.

[Brooks, 2008]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 20(1):27, February 2008.

[Brooks, 2008]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 20(2):28, April 2008.

[Brooks, 2008]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 20(3):39, June 2008.

[Brooks, 2008]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 20(4):24, August 2008.

[Brooks, 2008]
Membership Report.
Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 20(5):44, November 2008.

[Brooks, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 24(3):23, July 2012.
Mick Brooks shares what he will take to the island.

[Brown, 2000]
An Introduction to CGI Programming.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Clock is Still Ticking.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
A Personal View.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
ISO 8601: A Standard You Should Know About.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
Visual Control and COM.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Brown, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Brown, 2001]
Some Thoughts on Academic Papers.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Brown, 2001]
Your Letters - The Editor's Replies.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Brown, 2001]
Conference: ACM CHI 2001.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Brown, 2001]
A Personal View: Computing Anywhere.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Brown, 2002]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Brown, 2002]
On Re-Inventing the Wheel.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Brown, 2002]
On Keeping Notes.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Brown, 2002]
The Wall.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Brown, 2002]
Don't Touch That Clock!.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Brown, 2002]
An Introduction to 4DML.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Brown, 2002]
4DML Revisited.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Brown, 2003]
A Python Project.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Brown, 2003]
Members' experiences.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Brown, 2003]
Intrusive Identifiers.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Brown, 2003]
A Python project (2).
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Brown, 2003]
I Wish They'd Use the Standard.
Silas S Brown.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Brown, 1996]
Increase your Program's Execution Speed?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Brown, 1998]
Security Implications of Running a Web Gateway.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Brown, 1998]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Brown, 1998]
A Letter on Java.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Brown, 1999]
Naming Conventions for Spoken Readability.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Writing for Voice Synthesisers.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Looking Stupid v Being Stupid.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
What's In a Struct?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Using Bit Patterns.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Tools and Un-smart Pointers.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Pointers in Hyperspace.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Compile Time Assertions in C Revisited.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Difference Structures in C/C++.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
A Personal View.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
You Write, the Editor Replies.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
On Configurability and Consistency.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Members Experiences.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Brown, 1999]
Commenting Your Work.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
Is there a "best language"?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Brown, 2000]
The Wall.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Brown, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Brown, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Brown, 2004]
Using a Live Linux Distribution.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Brown, 2004]
Automatically-Generated Nightmares.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Brown, 2005]
Automatically Generating Word Documents.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Brown, 2005]
Silas's Corner.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Brown, 2005]
Silas's Corner.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Brown, 2005]
Silas's Corner.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Brown, 2007]
A Python Gotcha.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 19(1):9, February 2007.
Silas Brown revisits an old problem and identifies a solution.

[Brown, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Brown, 2007]
Customising a Diskless Linux.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 19(3):16-17, June 2007.
Silas Brown finds alternative tools.

[Brown, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Brown, 2007]
A Brief Introduction to Cygwin.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 19(4):8, August 2007.
Silas Brown finds alternative tools.

[Brown, 2007]
An NSLU2 “Slug”.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 19(5):4, October 2007.
Silas Brown suggests some tinkering.

[Brown, 2007]
One Laptop per Child.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 19(5):18, October 2007.
Silas Brown talks about an interesting project.

[Brown, 2008]
Future-Proofing your Python Scripts.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 20(2):18, April 2008.
Silas Brown keeps your scripts working.

[Brown, 2013]
The Windows XP Threat: A Call to Action.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 25(5):7-8, November 2013.
Silas S. Brown brings an imminent problem to our attention.

[Brown, 2014]
The Soundtrack to Code 2: Going Classical.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 26(1):11, March 2014.
Silas S. Brown gives us his taken on ‘Music for Coding’.

[Brown, 2014]
From Raspberry Pi to the Cloud.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 26(1):17-18, March 2014.
Silas S. Brown shares his experiences with porting to AppEngine and OpenShift.

[Brown, 2014]
Checking Websites for Specific Changes.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 26(3):8, July 2014.
Silas S. Brown tries to improve developer productivity in a small way.

[Brown, 2014]
Perl is a Better Sed, and Python 2 is Good.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 26(5):10-12, November 2014.
Silas S. Brown sweats the differences between tools on common platforms.

[Brown, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 90.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Marcel Marré.
C Vu, 26(5):15-19, November 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2015]
Using ACCU Membership for Unique IDs.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(1):5, March 2015.
Silas S. Brown considers the case for identity.

[Brown, 2015]
Simple Android programming with WebKit.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(1):13-14, March 2015.
Silas S. Brown shares his trials with developing for mobile devices.

[Brown, 2015]
Golang programming on AppEngine.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(3):8, July 2015.
Silas S. Brown tries his hand at writing native code for the Cloud.

[Brown, 2015]
Letter to the Editor.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(3):21, July 2015.

[Brown, 2015]
Ode to the BBDB.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(4):5, September 2015.
Silas S. Brown remembers different ways of managing email contacts.

[Brown, 2015]
WattOS R9 Worth Knowing About.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(4):13, September 2015.
Silas S. Brown recycles some old hardware with a new OS.

[Brown, 2015]
Inspirational (P)articles: Use the DOM Inspector.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(4):22, September 2015.
Silas S. Brown shares a tip for debugging web pages.

[Brown, 2016]
“HTTPS Everywhere” Considered Harmful.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 27(6):8, January 2016.
Silas S. Brown considers an unintended cost of security.

[Brown, 2016]
Astrid Byro, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(1):23, March 2016.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Brown, 2016]
How to Block Russia From Your Website.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(3):9-10, July 2016.
(and why you might want to) Silas S. Brown takes a stand against indiscriminate legislation.

[Brown, 2016]
Why Floats Are Never Equal.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(4):5, September 2016.
Silas S. Brown tries his hand at optimising floating point equality comparisons.

[Brown, 2016]
An Introduction to OpenMP.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(4):8-9, September 2016.
Silas S. Brown dabbles in multiprocessing to speed up his calculations.

[Brown, 2016]
Random Confusion.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(4):10-11, September 2016.
Silas S. Brown tries to clear up a muddle about Standard C’s rand().

[Brown, 2016]
Delivering Bad News from QA.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(5):4-5, November 2016.
Silas S. Brown describes how not to report your senior colleague’s bug.

[Brown, 2017]
A Hollywood Take on Dangling Pointers?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 29(2):6-7, May 2017.
Silas S. Brown tells a fable about read-only variables.

[Brown, 2017]
Thonny: Python IDE for Beginners.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 29(4):5, September 2017.
Silas S. Brown introduces a new Python IDE.

[Brown, 2017]
Why I Avoid PHP.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 29(4):9-10, September 2017.
Silas S. Brown shares a war story.

[Brown, 2017]
A Brief Introduction to Docker.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 29(5):8, November 2017.
Silas S. Brown shares his experiences of setting up a virtual appliance.

[Brown, 2018]
Report on Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow, Alex Kumaila, Silas S. Brown, Hubert Mathews, Pete Disdale, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(1):27-30, March 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the answers to his last challenge and gives us a new one.

[Brown, 2018]
Don’t Assume Any Non-Zero exit() Will Fail!.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 30(3):8, July 2018.
Silas S. Brown shares his finding on process exit codes.

[Brown, 2018]
One SSH Key Per Machine!.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 30(4):13, September 2018.
Silas S. Brown has some advice on configuring secure connections.

[Brown, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 113.
Silas S. Brown, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(4):16-23, September 2018.
Set and collated by Silas Brown. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Brown, 2018]
Don’t Brush Bugs Under The Carpet.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 30(5):4, November 2018.
Silas S.Brown presents an allegorical lesson on bug reports.

[Brown, 2019]
When Will Python 2 End?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 30(6):8, January 2019.
Silas Brown explains why the days of Python 2, while numbered, may be longer than you think.

[Brown, 2019]
China’s New AI School Textbooks.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 30(6):13, January 2019.
Silas Brown is sceptical about an education initiative.

[Brown, 2019]
GitHub’s Crazy Contribution-Graph Game.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 31(1):8-11, March 2019.
Silas S. Brown does a one-year streak.

[Brown, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2019]
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(2):20-22, May 2019.
Francis Glassborow revisits old challenges and sets a new one.

[Brown, 2020]
Why I Don’t Develop for iOS.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 31(6):5-6, January 2020.
Silas S. Brown tells a cautionary tale of the App Store business model.

[Brown, 2020]
Python has setdefault.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 31(6):9, January 2020.
Silas S. Brown shares a quick tip on Python.

[Brown, 2020]
How to Stay Out of a Webmaster’s Bad Books.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 31(6):13, January 2020.
Silas S. Brown demonstrates how not all online resources are created equal.

[Brown, 2020]
‘HTTPS Everywhere’ Less Harmful Now.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(1):5-6, March 2020.
Silas S. Brown takes another look at web security.

[Brown, 2020]
Adding Python 3 Compatibility to Python 2 Code.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(1):7-8, March 2020.
Silas S. Brown explains how to cope with the differences.

[Brown, 2020]
Letter to the Editor.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(1):20, March 2020.

[Brown, 2020]
Thoughts on ‘Computational Thinking’.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(2):8-10, May 2020.
Silas S. Brown considers the drawbacks of skill assessments.

[Brown, 2020]
When Will Python 2 End: An Update.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(3):9, July 2020.
Silas S. Brown warns of some of the risks with unsupported software.

[Brown, 2020]
The Trouble with GitHub Forks.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(3):10, July 2020.
Silas S. Brown describes a problem with stale copies.

[Brown, 2020]
Static Analysis in GCC and Clang.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(3):11, July 2020.
Silas S. Brown shares some experiences of analysing code.

[Brown, 2020]
Letters to the Editor.
Silas S. Brown, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 32(3):20, July 2020.
Two people have written to share their thoughts.

[Brown, 2020]
Jumping Around in Emacs.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(4):12, September 2020.
Silas S. Brown shares a tip for navigating code.

[Brown, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(4):22-24, September 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Brown, 2020]
Is Gitee China’s GitHub?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(5):5, November 2020.
Silas S. Brown casts a developer’s eye over the new source repository service.

[Brown, 2020]
GPL Out, Apache In.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(5):11-12, November 2020.
Silas S. Brown explains why he now thinks we should reduce our use of the GPL licence.

[Brown, 2021]
Making a FreeBSD Port.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(6):3-4, January 2021.
Silas S. Brown explains how to create your own package for the popular operating system.

[Brown, 2021]
Machine-sensitive Makefiles.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(2):4, May 2021.
Silas S. Brown shares a neat trick with conditionals.

[Brown, 2021]
Revival of RISC OS?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(2):6, May 2021.
Silas S. Brown puts a Raspberry Pi to work.

[Brown, 2021]
Professionalism in Programming: Does It Translate?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(2):7, May 2021.
Silas S. Brown searches for different ways to say it.

[Brown, 2021]
Avoid ‘Proofreading Golf’.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(2):8, May 2021.
Silas S. Brown cautions that the smallest fix isn’t always best.

[Brown, 2021]
Homework Challenge 4.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(2):10, May 2021.
Francis Glassborow sets another homework challenge.

[Brown, 2021]
The Tips Jar.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(3):13, July 2021.
Silas S. Brown points out some useful snippets.

[Brown, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 130.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Hans Vredeveld, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(3):7-13, July 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2021]
Homework Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tim Kent, Tony McClelland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(3):14-17, July 2021.
Francis Glassborow collects responses to the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Brown, 2021]
Working for Equity.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(4):7, September 2021.
Silas S. Brown ponders various considerations for unpaid work.

[Brown, 2021]
Homework Challenge 6.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(4):14-17, September 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 5 and sets the next one.

[Brown, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 131.
Roger Orr, Andy Burgess, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(4):18-21, September 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2021]
Homework Challenge.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Andreas Gieriet, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(5):13-19, November 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 6 and sets Challenge 7.

[Brown, 2022]
A C++ Quiz.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(6):9-10, January 2022.
Silas S. Brown invites us to test our knowledge.

[Brown, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 133.
Roger Orr, Stewart Becker, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(6):12-16, January 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 7.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 33(6):17-22, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the solutions to the last challenge.

[Brown, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Brown, 2022]
Inline Confusion.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 34(3):7, July 2022.
Silas S. Brown considers one perplexing difference between C and C++.

[Brown, 2022]
Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Spencer Collyer, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(3):8-10, July 2022.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 10 and sets a new challenge for new time.

[Brown, 2022]
On Code Optimisation Part 1 in CVu 34.3.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 34(4):9, September 2022.
Silas S. Brown shares his thoughts on Pete Goodliffe’s article in the last edition of CVu.

[Brown, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(4):11-16, September 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the submissions for the last homework and sets a new challenge.

[Brown, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2022]
Developing on a Chromebook.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 34(5):8, November 2022.
Silas S. Brown re-purposes some hardware.

[Brown, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 12.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Graham Paterson, Andrea Gieriet, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(5):18-23, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Brown, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 13.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(6):12-14, January 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[Brown, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 14.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tony McClelland.
C Vu, 35(1):16-18, March 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[Brown, 2023]
Avoiding 4 in Customer-facing Numbers.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(2):5-6, May 2023.
Silas S. Brown explains tetraphobia.

[Brown, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 15.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(2):12-14, May 2023.
Francis Glassborow sets the next challenge.

[Brown, 2023]
Standard Libraries Are Faster Than You Think.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(3):10, July 2023.
Silas S. Brown reminds us not to reinvent the wheel.

[Brown, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 16.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, Dvir Yitzchaki, Tony McClelland, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(3):14-18, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow shares the solution to the last challenge and sets the next.

[Brown, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 17.
Francis Glassborow, Tim Kent, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(4):14-16, September 2023.
Francis Glassborow reviews the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Brown, 2023]
Mental Models in Design.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(5):3-4, November 2023.
Silas S. Brown examines how we perceive and interpret the world.

[Brown, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):16-21, November 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 18.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):21-23, November 2023.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions from last time, and sets a new challenge.

[Brown, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 19.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(6):5-7, January 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the challenge set in the last issue, and sets a new one.

[Brown, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 146.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Martin Janzen, Wayne Price, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(1):8-10, March 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 20.
Francis Glassborow, Luc Valade, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(1):11-13, March 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next.

[Brown, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 147.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Graham Patterson, Herman Pijl, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 36(2):8-11, May 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Brown, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 21.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Daniel James.
C Vu, 36(2):12-14, May 2024.
Francis Glassborow reviews the replies to the previous problem and sets a new challenge.

[Brown, 2024]
Long Lines of Python.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):3, July 2024.
Silas S. Brown expounds on code style, layout, and linters.

[Brown, 2024]
Adding Python Scripts to PyPI.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):6, July 2024.
Silas S. Brown shares his experience of publishing Python packages.

[Brown, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 22.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Andreas Gieriet, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):15-18, July 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next one.

[Brown, 2024]
Blaming Organisational Incompetence on Inclusivity?.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(4):7-9, September 2024.
Silas S. Brown analyses social media toxicity.

[Brown, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 23.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(4):11-13, September 2024.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Brown, 2024]
Eleven C++11 Features Worth Knowing About.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(5):6-7, November 2024.
Silas S. Brown highlights some favourite features of modern C++.

[Brown, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 24.
Francis Glassborow, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):11-14, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Brown, 2025]
The Full-Time Fallacy.
Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(6):4-5, January 2025.
Silas S. Brown wonders whether some employers might be filtering hires on the wrong criteria.

[Brown, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 25.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Robin Williams, Jan Eric Breimo.
C Vu, 36(6):10-13, January 2025.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Brown, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 26.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):17-18, March 2025.
Francis Glassborow reviews another challenge.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Libris Unity.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 19(2):18-19, April 2007.
Ian Bruntlett talks us through some unofficial interfaces.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Regional Meetings.
Ian Bruntlett, Ric Parkin, Steve Love.
C Vu, 19(5):23, October 2007.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Albrecht Fritzsche.
C Vu, 19(6):31, December 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2008]
Simon Sebright, Ian Bruntlett, Colin Paul Gloster, Seb Rose, Mark Easterbrook, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 20(2):25-27, April 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Steve Love, Jim Hague, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(4):18, August 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Bruntlett, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, John Penney, Giuseppe Vacanti, Ian Bruntlett, Seb Rose, Rob Jones.
C Vu, 20(4):22-24, August 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Ewan Milne, Jim Hague, Ric Parkin, Pete Hammond, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(5):38, November 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Bruntlett, 2009]
Code Critique Competition 55.
Roger Orr, Ian Bruntlett, Ken Duffill, Robert Jones, Simon Sebright, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(6):37-48, January 2009.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Bruntlett, 2009]
Beyond Pipelining Programmes in Linux.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 21(5):20, November 2009.
Unearthed Arcana (Part 1): Ian Bruntlett uncovers the back-tick.

[Bruntlett, 2009]
Interpreting Custom Unix Shell Scripts in C (Erratum).
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 21(5):40, November 2009.

[Bruntlett, 2010]
More About Bash.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(1):26-27, March 2010.
Ian Bruntlett discovers more *nix shell tools.

[Bruntlett, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(1):34-35, March 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2010]
Competency Scale.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(3):12, July 2010.
Ian Bruntlett thinks about expertise.

[Bruntlett, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(6):30-32, January 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett, Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(3):31-32, July 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2012]
Paul Floyd, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 24(1):30-31, March 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2012]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 24(3):30-32, July 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 25(3):26-27, July 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2014]
ACCU Conference 2014.
Chris Oldwood, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 26(2):9-11, May 2014.
Chris Oldwood and Ian Bruntlett review the ACCU 2014 Conference.

[Bruntlett, 2015]
From the Coal Face.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 26(6):11, January 2015.
Ian Bruntlett shares his experiences: not salaried because of mental ill-health, but still working and learning.

[Bruntlett, 2015]
LAMP on Ubuntu.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 27(1):6-8, March 2015.
Ian Bruntlett shares his notes on setting up a basic web application.

[Bruntlett, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2016]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 28(2):16, May 2016.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2017]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 29(4):19, September 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2018]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 29(6):19, January 2018.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2018]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 30(1):31-32, March 2018.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2018]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 30(4):35, September 2018.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 30(6):23-24, January 2019.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2019]
Assembly Club.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 31(2):10-11, May 2019.
Ian Bruntlett compares dialects of assembly code.

[Bruntlett, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 31(2):23, May 2019.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett, Daniel James, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 31(3):17-19, July 2019.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 31(4):15, September 2019.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Static C library and GNU Make.
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 31(6):10-12, January 2020.
Ian Bruntlett shares his experiences with using ‘make’ to build a small test project.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 31(6):19, January 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(1):19, March 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Daniel James, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(2):21-23, May 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 32(3):19-20, July 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 32(4):22-24, September 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 32(5):18-20, November 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 32(6):22-24, January 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(1):17-19, March 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, David Sullivan.
C Vu, 33(2):15-16, May 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(3):18-19, July 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Joes Staal.
C Vu, 33(4):22-24, September 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 33(5):19-20, November 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Emyr Williams, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(6):22-24, January 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Matthew R. Jones, Aschwin Marsman, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 34(1):22-24, March 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 34(2):23-24, May 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd, Spencer Collyer.
C Vu, 34(3):17-19, July 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Aschwin Marsman, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(4):30-31, September 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 34(5):31, November 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Alan R. Griffiths.
C Vu, 34(6):15, January 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Emyr Williams, Anthony Williams, Alan R. Griffiths, Paul Floyd, Stephan Wiesenhuetter.
C Vu, 35(1):19-23, March 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Aschwin Marsman, Paul J. Floyd.
C Vu, 35(2):15-16, May 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 35(3):22-23, July 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 35(4):17-19, September 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 35(6):11-12, January 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 36(1):14-16, March 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 36(2):15, May 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 36(3):19, July 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 36(4):19-20, September 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 36(5):19-20, November 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Paul Floyd, Alison Chaiken.
C Vu, 36(6):14-15, January 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Bruntlett, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Anthony Williams.
C Vu, 37(1):18-20, March 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Buontempo, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Buontempo, 2007]
Regional Meeting.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 19(2):30, April 2007.
Frances Buontempo reports from the London regional meeting.

[Buontempo, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Buontempo, 2009]
Inspirational (p)articles.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 21(5):37, November 2009.
Frances Buontempo introduces Andrew Holme’s inspiration.

[Buontempo, 2009]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 21(5):36, November 2009.
Paul Grenyer maroons Frances Buontempo.

[Buontempo, 2010]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(2):24, May 2010.
Frances Buontempo inspires us once more.

[Buontempo, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Buontempo, 2010]
Inspiration (P)articles.
Frances Buontempo, Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(5):13, November 2010.
Frances Buontempo continues her quest for positive experiences.

[Buontempo, 2011]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Frances Buontempo, Dr Love.
C Vu, 22(6):24, January 2011.
Dr Love introduces Sue Black.

[Buontempo, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 72.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Peter Sommerlad, Balog Pál, Huw Lewis, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(5):21-27, November 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Buontempo, 2012]
How To Be Dispensable.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(6):14-15, January 2012.
Frances Buontempo considers the virtue of being non-essential.

[Buontempo, 2012]
ACCU London - November 2011.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(6):34, January 2012.
Frances Buontempo reports on a recent meeting.

[Buontempo, 2013]
Hello World in JavaScript.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 24(6):11-12, January 2013.
Frances Buontempo demonstrates how to unit-test a simple JavaScript program.

[Buontempo, 2013]
Inspiration [P]article.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 25(3):25, July 2013.
Frances Buontempo shares a story about how engaging with someone can be fun and rewarding.

[Buontempo, 2014]
Debuggers are for Wimps.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 26(2):8-9, May 2014.
Frances Buontempo gives a quick lesson in debugging for Python.

[Buontempo, 2014]
Debuggers Are Still For Wimps.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 26(5):12, November 2014.
Frances Buontempo shows how to remote debug python from Visual Studio.

[Buontempo, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Frances Buontempo, Andrew Marlow.
C Vu, 26(6):19-20, January 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Buontempo, 2016]
In Vivo, In Vitro, In Silico.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 27(6):7, January 2016.
Frances Buontempo examines the idea of software vivisection.

[Buontempo, 2018]
Visualisation of Multidimensional Data.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 29(6):3-5, January 2018.
Frances Buontempo considers how to represent large data sets.

[Buontempo, 2018]
ACCU London.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 30(1):26, March 2018.
Frances Buontempo reports from the London chapter.

[Buontempo, 2018]
Local ACCU Meetups.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 30(2):22-23, May 2018.
Frances Buontempo reports from meetups in Bristol and London.

[Buontempo, 2019]
C++ On Sea 2019 Trip Report.
Arne Mertz, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 31(1):5-8, March 2019.
Arne Mertz and Frances Buontempo share their experiences of a new C++ conference.

[Buontempo, 2020]
ACCU York – May 2020.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 32(3):11, July 2020.
Frances Buontempo reports from a local ACCU group.

[Buontempo, 2022]
Advent of Code.
Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 33(6):8, January 2022.
Frances Buontempo jumps feet first into some coding practice.

[Buontempo, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Buontempo, 2022]
Guidelines for Contributors.
Frances Buontempo, Alison Peck.
C Vu, 34(5):29-30, November 2022.
If you’d considered writing for us but aren’t sure where to start, these guidelines may help.

[Buontempo, 2023]
In Memoriam: Robert Pauer.
Matthew Jones, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 35(1):24, March 2023.
Matthew Jones tells us about Rob.

[Buontempo, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 35(6):11-12, January 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Buontempo, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 36(3):19, July 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Burgess, 2013]
Trying Python for Size (Part 1).
Andy Burgess.
C Vu, 25(5):5-7, November 2013.
Andy Burgess takes his first steps in Python.

[Burgess, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 131.
Roger Orr, Andy Burgess, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(4):18-21, September 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Byatt, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, James Byatt.
C Vu, 23(3):27-29, July 2011.
James Byatt shares the contents of his suitcase.

[Byattand, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Byro, 2010]
1st Annual UK Vintage Computing Festival.
Astrid Byro.
C Vu, 22(3):17, July 2010.
This was held at the National Museum of Computing, Bletchley Park on 19th and 20th June 2010.

[Byro, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Paul F. Johnson.
C Vu, 25(2):22-23, May 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 25(3):26-27, July 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Stefan Turalski, Alex Paterson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 25(4):19-20, September 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow, Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 25(6):32-35, January 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2014]
Astrid Byro.
C Vu, 26(1):24, March 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 26(2):15-16, May 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow.
C Vu, 26(3):22-23, July 2014.
The latest round-up of book reviews.

[Byro, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Frances Buontempo, Andrew Marlow.
C Vu, 26(6):19-20, January 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Ewan Milne, Matthew Jones, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(3):22-23, July 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2016]
Astrid Byro, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 28(1):23, March 2016.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2016]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 28(2):16, May 2016.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Byro, 2017]
Astrid Byro, Tim Green, Barry Nichols, Jim Segrave, Marco Dinacci, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):17-18, January 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Bytheway, 2010]
Code Critique #61.
Roger Orr, John Bytheway, Martin Moene.
C Vu, 21(6):26-31, January 2010.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Caabeiro, 2004]
Student Code Critique Competition 28.
David A. Caabeiro.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Caabeiro, 2004]
Student Code Critique Competition 29.
David A. Caabeiro.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Caabeiro, 2004]
Student Code Critique Competition 30.
David A. Caabeiro.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Caabeiro, 2004]
Student Code Critique Competition 31.
David A. Caabeiro.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Caabeiro, 2005]
Student Code Critique Competition 32.
David A. Caabeiro.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Caabeiro, 2005]
Student Code Critique Competition 33.
David A. Caabeiro.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Cargill, 1996]
Software Engineers Toolbox.
Ian Cargill.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Cargill, 1996]
Software Engineers Toolbox.
Ian Cargill.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Carradus, 2000]
The Development of a BBC BASIC to Acorn ANSI C Translator.
Martin Carradus.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 44.
Roger Orr, John Appleby-Alis, Calum Grant, David Carter-Hitchin, Balog Pál, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(1):22-28, February 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2007]
Publicity Officer.
David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):39-40, June 2007.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2007]
New ACCU Group On LinkedIn.
David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(6):30, December 2007.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2007]
Publicity Officer Report.
David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(6):32, December 2007.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2008]
Publicity Officer Report.
David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 20(1):27, February 2008.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 50.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 20(1):22-24, February 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Carter-Hitchin, 2008]
Publicity Officer.
David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 20(3):39, June 2008.

[Catterson, 2002]
What is a Hash Table?.
Victoria Catterson.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Cesaro, 1987]
The Italian Connection.
Massimo Cesaro.
C Vu, 1(1):19, October 1987.
News of the Italian CUG.

[Chaiken, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Paul Floyd, Alison Chaiken.
C Vu, 36(6):14-15, January 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Charlton, 2010]
Lazy Initialisation of Shared Resources.
Iain Charlton.
C Vu, 22(2):12-17, May 2010.
Iain Charlton looks at managing object lifetime from birth to death and beyond.

[Charney, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Charney, 2000]
From The Silicon Valley.
Reg. Charney.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Cheng, 2002]
Members' Experiences.
Harry H. Cheng.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Clare, 2004]
Comment on “Problem 11”.
Bill Clare.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Clark, 2017]
Good Intentions.
R. Brian Clark.
C Vu, 29(5):10, November 2017.
R. Brian Clark proves that sometimes tomorrow does eventually come.

[Clatworthy, 2007]
Distributed Version Control Systems.
Ian Clatworthy.
C Vu, 19(6):5-8, December 2007.
Ian Clatworthy describes the why and how of DVCS.

[Clipsham, 2012]
Getting More Fiber In Your Diet.
Robert Clipsham.
C Vu, 23(6):6-9, January 2012.
Robert Clipsham shows the benefits of fibers in D.

[Colin Gloster, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Paul Colin Gloster, Pete Goodliffe, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 22(2):29-32, May 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Colin Paul Gloster, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 21(5):38, November 2009.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Collier, 2000]
The Wall.
Edward Collier.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Collier, 2000]
The Wall.
Edward Collier.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Collings, 1998]
A Little Bit of Humour for a Monday Morning.
Paul Collings.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Collings, 1999]
ISBN Numbers.
Paul Collings.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Collings, 1999]
COMMENTS- A Personal Perspective.
Paul Collings.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Collyer, 2019]
Who Are You Calling Weak?.
Spencer Collyer.
C Vu, 31(3):4-7, July 2019.
Spencer Collyer muses on the surprising strength of weak_ptrs.

[Collyer, 2022]
Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Spencer Collyer, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(3):8-10, July 2022.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 10 and sets a new challenge for new time.

[Collyer, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd, Spencer Collyer.
C Vu, 34(3):17-19, July 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Comeau, 2001]
The Etymology of Comeau C/C++.
Greg Comeau.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Cooper, 2002]
How to Raise the Dead.
Mark Cooper.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Cordell, 2017]
A Glint of Ruby.
Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 29(4):7-9, September 2017.
Pete Cordell shares his experience with learning a new scripting language.

[Cordell, 2019]
C++ Tagged Reference Types.
Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 30(6):7, January 2019.
Pete Cordell proposes an extension to C++ move syntax.

[Cordell, 2019]
Exodep : A Simple External Dependency Refresher.
Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 31(5):5-7, November 2019.
Pete Cordell introduces a library dependency tool for C++ projects.

[Cordell, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 121.
Roger Orr, Pete Cordell, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 31(6):14-17, January 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Cordell, 2022]
LOON – Line Oriented Object Notation.
Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 34(4):6-7, September 2022.
Pete Cordell describes a lean and straightforward text format for configuration.

[Cordell, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 36(1):14-16, March 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Cordell, 2024]
Private but not Hidden.
Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 36(5):8, November 2024.
Pete Cordell shares his thoughts on the order of class members.

[Corfield, 2017]
I Can't Think Fast Enough in a Coding Interview.
Sean Corfield.
C Vu, 29(2):7, May 2017.
Sean Corfield shares his thoughts on the technical interview process.

[Cornish, 1999]
The Journey - from accu.general May 1999.
Steve Cornish.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Cornish, 1999]
The Journey.
Steve Cornish.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Cornish, 2000]
Java Parameter Semantics.
Steve Cornish.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Cornish, 2001]
To Certify or not to Certify?.
Steve Cornish.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Corrick, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Stephen Jackson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 24(4):31-32, September 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Corrick, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Stefan Turalski, Alex Paterson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 25(4):19-20, September 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Court, 2001]
Your Letters - The Editor's Replies.
Richard Court.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Crickett, 1999]
If your going to use it, learn it!.
John Crickett.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Crickett, 2000]
Java Q & A.
John Crickett.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Crickett, 2001]
Getting Started with J2EE.
John Crickett.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Crickett, 2001]
An Introduction to Personal Java.
John Crickett.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Cridland, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Crispin, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Lisa Crispin.
C Vu, 24(2):18-19, May 2012.
Lisa Crispin is marooned on the island.

[Crouch, 2004]
Letters to the Editor.
Peter Crouch.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Crowe, 2009]
Regaining Control Over Objects Through Constructor Hiding.
Mike Crowe.
C Vu, 20(6):33-35, January 2009.
Mike Crowe describes an alternative form of object construction.

[Dalgarno, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Dalgarno, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Daniels, 2020]
View from the Chair.
Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 32(5):20, November 2020.

[Daniels, 2021]
View from the Chair.
Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 32(6):24, January 2021.

[Daniels, 2021]
View from the Chair.
Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 33(1):20, March 2021.

[Daniels, 2022]
Homework Challenge 9.
Francis Glassborow, Gary Taverner, Rev'd Dr James Handley, James Holland, Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 34(1):16-21, March 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 9.

[Daniels, 2021]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 33(2):16, May 2021.

[Daniels, 2021]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 33(3):20, July 2021.

[Daniels, 2021]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 33(4):24, September 2021.

[Daniels, 2021]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 33(5):20, November 2021.

[Daniels, 2022]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 33(6):24, January 2022.

[Daniels, 2022]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 34(1):24, March 2022.

[Daniels, 2022]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 34(2):24, May 2022.

[Daniels, 2022]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 34(3):20, July 2022.

[Daniels, 2022]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 34(4):32, September 2022.

[Daniels, 2022]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 34(5):32, November 2022.

[Daniels, 2023]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 34(6):16, January 2023.

[Daniels, 2023]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 35(1):24, March 2023.

[Daniels, 2023]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 35(2):16, May 2023.

[Daniels, 2023]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 35(3):24, July 2023.

[Daniels, 2023]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 35(4):20, September 2023.

[Daniels, 2023]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 35(5):24, November 2023.

[Daniels, 2024]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 35(6):12, January 2024.

[Daniels, 2024]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 36(1):16, March 2024.

[Daniels, 2024]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 36(2):16, May 2024.

[Daniels, 2024]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 36(3):20, July 2024.

[Daniels, 2024]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 36(4):20, September 2024.

[Daniels, 2024]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 36(5):20, November 2024.

[Daniels, 2025]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 36(6):20, January 2025.

[Daniels, 2025]
View from the Chair.
Geoffrey Daniels.
C Vu, 37(1):20, March 2025.

[Davidson, 2018]
Standards Report.
Emyr Williams, Guy Davidson, Roger Orr.
C Vu, 29(6):18-19, January 2018.
Emyr Williams updates us on the latest in C++ standardisation.

[Davidson, 2019]
The Standards Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 31(3):16, July 2019.
Guy Davidson introduces himself as the new Standards Officer and makes his first report.

[Davidson, 2019]
The Standards Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 31(4):7, September 2019.
Guy Davidson provides his latest report.

[Davidson, 2019]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 31(5):10, November 2019.
Guy Davidson reports from the C++ Standards Committee.

[Davidson, 2020]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 31(6):18, January 2020.
Guy Davidson reports from the C++ Standards Committee.

[Davidson, 2020]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 32(1):18, March 2020.
Guy Davidson reports from the C++ Standards Committee.

[Davidson, 2020]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 32(2):13, May 2020.
Guy Davidson reports on the changes that have been brought about as a result of the CoViD-19 pandemic.

[Davidson, 2020]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 32(3):12, July 2020.
Guy Davidson reports on the latest developments.

[Davidson, 2020]
The Standards Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 32(4):13, September 2020.
Guy Davidson talks about executors and their journey towards acceptance into the standard.

[Davidson, 2021]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 32(6):20, January 2021.
Guy Davidson reviews the progress made in 2020.

[Davidson, 2021]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 33(2):9, May 2021.
Guy Davidson reports on the latest developments for C++23.

[Davidson, 2021]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 33(3):6, July 2021.
Guy Davidson updates us on the latest discussions.

[Davidson, 2021]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 33(5):7-8, November 2021.
Guy Davidson reports on the latest proposals for C++.

[Davidson, 2022]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 33(6):11, January 2022.
Guy Davidson reports on the latest proposals, which are talking about executors. Again.

[Davidson, 2022]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 34(1):10, March 2022.
Guy Davidson brings us the latest C++ Standards news.

[Davidson, 2022]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 34(2):14, May 2022.
Guy Davidson looks at the direction of the C++ Standard.

[Davidson, 2022]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 34(3):11-12, July 2022.
Guy Davidson brings news from the C++ Standards Committee.

[Davidson, 2022]
Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 34(4):10, September 2022.
Guy Davidson brings us the latest on the standard.

[Davidson, 2022]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 34(5):28-29, November 2022.
Guy Davidson reports on a selection of the latest proposals to be included in C++.

[Davidson, 2023]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 34(6):14-15, January 2023.
Guy Davidson reports on the recent face-to-face meeting in Hawai’i.

[Davidson, 2023]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 35(2):11-12, May 2023.
Guy Davidson reports on a milestone in the launch of C++23.

[Davidson, 2023]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 35(3):19, July 2023.
Guy Davidson shares the latest news about the C++ standard.

[Davidson, 2023]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 35(4):8, September 2023.
Guy Davidson brings the latest news about the C++ standard.

[Davidson, 2023]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 35(5):14-15, November 2023.
Guy Davidson brings us the latest updates from the world of standard-setting.

[Davidson, 2024]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 36(1):13-14, March 2024.
Guy Davidson reports on the motions discussed at recent Standard meetings.

[Davidson, 2024]
The Standard Report.
Guy Davidson.
C Vu, 36(2):7, May 2024.
Guy Davidson reports from the C++ Standardization efforts.

[Davies, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Davies, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Davies, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Rachel Davies.
C Vu, 22(6):25, January 2011.
Rachel Davies shares her choice of books and music.

[Davis, 2011]
Introduction to std.datetime in D.
Jonathan M. Davis.
C Vu, 23(5):4-9, November 2011.
Jonathan M Davis describes his contribution to Phobos, the D Standard Lib.

[Demin, 2011]
The First Little Step into Test-Driven Development.
Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 23(1):2-7, March 2011.
Alexander Demin takes a good look at Google Test.

[Demin, 2011]
Concurrent Programming in Go.
Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 23(2):12-16, May 2011.
Alexander Demin examines Google’s Go language.

[Demin, 2011]
Perforce Cross-Platform Patcher.
Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 23(3):20-21, July 2011.
Alexander Demin demonstrates a deployment tool for Perforce.

[Demin, 2012]
A Book Turned Me Into A Programmer.
Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 24(1):3, March 2012.
Alexander Demin shares his relationship with the book that got him started.

[Demin, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Paul Grenyer, Guiseppe Vacanti, Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 24(2):26-27, May 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Demin, 2013]
Alexander Demin, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 24(6):27, January 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Dennett, 2002]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Dennett, 2002]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Dennett, 2002]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Dennett, 2002]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Dennett, 2002]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Dennett, 2003]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Dennett, 2003]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Dennett, 2003]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Dennett, 2003]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Dennett, 2003]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Dennett, 2004]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Dennett, 2004]
James Dennett.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Dickens, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Peter Hammond, Stephen Love, Nigel Dickens.
C Vu, 19(4):21-26, August 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Dinacci, 2017]
Astrid Byro, Tim Green, Barry Nichols, Jim Segrave, Marco Dinacci, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):17-18, January 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Disdale, 2000]
The Wall.
Pete Disdale.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Disdale, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 64.
Roger Orr, Matthew Wilson, Paul Stephenson, Pete Disdale, Terry Whiterod, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(3):22-32, July 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Disdale, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 69.
Roger Orr, Pete Disdale.
C Vu, 23(2):19-21, May 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Disdale, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Disdale, 2018]
Report on Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow, Alex Kumaila, Silas S. Brown, Hubert Mathews, Pete Disdale, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(1):27-30, March 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the answers to his last challenge and gives us a new one.

[Disdale, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Dixon, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(3):3-8, June 2007.
Our new gang of four makes C++ more dynamic.

[Dixon, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(4):11-15, August 2007.
Our Gang of Four bless COM with perl.

[Dryden, 1987]
Martyn Dryden.
C Vu, 1(1):7, October 1987.
An introduction to this fascinating adventure writing system.

[Dryden, 1987]
An introduction to ADVSYS.
Martyn Dryden.
C Vu, 1(1):, October 1987.
An introduction to this fascinating adventure\nwriting system.

[Duffill, 2009]
Code Critique Competition 55.
Roger Orr, Ian Bruntlett, Ken Duffill, Robert Jones, Simon Sebright, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(6):37-48, January 2009.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Duffill, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Easterbrook, 2003]
When Worlds Collide.
Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Easterbrook, 2005]
When Worlds Collide 2 - Circuit Switch Telephony and Packet Switch Networks.
Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Easterbrook, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Easterbrook, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Easterbrook, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Easterbrook, 2008]
Simon Sebright, Ian Bruntlett, Colin Paul Gloster, Seb Rose, Mark Easterbrook, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 20(2):25-27, April 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Easterbrook, 2009]
Trouble With Dates.
Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 20(6):8-9, January 2009.
Mark Easterbrook takes us on a date.

[Easterbrook, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 149.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Mark Easterbrook, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 36(4):14-19, September 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Efford, 2008]
Python: New Thinking in the Teaching of Programming.
Nick Efford, Tony Jenkins.
C Vu, 20(5):24-26, November 2008.
Nick Efford and Tony Jenkins recommend Python as a practical first language.

[Eisenhauer, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Eisenhauer, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Eisenhauer, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Eisenhauer, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 120.
Roger Orr, Martin Janzen, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(5):11-15, November 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Eisenhauer, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Elderton, 2007]
Derek Jones, Richard Elderton.
C Vu, 19(3):38-40, June 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Evans, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 48.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Paul Evans.
C Vu, 19(5):24-27, October 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Fagg, 1996]
Understanding Windows (8).
Adrian Fagg.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Fagg, 1996]
Understanding Windows (9).
Adrian Fagg.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Fagg, 1998]
Life Stories.
Adrian Fagg.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Fagg, 1998]
Adrian Fagg.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Fagg, 1999]
Multithreading (2).
Adrian Fagg.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Fahller, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Falconer, 2015]
Functional Programming in C++.
Richard Falconer.
C Vu, 27(5):19-20, November 2015.
Richard Falconer reports on an ACCU talk by Kevlin Henney.

[Farlow, 2009]
Exception Handling in C++.
Andy Farlow.
C Vu, 20(6):10-13, January 2009.
Andy Farlow demystifies C++ exceptions.

[Farnsworth, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Filina, 2016]
Anna Filina, Clint Swigart.
C Vu, 28(5):13, November 2016.
ACCU member Clint Swigart speaks at a multi-discipline conference in Canada.

[Findlay, 2005]
Introduction to Tcl/Tk.
R D Findlay.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Findlay, 2005]
Introduction to Tcl/Tk: Part 2.
R D Findlay.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Finking, 2008]
Let the Machine Debug For You.
Robert Finking.
C Vu, 20(5):13-16, November 2008.
Robert Finking takes stock of code analysis techniques.

[Fishburne, 2000]
Writing For Publication in the Real World.
Brett Fishburne.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Fishburne, 2000]
Iteractive Development - Prologue.
Brett Fishburne.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Fishburne, 2000]
Building the Hexes.
Brett Fishburne.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Fishburne, 2000]
Building the Board.
Brett Fishburne.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Fishburne, 2000]
Building the Board (part II).
Brett Fishburne.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Floyd, 2010]
A Comparison of Boolean Flags.
Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 22(5):6-8, November 2010.
Paul Floyd compares different ways of representing flags in C++.

[Floyd, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 66.
Roger Orr, Huw Lewis, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 22(5):14-17, November 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Floyd, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(6):30-32, January 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Joes Staal, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 23(2):23-24, May 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 72.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Peter Sommerlad, Balog Pál, Huw Lewis, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(5):21-27, November 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2012]
Paul Floyd, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 24(1):30-31, March 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Paul Grenyer, Guiseppe Vacanti, Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 24(2):26-27, May 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 76.
Roger Orr, jingyu_chen, Paul Floyd, Helmut Wais, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 24(3):24-29, July 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 77.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(4):25-29, September 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Floyd, Chris Oldwood, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(5):28-30, November 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2013]
Alexander Demin, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 24(6):27, January 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 83.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Phil Nash, Peter Sommerlad, Mirko Stocker, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(4):13-16, September 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 26(2):15-16, May 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 90.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Marcel Marré.
C Vu, 26(5):15-19, November 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2015]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr, Tom Björkholm, Simon Brand, Jim Segrave, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 27(2):23-, May 2015.
Competition 93 and the answers to 92.

[Floyd, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Floyd, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 94.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(3):17-21, July 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 98.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(1):19-22, March 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 99.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(2):13-15, May 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 102.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Simon Sebright, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 28(5):14-19, November 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 103.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(6):12-16, January 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 109.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(6):11-16, January 2018.
The results from the last competition and the details of the latest.

[Floyd, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 110.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Paul Floyd, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(1):15-26, March 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 111.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Balog Pál, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(2):15-22, May 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett, Daniel James, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 31(3):17-19, July 2019.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 31(4):15, September 2019.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 122.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Ovidiu Parvu, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 32(1):11-17, March 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(1):19, March 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Daniel James, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(2):21-23, May 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 126.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(5):13-17, November 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 127.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Robin Williams, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(6):10-19, January 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(1):17-19, March 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(3):18-19, July 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 133.
Roger Orr, Stewart Becker, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(6):12-16, January 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 134.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(1):11-15, March 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd, Spencer Collyer.
C Vu, 34(3):17-19, July 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Aschwin Marsman, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(4):30-31, September 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 139.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(6):9-11, January 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Emyr Williams, Anthony Williams, Alan R. Griffiths, Paul Floyd, Stephan Wiesenhuetter.
C Vu, 35(1):19-23, March 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 141.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(2):7-11, May 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 35(3):22-23, July 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 143.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(4):9-13, September 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 35(4):17-19, September 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):16-21, November 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(6):7-10, January 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 35(6):11-12, January 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 146.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Martin Janzen, Wayne Price, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(1):8-10, March 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Pete Cordell.
C Vu, 36(1):14-16, March 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 147.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Graham Patterson, Herman Pijl, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 36(2):8-11, May 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 148.
Roger Orr, Manlio Morini, Paul Floyd, James Holland, William Grace.
C Vu, 36(3):9-14, July 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 151.
Roger Orr, Laurent Perato, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(6):7-9, January 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Paul Floyd, Alison Chaiken.
C Vu, 36(6):14-15, January 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 152.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):12-16, March 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Floyd, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Anthony Williams.
C Vu, 37(1):18-20, March 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Floyd, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Aschwin Marsman, Paul J. Floyd.
C Vu, 35(2):15-16, May 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Folly, 2015]
Code Club.
Steve Folly.
C Vu, 27(3):11-12, July 2015.
Steve Folly shares his experiences with volunteering and teaching children coding.

[Foord, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Forbes, 1988]
Minix - Early Notes.
Don Forbes.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Forti, 2007]
Introduction to Lua.
Renato Forti.
C Vu, 19(4):16-18, August 2007.
Renato Forti introduces another scripting language.

[Forti, 2007]
Embedding Lua into a C++ Application.
Renato Forti.
C Vu, 19(6):16-20, December 2007.
Renato Forti demonstrates Lua with a tutorial.

[Forti, 2008]
Garbage Collection in C and C++.
Renato Forti.
C Vu, 20(3):3-6, June 2008.
Renato Forti provides automatic dynamic memory management for C and C++

[Fraser, 2010]
Implication Assert.
John Fraser.
C Vu, 22(3):13-14, July 2010.
John Fraser describes a novel use of assert.

[Freeman, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Fritzsche, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Albrecht Fritzsche.
C Vu, 19(6):31, December 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Fritzsche, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, Albrecht Fritzsche, Tom Hughes, John Lear.
C Vu, 20(1):25-28, February 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Frogley, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Frogley, 2000]
The Wall.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Frogley, 2001]
ACCU Spring Conference 2001 Roundup.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Frogley, 2003]
ACCU Spring Conference 2003 Roundup.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Frogley, 2003]
Mac OS X Tech Talk Tour:.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Frogley, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Frogley, 2009]
Containment During Subdivision.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 20(6):24, January 2009.
Thaddaeus Frogley tries to find the point.

[Frogley, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 65.
Roger Orr, Thaddaeus Frogley, Richard Polton, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(4):17-20, September 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Frogley, 2015]
What Do People Do All Day?.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 27(1):11-12, March 2015.
Thaddaeus Frogley shares his day to day activities as a games programmer.

[Frogley, 2015]
Refactoring Guided by Duplo.
Thaddaeus Frogley.
C Vu, 27(4):4-5, September 2015.
Thaddaeus Frogley gets to grips with duplicated code.

[Fury, 2014]
Where Linq Contains a Defect.
Glen Fury.
C Vu, 26(1):3-6, March 2014.
Glen Fury shares his investigation of a hidden defect.

[Gale, 2003]
Learning C++: A Student's Perspective.
James Gale.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Garnepudi, 2017]
Myths about ‘Big Data’.
Reginald Garnepudi.
C Vu, 29(2):4, May 2017.
Reginald Garnepudi dispels some of the hype around one popular technology.

[Gaunard, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 96.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Gareth Ansell, Matthew Wilson, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(5):21-26, November 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Gaunard, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 98.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(1):19-22, March 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Gibbs, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Gieriet, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 12.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Graham Paterson, Andrea Gieriet, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(5):18-23, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Gieriet, 2018]
On Francis’s Challenge #4.
Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 30(4):6-10, September 2018.
Andreas Gieriet presents his solution (ab-)using expression- and jump-statements.

[Gieriet, 2021]
Homework Challenge.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Andreas Gieriet, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(5):13-19, November 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 6 and sets Challenge 7.

[Gieriet, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 7.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 33(6):17-22, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the solutions to the last challenge.

[Gieriet, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 22.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Andreas Gieriet, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):15-18, July 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next one.

[Gilbert, 2015]
What do people do all day?.
Christopher Gilbert.
C Vu, 27(4):23-24, September 2015.
Christopher Gilbert shares his routine in a software house.

[Glassborow, 1996]
Taking A Chance.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Glassborow, 1996]
Surreal Numbers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Glassborow, 1996]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Glassborow, 1998]
You Write - The Editor Replies.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Glassborow, 1998]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Glassborow, 1998]
Members' Experiences.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Glassborow, 1998]
Featured Publication Roundup.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Glassborow, 1998]
Agents & Agencies.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Glassborow, 1998]
Time for Change.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Glassborow, 1998]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Glassborow, 1999]
You Write - The Editor Responds.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Tommy Flowers - Obituary.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Sources on the Internet.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Members' Experiences.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Trial & Error.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Dilbert Quotes.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
You Write - The Editor Replies.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Web Sites to Review.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
The Proposal from Centaur Communications Ltd.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
TXNUL, A reprise.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Bits & Pieces.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Being Silly?.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
All You Need to Know About enums.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
You Write, The Editor Replies.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Web Sites to Review.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Other Periodicals.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Members Experiences.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Learning to Program.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Syntax v Semantics Part 1.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Other Publications.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Experiences of Graphic Role Playing Games.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Civic Duty.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Code Review.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
16 Web Sites to Review.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Seductive Tips.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Members Experiences.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
ISBNs Revisited.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 1999]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Student Code Critique.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Questions & Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Questions and Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Questions and Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Interactive Project.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Adding Enumerators.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Questions and Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Student Code Critique Competition 5.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Questions and Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Student Code Critique Competition 6.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Glassborow, 2000]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Questions and Answers.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Nathan Briggs, Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Student Code Critique Competition 10.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Student Code Critique Competition 11.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(4):, August 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(4):, August 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Student Code Critique Competition 12.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Student Code Critique Competition 13.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Glassborow, 2001]
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Student Code Critique.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Glassborow, 2002]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Student Code Critique Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Glassborow, 2003]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Student Code Critique Competition 26.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.
This item is part of the Dialogue section of C Vu, which is intended to designate it as an item where reader interaction is particularly important. Readers’ comments and criticisms of published entries\nare always welcome.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Francis’ Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Student Code Critique Competition 27.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Glassborow, 2004]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Glassborow, 2005]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Glassborow, 2005]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Glassborow, 2005]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Glassborow, 2005]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Glassborow, 2005]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Glassborow, 2006]
Francis' Scribbles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 18(1):, February 2006.

[Glassborow, 2011]
All from a Telephone Call.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 23(3):8-9, July 2011.
Francis Glassborow reflects on the origins of ACCU.

[Glassborow, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Francis Glassborow, Derek Jones.
C Vu, 24(1):29-30, March 2012.
Francis Glassborow maroons Derek Jones on our desert island.

[Glassborow, 2012]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 24(3):30-32, July 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Glassborow, 2017]
ACCU Oxford - 28 March 2017.
Tim Pizey, Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 29(2):14, May 2017.
Frances Buontempo talked about Actual Intelligence, and a few people wrote about the evening.

[Glassborow, 2017]
Learning Other Languages.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 29(3):6, July 2017.
Francis Glassborow considers natural and computer languages as tools of communication.

[Glassborow, 2017]
A New Competition.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 29(4):18, September 2017.
Francis Glassborow presents a new challenge for CVu readers.

[Glassborow, 2017]
ACCU - The Early Days (Part 1).
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 29(5):9, November 2017.
Francis Glassborow recalls how the ACCU came about.

[Glassborow, 2018]
Programmers’ Puzzles.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 29(6):9-10, January 2018.
Francis Glassborow shares the results of the previous puzzle and outlines the next.

[Glassborow, 2018]
Report on Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow, Alex Kumaila, Silas S. Brown, Hubert Mathews, Pete Disdale, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(1):27-30, March 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the answers to his last challenge and gives us a new one.

[Glassborow, 2018]
ACCU: The Early Days (Part 2).
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 30(2):6, May 2018.
Francis Glassborow continues his look at the history of ACCU.

[Glassborow, 2018]
Program Challenge Report 3 and Challenge 4.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(3):21-23, July 2018.
Francis Glassborow comments on his last challenge and presents a new one.

[Glassborow, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Glassborow, 2019]
Report on Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 30(6):22-23, January 2019.
Francis Glassborow comments on his previous challenge, and provides a new puzzle.

[Glassborow, 2019]
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(2):20-22, May 2019.
Francis Glassborow revisits old challenges and sets a new one.

[Glassborow, 2019]
The Early Days of C++ in UK C User Groups.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 31(3):8, July 2019.
Francis Glassborow looks back on the formation of the ACCU.

[Glassborow, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 123.
Roger Orr, Francis Glassborow, Ovidiu Parvu, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, James Holland.
C Vu, 32(2):14-21, May 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Glassborow, 2020]
Homework Challenge 1.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 32(5):17, November 2020.
Francis Glassborow sets us some homework.

[Glassborow, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 32(5):18-20, November 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Beman Dawes 17th February 1941 – 1st December 2020.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 32(6):5, January 2021.
Francis Glassborow pays tribute to a friend and colleague.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Homework Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 32(6):21, January 2021.
Francis Glassborow introduces a new challenge.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Russel Winder 1955/12/30 – 2021/1/23.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 33(1):7-11, March 2021.
Francis Glassborow shares his memories, and those of just a few of Russel’s friends.

[Glassborow, 2021]
The Human Faces of Programming.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 33(1):15, March 2021.
Francis Glassborow invites you to get to know each other better.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Homework Challenge 3.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 33(1):16, March 2021.
Francis Glassborow sets another challenge.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Homework Challenge 4.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 33(2):10, May 2021.
Francis Glassborow sets another homework challenge.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Homework Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tim Kent, Tony McClelland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(3):14-17, July 2021.
Francis Glassborow collects responses to the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Glassborow, 2021]
The Meanings of Words (Part 1).
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 33(4):6, September 2021.
Francis Glassborow reflects on the jargon we use routinely.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Homework Challenge 6.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(4):14-17, September 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 5 and sets the next one.

[Glassborow, 2021]
The Meanings of Words (Part 2): References.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 33(5):6-7, November 2021.
Francis Glassborow continues his study of jargon.

[Glassborow, 2021]
Homework Challenge.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Andreas Gieriet, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(5):13-19, November 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 6 and sets Challenge 7.

[Glassborow, 2022]
The Meanings of Words (Part 3): Function and Procedure.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 33(6):6-7, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow continues his series on terms and terminology.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 7.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 33(6):17-22, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the solutions to the last challenge.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Emyr Williams, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(6):22-24, January 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Names, Keywords, et alia.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 34(1):8-9, March 2022.
Francis Glassborow explores the importance of names and identifiers.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Homework Challenge 9.
Francis Glassborow, Gary Taverner, Rev'd Dr James Handley, James Holland, Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 34(1):16-21, March 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 9.

[Glassborow, 2022]
The Meanings of Words – Part 5.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 34(2):8-9, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow continues his examination of our techincal jargon.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Meanings of Words – Part 6.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 34(3):5-6, July 2022.
Francis Glassborow looks at Assembler and Assembly in this installment.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Spencer Collyer, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(3):8-10, July 2022.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 10 and sets a new challenge for new time.

[Glassborow, 2022]
The Meaning of Words Part 7: Interpreter, Compiler and Translator.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 34(4):7-9, September 2022.
Francis Glassborow continues his examination of computing jargon.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(4):11-16, September 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the submissions for the last homework and sets a new challenge.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Meaning of Words – Part 8: Assemblers, Translators and Compilers Revisited.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 34(5):7-8, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow looks again at these computing terms.

[Glassborow, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 12.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Graham Paterson, Andrea Gieriet, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(5):18-23, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Glassborow, 2023]
The Meaning of Words – Part 9: Libraries, Linkers and Loaders.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 34(6):4-5, January 2023.
Francis Glassborow explores another set of computing terms.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 13.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(6):12-14, January 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Meaning of Words: A Diversion.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 35(1):6-7, March 2023.
Francis Glassborow looks at the language of climate science and gets some help with last edition’s column.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 14.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tony McClelland.
C Vu, 35(1):16-18, March 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Meanings of Words: Paradigm and Paradigm Shift.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 35(2):3, May 2023.
Francis Glassborow examines another common term.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 15.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(2):12-14, May 2023.
Francis Glassborow sets the next challenge.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Meaning of Words: Code versus Cypher.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 35(3):11, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow examines some more definitions.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 16.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, Dvir Yitzchaki, Tony McClelland, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(3):14-18, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow shares the solution to the last challenge and sets the next.

[Glassborow, 2023]
The Meaning of Words: Artificial Intelligence.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 35(4):6-7, September 2023.
Francis Glassborow dissects this common term before consulting an expert.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 17.
Francis Glassborow, Tim Kent, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(4):14-16, September 2023.
Francis Glassborow reviews the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Glassborow, 2023]
APL and ChatGPT.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 35(5):7-9, November 2023.
Francis Glassborow critiques the AI-generated APL code from the previous issue.

[Glassborow, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 18.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):21-23, November 2023.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions from last time, and sets a new challenge.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Operator versus Function.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 35(6):3-4, January 2024.
Francis Glassborow continues his ‘Meaning of Words’ series, linking it to a new topic of less-known languages.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 19.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(6):5-7, January 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the challenge set in the last issue, and sets a new one.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Assumptions and Representations.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(1):6-7, March 2024.
Francis Glassborow turns his eye to things we commonly take for granted.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 20.
Francis Glassborow, Luc Valade, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(1):11-13, March 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Array Thinking.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(2):5-6, May 2024.
Francis Glassborow ponders an unappreciated aspect of modern programming.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 21.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Daniel James.
C Vu, 36(2):12-14, May 2024.
Francis Glassborow reviews the replies to the previous problem and sets a new challenge.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Learning Prolog (at last).
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(3):4-5, July 2024.
Francis Glassborow sets off on another programming language journey.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 22.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Andreas Gieriet, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):15-18, July 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next one.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Arithmetic in Prolog.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(4):5-6, September 2024.
Francis Glassborow continues his journey.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 23.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(4):11-13, September 2024.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Glassborow, 2024]
User Defined Operators.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(5):4-5, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow shares what he has learned about user-defined operators.

[Glassborow, 2024]
Thomas Schunior Plum (1943/09/08 – 2024/02/29).
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(5):10, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow remembers….

[Glassborow, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 24.
Francis Glassborow, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):11-14, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Glassborow, 2025]
Language Learning.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 36(6):3, January 2025.
Francis Glassborow discovers a new resource to indulge his passion for [learning] languages.

[Glassborow, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 25.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Robin Williams, Jan Eric Breimo.
C Vu, 36(6):10-13, January 2025.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Glassborow, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Paul Floyd, Alison Chaiken.
C Vu, 36(6):14-15, January 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Glassborow, 2025]
A Small Language: Octave.
Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 37(1):9-10, March 2025.
Francis Glassborow introduces us to a small specialist language developed in 1994.

[Glassborow, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 26.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):17-18, March 2025.
Francis Glassborow reviews another challenge.

[Gloster, 2000]
The Wall.
Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Gloster, 2000]
The Wall.
Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Gloster, 2000]
The Wall.
Colin Paul Gloster, Al Stevens.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Gloster, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, Albrecht Fritzsche, Tom Hughes, John Lear.
C Vu, 20(1):25-28, February 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Gloster, 2008]
Simon Sebright, Ian Bruntlett, Colin Paul Gloster, Seb Rose, Mark Easterbrook, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 20(2):25-27, April 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Gloster, 2008]
Omar Bashir, Colin Paul Gloster, Ivan Uemliani.
C Vu, 20(3):37-40, June 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Gloster, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, John Penney, Giuseppe Vacanti, Ian Bruntlett, Seb Rose, Rob Jones.
C Vu, 20(4):22-24, August 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Gloster, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Gloster, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Gail Ollis, Pete Goodliffe, Giuseppe Vacanti, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(6):44-48, January 2009.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Gloster, 2000]
Quantum Computing.
Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Gloster, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Golaszewski, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Goldthwaite, 1999]
Programmer Collectives.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Goldthwaite, 1999]
Floppy Keyboard.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Goldthwaite, 1999]
You Write, the Editor Replies.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Goldthwaite, 2007]
Standards Report.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 19(1):21, February 2007.
Lois Goldthwaite brings news from the C standard committee.

[Goldthwaite, 2007]
Standards Report.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 19(2):30, April 2007.
Lois Goldthwaite brings news from the C standard committee.

[Goldthwaite, 2007]
Standard Report.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 19(3):28, June 2007.
Lois Goldthwaite brings news from the C standard committee.

[Goldthwaite, 2007]
Standards Report.
Lois Goldthwaite.
C Vu, 19(4):19, August 2007.
Lois Goldthwaite brings news from the recent WG21 meeting in Toronto.

[Golodetz, 2008]
Beyond Programming.
Stuart Golodetz.
C Vu, 20(5):6-7, November 2008.
Stuart Golodetz addresses the challenges of working in a research environment.

[Goodliffe, 2000]
Professionalism in Programming Part 1.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Goodliffe, 2000]
Adding Polymorphic Classes to the Anthem 'threads' Model.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Goodliffe, 2000]
Professionalism in programming.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Goodliffe, 2000]
Professionalism in programming Part 3.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Goodliffe, 2000]
Professionalism in programming Part 4.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Goodliffe, 2000]
Professionalism in Programming #5.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Goodliffe, 2001]
Professionalism in Programming Part 6.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Goodliffe, 2001]
Professionalism in Programming #7.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Goodliffe, 2001]
Professionalism in Programming #8.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Goodliffe, 2001]
Professionalism in Programming #9.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 13(4):, August 2001.

[Goodliffe, 2001]
Professionalism in Programming #10.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Goodliffe, 2001]
Professionalism in Programming #11.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Goodliffe, 2002]
Professionalism in Programming #12.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Goodliffe, 2002]
The Wall - Your Letters etc..
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Goodliffe, 2002]
Professionalism in Programming #13.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Goodliffe, 2002]
Professionalism in Programming #14.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Goodliffe, 2002]
Professionalism in Programming #15.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Goodliffe, 2002]
Professionalism in Programming #16.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Goodliffe, 2003]
Professionalism in Programming #19.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Goodliffe, 2003]
Professionalism in Programming #20.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Goodliffe, 2003]
Professionalism in Programming #21.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Goodliffe, 2003]
Professionalism in Programming #22.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Goodliffe, 2003]
Professionalism in Programming #23.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
Professionalism in Programming #24.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
Professionalism in Programming #25.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
The ACCU Conference 2004.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
Professionalism in Programming #26.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
Professionalism in Programming #27.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
Professionalism in Programming #28.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2004]
Professionalism in Programming #29.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
Professionalism in Programming #30.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
Professionalism in Programming #31.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
A Subversion Primer.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
Professionalism in Programming #32.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
ACCU Conference 2005.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
ACCU 2004 Article Writing Competition.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
Professionalism in Programming #33.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
Professionalism in Programming #34.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2005]
Professionalism in Programming #35.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Professionalism in Programming #42: Programming is….
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 19(1):3-4, February 2007.
Pete Goodliffe has a surprise revelation about programming and monogamy.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Professionalism in Programming #43: Playing by the Rules.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 19(2):9-11, April 2007.
Pete Goodliffe describes the rules that help him to play the programming game.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Professionalism in Programming #44: How ‘professional’ are you?.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 19(3):12-14, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe helps us to work out our skill level.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Professionalism in Programming #45: Please release me.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 19(4):3-5, August 2007.
Pete Goodliffe helps us to “let go”.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Professionalism in Programming #45: Please release Me #2.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 19(5):10-12, October 2007.
Pete Goodliffe continues to throw his software out the door.

[Goodliffe, 2007]
Professionalism in Programming #46: Programming Posers.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 19(6):3-4, December 2007.
Pete Goodliffe helps us to adopt the position.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
Professionalism in Programming #48: An Introduction To Town Planning.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(1):3-4, February 2008.
Pete Goodliffe exposes war wounds and constrasts software designs.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
Professionalism in Programming #49: The Town Planner's Triumph.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(2):3-5, April 2008.
Pete Goodliffe concludes his mini-series on software design.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
Professionalism in Programming #50: Write Less Code!.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):6-9, June 2008.
Pete Goodliffe implores us to produce less code for the sake of our software.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Steve Love, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):36, June 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
Professionalism in Programming #51: Restaurant C++ and Pidgin Python.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(4):6-8, August 2008.
Pete Goodlife asks us to understand the idiosyncrasies of the languages we’re working in.

[Goodliffe, 2008]
Professionalism in Programming #52: This ‘Software’ Stuff.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(5):8-9, November 2008.
Pete Goodliffe takes a peek into a sweet can of software development. And it’s not fizzy.

[Goodliffe, 2009]
Professionalism in Programming #53: This ‘Software’ Stuff, Part 2.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(6):19-20, January 2009.
Pete Goodliffe continues to unravel the meaning of (a programmer’s) life

[Goodliffe, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Gail Ollis, Pete Goodliffe, Giuseppe Vacanti, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(6):44-48, January 2009.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Goodliffe, 2009]
Respect the Software Release Process.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 21(5):3, November 2009.
Pete Goodliffe implores us to take the ‘last step’ carefully.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Live to Love to Learn.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 21(6):21-22, January 2010.
Pete Goodliffe begins a journey of self-improvement.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Live to Love to Learn (Part 2).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(1):3-6, March 2010.
Pete Goodliffe continues his journey of self-improvement.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Live to Love to Learn (Part 3).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(2):8-10, May 2010.
Pete Goodliffe concludes his journey of self-improvement.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(2):19-20, May 2010.
Paul Grenyer drops Pete Goodliffe on the island.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Paul Colin Gloster, Pete Goodliffe, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 22(2):29-32, May 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Software Development in 2010.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(3):8, July 2010.
Pete Goodliffe helps shows us how to develop winning software.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
People Power.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(4):3-4, September 2010.
Pete Goodliffe shows us how to become better programmers.

[Goodliffe, 2010]
This Time I’ve Got It...
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(5):10-11, November 2010.
Pete Goodliffe tells us a story of stress, short-sightedness, and solutions.

[Goodliffe, 2011]
When It’s Done, It’s Done.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(6):5-7, January 2011.
Pete Goodliffe implores us to stop. When it’s time to.

[Goodliffe, 2011]
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 23(1):8, March 2011.
Pete Goodliffe crafts one manifesto to rule them all.

[Goodliffe, 2011]
Relish the Challenge.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 23(2):16-17, May 2011.
Pete Goodliffe encourages us to seek out a new challenge.

[Goodliffe, 2011]
It’s The Thought That Accounts.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 23(3):3-4, July 2011.
Pete Goodliffe encourages us to craft great code. Using other people.

[Goodliffe, 2011]
Smarter, Not Harder.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 23(4):15-16, September 2011.
Pete Goodliffe helps us to pick our battles.

[Goodliffe, 2011]
How To Pick Your Programming Language.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 23(5):3, November 2011.
Pete Goodliffe helps us make an important decision.

[Goodliffe, 2012]
Coping with Complexity.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 23(6):3-5, January 2012.
Pete Goodliffe helps us to pick our battles.

[Goodliffe, 2012]
Getting One Past The Goalpost.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 24(1):4-5, March 2012.
Pete Goodliffe explains why the QA team are your friends.

[Goodliffe, 2012]
Our Differences Make Us Stronger.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 24(2):6-8, May 2012.
Pete Goodliffe works with QA to produce great software.

[Goodliffe, 2012]
The Art of Software Development.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 24(3):18-20, July 2012.
Pete Goodliffe vents the modern developer angst.

[Goodliffe, 2012]
The Curious Case of the Frozen Code.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 24(4):3-5, September 2012.
Pete Goodliffe describes the vagaries of the ‘code freeze’.

[Goodliffe, 2012]
The Advanced Coding Test.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 24(5):20-21, November 2012.
Pete Goodliffe drives his point home.

[Goodliffe, 2013]
Navigating a Route.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 24(6):9-10, January 2013.
Pete Goodliffe helps us to work on a new codebase.

[Goodliffe, 2013]
The Art of Software Development.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 25(1):8-9, March 2013.
Pete Goodliffe illustrates development practices. Becoming a Better Programmer # 79.

[Goodliffe, 2013]
Bug Hunting.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 25(2):3-5, May 2013.
Pete Goodliffe implores us to debug effectively.

[Goodliffe, 2013]
The Ghost of a Codebase Past.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 25(3):15-16, July 2013.
Pete Goodliffe leads us down memory lane.

[Goodliffe, 2013]
The Ethical Programmer.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 25(4):3-4, September 2013.
Pete Goodliffe follows his moral compass.

[Goodliffe, 2013]
The Ethical Programmer (Part 2).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 25(5):3-4, November 2013.
Pete Goodliffe acts ethically. Again.

[Goodliffe, 2014]
Speak Up!.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 25(6):3-5, January 2014.
Pete Goodliffe speaks on communication.

[Goodliffe, 2014]
Wallowing in Filth.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 26(1):9-11, March 2014.
Pete Goodliffe sinks into some terrible code.

[Goodliffe, 2014]
An Ode to Code.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 26(2):3, May 2014.
Pete Goodliffe waxes poetic.

[Goodliffe, 2014]
Nothing is Set in Stone.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 26(3):4-6, July 2014.
Pete Goodliffe embraces change.

[Goodliffe, 2014]
Testing Times.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 26(4):3-7, September 2014.
Pete Goodliffe exhorts us to test code effectively.

[Goodliffe, 2014]
Playing By The Rules.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 26(5):3, November 2014.
Pete Goodliffe makes up his own rules.

[Goodliffe, 2015]
Advice for the Young at Heart.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 26(6):5, January 2015.
Pete Goodliffe offers sage advice, and asks you to do the same.

[Goodliffe, 2015]
Coders Causing Conflict.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 27(1):3-5, March 2015.
Pete Goodliffe lights the blue touch paper and retires to a safe distance.

[Goodliffe, 2015]
Wallowing in Filth.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 27(2):3-5, May 2015.
Pete Goodliffe wades into the dreaded cesspit of ‘lowquality code’.

[Goodliffe, 2015]
Coding Dinosaurs.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 27(3):4-5, July 2015.
Pete Goodliffe aims to outlive the jurassic coding age.

[Goodliffe, 2015]
The Very Model of a Model Modern Programmer.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 27(4):3, September 2015.
Pete Goodliffe asks what defines you as a programmer.

[Goodliffe, 2015]
Bug Hunting.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 27(5):3-4, November 2015.
Pete Goodliffe looks for software faults.

[Goodliffe, 2016]
Bug Hunting.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 27(6):3-4, January 2016.
Pete Goodliffe continues the hunt for software faults.

[Goodliffe, 2016]
Software Development Is...
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 28(1):15-17, March 2016.
Pete Goodliffe defines the art, science, craft (and child’s play) of software development.

[Goodliffe, 2016]
Organised Chaos.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 28(2):10-11, May 2016.
Pete Goodliffe explains why organisation is so important.

[Goodliffe, 2016]
The Codealow.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 28(3):5, July 2016.
Pete Goodliffe presents a new software soliloquy.

[Goodliffe, 2016]
Smarter, Not Harder.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 28(4):6-8, September 2016.
Pete Goodliffe tries to solve the right problems the right way.

[Goodliffe, 2016]
Speak Up!.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 28(5):3-4, November 2016.
Pete Goodliffe urges us to speak to the animals (that is, to other developers).

[Goodliffe, 2017]
Speak Up! (Part 2).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 28(6):3-4,7, January 2017.
Pete Goodliffe talks to us about communication.

[Goodliffe, 2017]
On the Defensive.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 29(1):3-7, March 2017.
Pete Goodliffe demonstrates defensive programming techniques for robust code.

[Goodliffe, 2017]
An Ode to Code.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 29(2):3, May 2017.
Pete Goodliffe shares his annual programming practice poem.

[Goodliffe, 2017]
Living Within Constraints.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 29(3):3-4, July 2017.
Pete Goodliffe constrains what's possible in your code.

[Goodliffe, 2017]
Navigating a Route.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 29(4):3-5, September 2017.
Pete Goodliffe helps us work with unfamiliar code.

[Goodliffe, 2017]
Code Aesthetics.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 29(5):3-5, November 2017.
Pete Goodliffe implores us to care (enough) about code beauty.

[Goodliffe, 2018]
Testing Times (Part 1).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 29(6):6-8, January 2018.
Pete Goodliffe explores how to test code to ensure it works as expected.

[Goodliffe, 2018]
Testing Times (Part 2).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 30(1):3-5, March 2018.
Pete Goodliffe continues the journey into software testing.

[Goodliffe, 2018]
The New C++ Interview.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 30(2):7-8, May 2018.
Pete Goodliffe introduces a new way to test programming skills.

[Goodliffe, 2018]
Write Less Code!.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 30(3):3-6, July 2018.
Pete Goodliffe helps us avoid unnecessary lines of code.

[Goodliffe, 2018]
The Ghost of a Codebase Past.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 30(4):3-5, September 2018.
Pete Goodliffe learns lessons by reviewing his own old code.

[Goodliffe, 2018]
Improve Code by Removing It.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 30(5):3-4, November 2018.
Pete Goodliffe takes a scalpel to unnecessary code.

[Goodliffe, 2019]
Effective Software Testing.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 30(6):3-6, January 2019.
Pete Goodliffe describes a healthy software test regimen.

[Goodliffe, 2019]
The Simple Life.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 31(1):3-4, March 2019.
Pete Goodliffe urges us to keep code simple.

[Goodliffe, 2019]
Avoid Stagnation.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 31(2):3-4, May 2019.
Pete Goodliffe cautions us against allowing our programming skills to become stale.

[Goodliffe, 2019]
A Case for Code Reuse.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 31(3):3-4, July 2019.
Pete Goodliffe considers the case for code reuse.

[Goodliffe, 2019]
Attitude, Accomplishment, Artistry.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 31(4):5, September 2019.
Pete Goodliffe looks at our attitude to the code we write.

[Goodliffe, 2019]
Coding Accountability.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 31(5):3-4, November 2019.
Pete Goodliffe looks at how we ensure we’re living up to our own standards.

[Goodliffe, 2020]
Restaurant C++ and Pidgin Python.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 31(6):3-4, January 2020.
Pete Goodliffe looks at the idioms of language.

[Goodliffe, 2020]
The Ethical Programmer.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 32(1):3-5, March 2020.
Pete Goodliffe considers an ethical approach to programming.

[Goodliffe, 2020]
Expect the Unexpected (Part 1).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 32(2):2-5, May 2020.
Pete Goodliffe looks into dealing with the inevitable.

[Goodliffe, 2020]
Expect the Unexpected (Part 2).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 32(3):3-6, July 2020.
Pete Goodliffe continues to deal with the inevitable.

[Goodliffe, 2020]
Relish the Challenge.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 32(4):4-5, September 2020.
Pete Goodliffe challenges us to pick up the gauntlet.

[Goodliffe, 2020]
Expect the Unexpected.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 32(5):6, November 2020.
Pete Goodliffe plans for the worst.

[Goodliffe, 2021]
Coping with Complexity (Part 1).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 33(1):3-4, March 2021.
Pete Goodliffe decomposes complexity.

[Goodliffe, 2021]
Coping with Complexity (Part 2).
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 33(2):3-4, May 2021.
Pete Goodliffe continues to decompose complexity.

[Goodliffe, 2021]
Use Your Brain.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 33(3):3, July 2021.
Pete Goodliffe tells us to use our brains; don’t be stupid!

[Goodliffe, 2021]
The Curious Case of the Frozen Code.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 33(4):3-5, September 2021.
Pete Goodliffe investigates the myth of ‘code freeze’.

[Goodliffe, 2021]
A Love for Languages.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 33(5):3-4, November 2021.
Pete Goodliffe investigates the romance of languages.

[Goodliffe, 2022]
The Write Stuff.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 33(6):3-6, January 2022.
Pete Goodliffe looks at techniques for writing ‘Self-Documenting’ code.

[Goodliffe, 2022]
Coding with Care – Part 1.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 34(1):3-4, March 2022.
Pete Goodliffe investigates the art of ‘defensive programming’.

[Goodliffe, 2022]
Coding with Care – Part 2.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 34(2):3-7, May 2022.
Pete Goodliffe continues his investigation of ‘defensive programming’.

[Goodliffe, 2022]
Code Optimisation – Part 1.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 34(3):3-5, July 2022.
Pete Goodliffe investigates how to optimise programs and write efficient code.

[Goodliffe, 2022]
Code Optimization – Part 2.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 34(4):3-4, September 2022.
Pete Goodliffe continues to investigate program optimization and how to write efficient code.

[Goodliffe, 2022]
Code Optimisation – Part 3.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 34(5):3-6, November 2022.
Pete Goodliffe continues to investigate program optimisation and how to write efficient code.

[Goodliffe, 2023]
The Human Touch.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 34(6):3, January 2023.
Pete Goodliffe looks at the personal side of programming.

[Goodliffe, 2023]
This Software Stuff.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 35(1):3-5, March 2023.
Pete Goodliffe looks at the ingredients of good software and considers the aesthetics of programming.

[Goodliffe, 2023]
Care About The Code.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 35(2):6, May 2023.
Pete Goodliffe entreats us to care. About code.

[Goodliffe, 2023]
Write Less Code!.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 35(3):3-6, July 2023.
Pete Goodliffe reminds us that less is very often more – especially when you’re considering quality.

[Goodliffe, 2023]
The Code Cleaner.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 35(5):5-7, November 2023.
Pete Goodliffe shares some tips for dealing with imperfect code.

[Goodliffe, 2024]
Getting One Past the Goalpost – Part One.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 36(1):3-4, March 2024.
Pete Goodliffe looks at how to work effectively with a QA team.

[Goodliffe, 2024]
Getting One Past the Goalpost – Part Two.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 36(2):3-4, May 2024.
Pete Goodliffe looks at how to work effectively with a QA team.

[Goodliffe, 2024]
Keeping Up Appearances.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 36(4):3-5, September 2024.
Pete Goodliffe cares about what’s skin deep.

[Goodliffe, 2024]
Learning From Your Own Mistakes.
Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 36(5):3-4, November 2024.
Pete Goodliffe helps us improve our coding skills from a trawl through old codebases.

[Gorman, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Grace, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 148.
Roger Orr, Manlio Morini, Paul Floyd, James Holland, William Grace.
C Vu, 36(3):9-14, July 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Grace, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 150.
Roger Orr, Richard Howells, William Grace, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):14-18, November 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Graham, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Grant, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 44.
Roger Orr, John Appleby-Alis, Calum Grant, David Carter-Hitchin, Balog Pál, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(1):22-28, February 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Grant, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 54.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz, Colin Grant.
C Vu, 20(5):31-37, November 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Gray, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(3):3-8, June 2007.
Our new gang of four makes C++ more dynamic.

[Gray, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(4):11-15, August 2007.
Our Gang of Four bless COM with perl.

[Green, 2017]
Astrid Byro, Tim Green, Barry Nichols, Jim Segrave, Marco Dinacci, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):17-18, January 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenier, 2013]
How I Wrote My First Technical Presentation.
Becky Grenier.
C Vu, 25(3):11, July 2013.
Becky Grenier shares her preparations for giving a tech talk.

[Grenyer, 2002]
My Recommended Books Part 1.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Grenyer, 2002]
My Recommended Books Part 2.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Grenyer, 2002]
Linux Server Series Part 1.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Grenyer, 2003]
Installing Red Hat 8.0 (Psyche Linux).
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Grenyer, 2003]
6 x 24.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Grenyer, 2003]
Quick Guide to MinGW (GCC for Windows).
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Grenyer, 2003]
Generating Lists for C++ in Python.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Grenyer, 2003]
Begin C++ Discussions at ACCU Spring Conference 2003.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Grenyer, 2003]
Copy on Write.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Grenyer, 2004]
What's in a Namespace?.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Grenyer, 2005]
Elephant - A C++ Memory Observer.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Grenyer, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Grenyer, 2007]
Continuous Integration with CruiseControl.Net.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 19(4):9-10, August 2007.
Paul Grenyer explains the CCNet Web Dashboard.

[Grenyer, 2007]
Visiting Files and Directories in C#.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 19(5):19-22, October 2007.
Paul Grenyer walks the file system.

[Grenyer, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2007]
Continuous Integration with CruiseControl.Net.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 19(6):9-15, December 2007.
Paul Grenyer creates a handy plug-in.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Installing Apache & Subversion.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 20(1):12-15, February 2008.
Paul Grenyer makes Subversion accessible.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 20(1):21, February 2008.
Paul Grenyer starts a new series by explaining his own selections.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(2):20-21, April 2008.
Jez Higgins plans for a long stint alone.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Kevlin Henney.
C Vu, 20(3):28-30, June 2008.
Kevlin Henney shares his desert island reading list.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Java Web Start.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 20(4):11-16, August 2008.
Paul Grenyer demonstrates an easy way to distribute Java apps.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Allan Kelly.
C Vu, 20(4):16-17, August 2008.
Paul Grenyer introduces Allan Kelly’s essential reading.

[Grenyer, 2008]
XML is not the build system you’re looking for.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 20(5):12-13, November 2008.
Paul Grenyer provides an introduction to Gant.

[Grenyer, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Steve Love.
C Vu, 20(5):39-40, November 2008.
Paul Grenyer introduces Steve Love’s reading selection.

[Grenyer, 2009]
Boiler Plating Database Resource Cleanup.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 20(6):25-32, January 2009.
Paul Grenyer cleans up after his code.

[Grenyer, 2009]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 20(6):35-36, January 2009.
Paul Grenyer introduces Alan Lenton’s reading selection.

[Grenyer, 2009]
Java Dependency Management with Ivy (Part 2).
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 21(5):4, November 2009.
Paul Grenyer looks at Ivy in more depth.

[Grenyer, 2009]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 21(5):36, November 2009.
Paul Grenyer maroons Frances Buontempo.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Data Access Layer Design for Java Enterprise Applications.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 21(6):9-14, January 2010.
Paul Grenyer explores a more object-oriented way of working with databases.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Alison Lloyd.
C Vu, 21(6):23-24, January 2010.
Paul Grenyer maroons Alison Lloyd.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Developing Web Applications with the Google Web Toolkit.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 22(1):16-25, March 2010.
Paul Grenyer explores web UI development in Java.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Terje Slettebø.
C Vu, 22(1):33-34, March 2010.
Paul Grenyer maroons Terje Slettebø.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 22(2):19-20, May 2010.
Paul Grenyer drops Pete Goodliffe on the island.

[Grenyer, 2010]
A Conference Retrospective.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 22(2):25-29, May 2010.
Paul Grenyer reflects on his time at this year’s conference.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Paul Colin Gloster, Pete Goodliffe, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 22(2):29-32, May 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, N.N..
C Vu, 22(3):18-19, July 2010.
A round-up of happenings across the country.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Phil Bass.
C Vu, 22(3):19-21, July 2010.
Phil Bass heads for the life boats.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(4):21-22, September 2010.
Chris Oldwood chooses his companions to take to the island.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Alan Stokes.
C Vu, 22(5):12-13, November 2010.
Alan Stokes chooses to take old friends with him.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Grenyer, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Look at the princess.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 22(6):1, January 2011.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Rachel Davies.
C Vu, 22(6):25, January 2011.
Rachel Davies shares her choice of books and music.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(6):30-32, January 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2011]
ACCU Mentored Developers Project.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(1):20, March 2011.
Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Nat Pryce.
C Vu, 23(1):21, March 2011.
Nat Pryce makes his selection.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Joes Staal, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 23(2):23-24, May 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2011]
An Introduction to the Windows Presentation Foundation with the Model-View-ViewModel (Part 1).
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(3):10-18, July 2011.
Paul Grenyer introduces core patterns for WPF development.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, James Byatt.
C Vu, 23(3):27-29, July 2011.
James Byatt shares the contents of his suitcase.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Mentored Developers Update.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(3):29, July 2011.
Paul Grenyer outlines the latest projects.

[Grenyer, 2011]
One Test or Two?.
Chris O’Dell, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(3):19, July 2011.
Chris O’Dell and Paul Grenyer debate the best granularity for units.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett, Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(3):31-32, July 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2011]
An Introduction to the Windows Presentation Foundation with the Model-View-ViewModel (Part 2).
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(4):21-25, September 2011.
Paul Grenyer wraps up the introduction to WPF.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Review of Effective C# Item 15: Utilize using and try-finally for Resource Clean-up.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(5):12-13, November 2011.
Paul Grenyer gets to grips with the Dispose pattern.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(5):19-20, November 2011.
Roger Orr shares the contents of his suitcase.

[Grenyer, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Daniel Higgins, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(5):27-28, November 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Lisa Crispin.
C Vu, 24(2):18-19, May 2012.
Lisa Crispin is marooned on the island.

[Grenyer, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Paul Grenyer, Guiseppe Vacanti, Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 24(2):26-27, May 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 24(3):23, July 2012.
Mick Brooks shares what he will take to the island.

[Grenyer, 2012]
Keeping up-to-date.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 24(4):24, September 2012.
Paul Grenyer reflects on what we need to do to stay on top of things.

[Grenyer, 2012]
Agile East Anglia: A Short History.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 24(5):23, November 2012.
Paul Grenyer gives us a potted history of a local group from its inception in December 2011.

[Grenyer, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Floyd, Chris Oldwood, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(5):28-30, November 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2013]
Regional Meetings.
Chris Oldwood, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 24(6):23-24, January 2013.
Chris Oldwood rounds up a whole series of talks from ACCU London, and Paul Grenyer gives us SyncNorwich.

[Grenyer, 2013]
East Anglia MongoDB User Group.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 25(1):26, March 2013.
Paul Grenyer reviews the inaugural local meeting.

[Grenyer, 2013]
Norfolk Developers Conference.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 25(5):19-20, November 2013.
Paul Grenyer presents the Norfolk Developers Conference.

[Grenyer, 2014]
A Secure Data Centre in the Heart of .. Bowthorpe.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 26(4):8, September 2014.
Paul Grenyer takes a tour of MigSolv’s facility.

[Grenyer, 2016]
Testing Private.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(3):3, July 2016.
Paul Grenyer shows that testing doesn’t need public access.

[Grenyer, 2017]
A Class What I Wrote.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):9-10, January 2017.
Paul Grenyer reduces the boilerplate with simple abstraction.

[Grenyer, 2017]
Astrid Byro, Tim Green, Barry Nichols, Jim Segrave, Marco Dinacci, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):17-18, January 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Grenyer, 2017]
In Java I Wish I Could....
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 29(3):4, July 2017.
Paul Grenyer wishes for features of one language in another.

[Grenyer, 2020]
DevelopHER Overall Award 2019.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 32(1):10, March 2020.
Paul Grenyer reports on his experience of being a judge.

[Grenyer, 2020]
Greenback Backup.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 32(3):7-9, July 2020.
Paul Grenyer demonstrates a DevOps pipeline.

[Grenyer, 2020]
Piping Software for Less.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 32(4):6-11, September 2020.
Paul Grenyer continues his mission to build a DevOps pipeline on a budget.

[Grenyer, 2020]
DigitalOcean’s PaaS Goes BETA.
Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 32(5):7-9, November 2020.
Paul Grenyer demonstrates a simple application hosted in the popular cloud platform.

[Grenyer, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 34(5):31, November 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Greve, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Griffiths, 2000]
JBuilder 3.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Griffiths, 2001]
Introducing JUnit.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Griffiths, 2002]
If Problems Arise.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Griffiths, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Griffiths, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Griffiths, 2012]
View From the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 24(3):32, July 2012.

[Griffiths, 2012]
View From the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 24(4):32, September 2012.

[Griffiths, 2012]
View From the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 24(5):31, November 2012.

[Griffiths, 2013]
View From the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 24(6):28, January 2013.

[Griffiths, 2013]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 25(1):27, March 2013.

[Griffiths, 2013]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 25(2):24, May 2013.

[Griffiths, 2013]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 25(3):28, July 2013.

[Griffiths, 2013]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 25(4):20, September 2013.

[Griffiths, 2013]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 25(5):20, November 2013.

[Griffiths, 2014]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 25(6):36, January 2014.

[Griffiths, 2014]
View from the Chair.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 26(1):24, March 2014.

[Griffiths, 2015]
Are we nearly there yet? Refactoring C++.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 27(3):5-7, July 2015.
Alan Griffiths evaluates two tools for developers with some simple use-cases.

[Griffiths, 2016]
Come Code With Me.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 28(2):6-8, May 2016.
Alan Griffiths outlines an Open Source project and invites contributions.

[Griffiths, 2018]
Writing a Wayland Server Using Mir.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 30(2):10-12, May 2018.
Alan Griffiths explains the basics of a new X11 replacement API.

[Griffiths, 2019]
Making a Linux Desktop.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 31(4):3-4, September 2019.
Alan Griffiths illustrates how to get started with Mir.

[Griffiths, 2019]
Making a Linux Desktop: Painting Some Wallpaper.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 31(5):8-9, November 2019.
Alan Griffiths continues his series on coding with the Mir library.

[Griffiths, 2020]
Making a Linux Desktop – Launching Applications.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 32(1):8-10, March 2020.
Alan Griffiths continues his series on the Mir desktop.

[Griffiths, 2020]
Making a Linux Desktop.
Alan Griffiths.
C Vu, 32(4):3-4, September 2020.
Alan Griffiths adds support for shell components to the desktop environment.

[Griffiths, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Alan R. Griffiths.
C Vu, 34(6):15, January 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Griffiths, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Emyr Williams, Anthony Williams, Alan R. Griffiths, Paul Floyd, Stephan Wiesenhuetter.
C Vu, 35(1):19-23, March 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Grimshaw, 2004]
Letters to the Editor.
Mark Grimshaw.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Gruber, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Jason Gruber.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Guest, 2003]
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Guest, 2004]
Code in Comments.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Guest, 2004]
A Python Script to Relocate Source Trees.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Guest, 2004]
Functional Programming in Python: An Introduction by Example.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Guest, 2007]
The Trouble with Version Numbers.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 19(2):16-18, April 2007.
Thomas Guest untangles the version numbering puzzle.

[Guest, 2007]
Tracing Function Calls Using Python Decorators.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 19(5):13-16, October 2007.
Thomas Guest hears the echo of a python.

[Guest, 2008]
Fixing Compiler Warnings the Hard Way.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 20(2):6-7, April 2008.
Thomas Guest listens when his compiler grumbles, but ignores its suggestions.

[Guest, 2008]
Tell me about... Virtualization.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 20(5):10-11, November 2008.
Thomas Guest explains the virtues of virtual machines.

[Guest, 2012]
ACCU Bristol & Bath Launched.
Thomas Guest.
C Vu, 24(4):30, September 2012.
Thomas Guest reports from the inaugural meeting.

[Gunman, 1999]
From the Coalface.
The Lone Gunman.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Gunman, 2000]
The Wall.
The Lone Gunman.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Habdank-Wojewódzki, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 52.
Roger Orr, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Peter Hammond, David Pol, Ivan Uemlianin, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(3):31-35, June 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Habdank-Wojewódzki, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 75.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Herman Pijl, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki.
C Vu, 24(2):20-25, May 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Habdank-Wojewódzki, 2012]
Development Fuel: Software Testing in the Large.
Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(3):3-7, July 2012.
Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki and Adam Petersen have some advice for testing large systems.

[Hague, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Hague, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Steve Love, Jim Hague, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(4):18, August 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Hague, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Ewan Milne, Jim Hague, Ric Parkin, Pete Hammond, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(5):38, November 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Hammarberg, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Hammond, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Ewan Milne, Jim Hague, Ric Parkin, Pete Hammond, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(5):38, November 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Hammond, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Hammond, 2007]
Regional Meetings.
Peter Hammond, Allan Kelly, Ric Parkin.
C Vu, 19(4):20, August 2007.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Hammond, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Peter Hammond, Stephen Love, Nigel Dickens.
C Vu, 19(4):21-26, August 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Hammond, 2007]
Reuse, Recycle, Refill?.
Peter Hammond.
C Vu, 19(6):20-22, December 2007.
Peter Hammond describes some pitfalls of reuse.

[Hammond, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 52.
Roger Orr, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Peter Hammond, David Pol, Ivan Uemlianin, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(3):31-35, June 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Hammond, 2012]
Writing a Bazaar Plugin.
Peter Hammond.
C Vu, 23(6):15-18, January 2012.
Peter Hammond makes Bazaar do more than version control.

[Handley, 2021]
The Culture of Code.
James Handley.
C Vu, 33(2):5-6, May 2021.
James Handley considers customs and etiquette in source code.

[Handley, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 7.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 33(6):17-22, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the solutions to the last challenge.

[Handley, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Handley, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 24.
Francis Glassborow, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):11-14, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Handley, 2022]
Homework Challenge 9.
Francis Glassborow, Gary Taverner, Rev'd Dr James Handley, James Holland, Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 34(1):16-21, March 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 9.

[Harpist, 1996]
Returning Early and Taking a Break.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Harpist, 1998]
A Critique of Some Code.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Harpist, 1998]
Getting Started.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Harpist, 1999]
More About Names.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Harpist, 1999]
A Code Review.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Harpist, 1999]
A Code Critique.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Harpist, 1999]
Code Review - A Big Number Class.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Harpist, 1999]
An Apology.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Harpist, 1999]
Being Idiomatic.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Harpist, 2000]
A Seasonal Tale.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Harpist, 2000]
Code In Context.
The Harpist.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Harris, 2009]
A Game of Cards with Baron Munchharris.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 21(5):26, November 2009.
Baron Muncharris suggests a game of cards.

[Harris, 2009]
On a Game of Dice.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 21(5):27, November 2009.
A student analyses Baron Muncharris’ dice problem.

[Harris, 2010]
A Game of Skill.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 21(6):19, January 2010.
Baron Muncharris sets a challenge.

[Harris, 2010]
On a Game of Cards.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 21(6):20, January 2010.
A student performs an analysis.

[Harris, 2010]
A Game of Stategy.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(1):13-14, March 2010.
Baron Muncharris sets us another challenge.

[Harris, 2010]
On a Game of Skill.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(1):14, March 2010.
The Baron’s student acquaintance plays the game.

[Harris, 2010]
Assert Yourself.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(1):15, March 2010.
Richard Harris finds new respect for the humble assert.

[Harris, 2010]
A Game of Nerve.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(2):11, May 2010.
Baron Muncharris has another tall tale.

[Harris, 2010]
On a Game of Strategy.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(2):18-19, May 2010.
The Baron’s student acquantance performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2010]
A Game of Guesswork.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(3):15, July 2010.
Baron Muncharris sets a challenge.

[Harris, 2010]
On a Game of Nerve.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(3):16-17, July 2010.
The Baron’s acquaintance performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2010]
A Game of Chase.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(4):15, September 2010.
Baron Muncharris plays a two-horse race.

[Harris, 2010]
On a Game of Guesswork.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(4):15-16, September 2010.
A student performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2010]
A Game of Roulette.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(5):3, November 2010.
The Baron has two games to play.

[Harris, 2010]
On a Game of Chase.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(5):4-5, November 2010.
The Baron’s student acquaintance analyses his previous game.

[Harris, 2011]
A Game of Tug o’ War.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(6):9, January 2011.
Baron Muncharris sets a challenge.

[Harris, 2011]
On a Game of Roulette.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 22(6):9-10, January 2011.
A student analyses the Baron’s last puzzle.

[Harris, 2011]
A Game of Blockade.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(1):9, March 2011.
Baron Muncharris sets a challenge.

[Harris, 2011]
On a Game of Tug o’ War.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(1):10, March 2011.
A student performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2011]
A Game of Divisions.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(2):3, May 2011.
Baron Muncharris sets a challenge.

[Harris, 2011]
On a Game of Blockade.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(2):7, May 2011.
A student performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2011]
An Analysis of a Game of Divisions.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(3):5-6, July 2011.
The Baron’s student acquaintance analyses the game.

[Harris, 2011]
A Game of One Against Many.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(3):7, July 2011.
Baron Muncharris is offered a wager.

[Harris, 2011]
A Game of Path Finding.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(4):12, September 2011.
Baron Muncharris sets a challenge.

[Harris, 2011]
On a Game of One Against Many.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(4):13-14, September 2011.
A student performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2011]
A Game of Lucky Sevens.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(5):10, November 2011.
Baron Muncharris invites us to solve a new puzzle.

[Harris, 2011]
On a Game of Path Finding.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(5):11, November 2011.
Our student analyses the Baron’s last challenge.

[Harris, 2012]
On a Game of Lucky Sevens.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 23(6):5, January 2012.
A student performs his analysis.

[Harris, 2016]
Fifteen Love.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 28(1):12, March 2016.
Baron M sets a new puzzle for students of curious conundrums.

[Harris, 2016]
On Fifteen Love.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 28(2):9, May 2016.
A student demystifies the Baron’s game of cards.

[Harris, 2016]
High Rollers.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 28(4):11, September 2016.
Baron M proposes a new wager over a glass of wine.

[Harris, 2016]
On High Rollers.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 28(5):9-11, November 2016.
A student investigates the Baron’s last puzzle.

[Harris, 2017]
Turnabout is Fair Play.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 28(6):7, January 2017.
Baron M is still game for a wager.

[Harris, 2017]
On Turnabout is Fair Play.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 29(2):5, May 2017.
A student responds to the Baron’s latest challenge.

[Harris, 2017]
Share and Share Alike.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 29(4):6, September 2017.
Baron M has learned another game.

[Harris, 2017]
On Share and Share Alike.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 29(5):6-7, November 2017.
A Student gets to grips with the Baron's coin puzzle.

[Harris, 2018]
Quaker's Dozen.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 30(1):6, March 2018.
The Baron once again invites us to take up a challenge.

[Harris, 2018]
On Quaker’s Dozen.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 30(2):9-10, May 2018.
A student examines the Quaker’s Dozen wager.

[Harris, 2018]
The Rich Get Richer.
Richard Harris.
C Vu, 30(4):5, September 2018.
The Baron has another dice game and invites you to take a wager.

[Harrison, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Hartmann, 2007]
Obfuscated Code Competition.
Lars Hartmann.
C Vu, 19(1):20, February 2007.

[Haun, 2013]
Why We Need To Reconsider How We Do Technical Presentations.
Dirk Haun.
C Vu, 25(5):14, November 2013.
Dirk Haun makes a case for doing presentations differently.

[Hay, 2000]
The Wall.
Anthony Hay.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Hay, 2000]
Reading C & C++ Variable Declarations.
Anthony Hay.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Hay, 2000]
The Wall.
Anthony Hay.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Hay, 2001]
Gotcha(); // describe some bugs.
Anthony Hay.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Heavyside, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Gavin Heavyside, Derek M. Jones, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(4):23-24, September 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Hennessy, 2000]
What Use is a Degree?.
Pippa Hennessy.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Hennessy, 2004]
Letter to the Editor.
Pippa Hennessy.
C Vu, 16(1):, February 2004.

[Hennessy, 2005]
Out with the old....
Pippa Hennessy.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Henney, 1996]
String Theory.
Kevlin Henney.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Henney, 1996]
String Theory.
Kevlin Henney.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Henney, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Henney, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Kevlin Henney.
C Vu, 20(3):28-30, June 2008.
Kevlin Henney shares his desert island reading list.

[Henney, 2011]
Sustainable Space.
Kevlin Henney.
C Vu, 22(6):3, January 2011.
Kevlin Henney shares a code layout pattern.

[Hersom, 2000]
The Wall.
Colin Hersom.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Hersom, 2003]
How to Talk Oneself Out of a Job.
Colin Hersom.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Hersom, 2011]
A Foray into CMake.
Colin Hersom.
C Vu, 22(6):22-23, January 2011.
Colin Hersom tells us of his experience using CMake for the first time.

[Hersom, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Higgins, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Daniel Higgins, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(5):27-28, November 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2005]
Bjarne Stoustrup's Fiver.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Higgins, 2007]
Adventures in Autoconfiscation #2.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(1):10-13, February 2007.
Jez Higgins steps us through a becoming autoconfiscated

[Higgins, 2007]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(1):36, February 2007.

[Higgins, 2007]
Adventures in Autoconfiscation #3.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(2):21-26, April 2007.
Jez Higgins concludes his series on GNU autotools.

[Higgins, 2007]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(2):35, April 2007.

[Higgins, 2007]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(3):39, June 2007.

[Higgins, 2007]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(4):31, August 2007.

[Higgins, 2007]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(5):31, October 2007.

[Higgins, 2007]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 19(6):32, December 2007.

[Higgins, 2008]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(1):27, February 2008.

[Higgins, 2008]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(2):28, April 2008.

[Higgins, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(2):20-21, April 2008.
Jez Higgins plans for a long stint alone.

[Higgins, 2008]
Custom Iterators in C++.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(3):10-13, June 2008.
Jez Higgins searches for a base class.

[Higgins, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Higgins, 2008]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(3):39, June 2008.

[Higgins, 2008]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(4):24, August 2008.

[Higgins, 2008]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(5):44, November 2008.

[Higgins, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Gail Ollis, Pete Goodliffe, Giuseppe Vacanti, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(6):44-48, January 2009.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2009]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 20(6):48, January 2009.

[Higgins, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 21(5):38, November 2009.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Higgins, 2009]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 21(5):40, November 2009.

[Higgins, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Higgins, 2010]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 21(6):36, January 2010.

[Higgins, 2010]
Continuous Integration for One.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 22(1):8-9, March 2010.
Jez Higgins sees value in team tools for one person.

[Higgins, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(1):34-35, March 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Higgins, 2010]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 22(1):36, March 2010.

[Higgins, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Paul Colin Gloster, Pete Goodliffe, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 22(2):29-32, May 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2010]
View From The Chair.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 22(2):32, May 2010.

[Higgins, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Gavin Heavyside, Derek M. Jones, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(4):23-24, September 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(6):30-32, January 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Joes Staal, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 23(2):23-24, May 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett, Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(3):31-32, July 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Daniel Higgins, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(5):27-28, November 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Paul Grenyer, Guiseppe Vacanti, Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 24(2):26-27, May 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Stephen Jackson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 24(4):31-32, September 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Floyd, Chris Oldwood, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(5):28-30, November 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2013]
Jez Higgins, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 25(1):26-27, March 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Higgins, 2014]
An Unexpected Journey.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 25(6):11-13, January 2014.
Jez Higgins finds treasure in the new Java.

[Higgins, 2017]
Rip It Up and Start Again.
Jez Higgins.
C Vu, 29(3):5, July 2017.
Jez Higgins shares a tale of re-implementing a software system.

[Highley, 2016]
Kevin Highley.
C Vu, 28(2):3-6, May 2016.
Kevin Highley implements a common technique for secure communication.

[Hills, 1999]
Embedded Systems.
Chris Hills.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Hodge, 2007]
Membership Report.
David Hodge, Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(1):36, February 2007.

[Hodge, 2007]
Membership Report.
David Hodge, Mick Brooks.
C Vu, 19(2):35, April 2007.

[Holden, 2000]
The Wall.
Martin Holden.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Holland, 2003]
A Polygon Seed Fill Algorithm.
James Holland.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Holland, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 90.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Marcel Marré.
C Vu, 26(5):15-19, November 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 91.
Roger Orr, Alex Paterson, James Holland.
C Vu, 26(6):12-16, January 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 92.
Roger Orr, Jim Segrave, Tom Björkholm, James Holland, Alex Paterson.
C Vu, 27(1):21-25, March 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2015]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr, Tom Björkholm, Simon Brand, Jim Segrave, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 27(2):23-, May 2015.
Competition 93 and the answers to 92.

[Holland, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 94.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(3):17-21, July 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 95.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(4):20-22, September 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 96.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Gareth Ansell, Matthew Wilson, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(5):21-26, November 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 97.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(6):9-11, January 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 98.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(1):19-22, March 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 99.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(2):13-15, May 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 100.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, John Roden, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(3):12-15, July 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 102.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Simon Sebright, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 28(5):14-19, November 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 103.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(6):12-16, January 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 104.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, James Holland, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(1):14-18, March 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 106.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 29(3):9-11, July 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 107.
Roger Orr, Jason Spencer, James Holland, Robert Lytton.
C Vu, 29(4):12-18, September 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 109.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(6):11-16, January 2018.
The results from the last competition and the details of the latest.

[Holland, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 110.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Paul Floyd, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(1):15-26, March 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2018]
Report on Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow, Alex Kumaila, Silas S. Brown, Hubert Mathews, Pete Disdale, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(1):27-30, March 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the answers to his last challenge and gives us a new one.

[Holland, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 111.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Balog Pál, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(2):15-22, May 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 112.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(3):17-20, July 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2018]
Program Challenge Report 3 and Challenge 4.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(3):21-23, July 2018.
Francis Glassborow comments on his last challenge and presents a new one.

[Holland, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Holland, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 114.
Roger Orr, Gennaro Prota, Stewart Becker, Joe Wood, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(5):9-15, November 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2019]
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(2):20-22, May 2019.
Francis Glassborow revisits old challenges and sets a new one.

[Holland, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 120.
Roger Orr, Martin Janzen, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(5):11-15, November 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 121.
Roger Orr, Pete Cordell, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 31(6):14-17, January 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 122.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Ovidiu Parvu, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 32(1):11-17, March 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 123.
Roger Orr, Francis Glassborow, Ovidiu Parvu, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, James Holland.
C Vu, 32(2):14-21, May 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 125.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(4):14-19, September 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 126.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(5):13-17, November 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 127.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Robin Williams, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(6):10-19, January 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 128.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(1):12-15, March 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 129.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(2):12-14, May 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 130.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Hans Vredeveld, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(3):7-13, July 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2021]
Homework Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tim Kent, Tony McClelland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(3):14-17, July 2021.
Francis Glassborow collects responses to the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Holland, 2021]
Homework Challenge 6.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(4):14-17, September 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 5 and sets the next one.

[Holland, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 131.
Roger Orr, Andy Burgess, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(4):18-21, September 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 132.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(5):9-12, November 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 133.
Roger Orr, Stewart Becker, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(6):12-16, January 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 7.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 33(6):17-22, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the solutions to the last challenge.

[Holland, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 134.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(1):11-15, March 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2022]
Homework Challenge 9.
Francis Glassborow, Gary Taverner, Rev'd Dr James Handley, James Holland, Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 34(1):16-21, March 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 9.

[Holland, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 135.
Roger Orr, Simon Sebright, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(2):10-13, May 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Holland, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 136.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(3):12-15, July 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(4):11-16, September 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the submissions for the last homework and sets a new challenge.

[Holland, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Aschwin Marsman, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(4):30-31, September 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Holland, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 12.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Graham Paterson, Andrea Gieriet, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(5):18-23, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Holland, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 138.
Roger Orr, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(5):24-27, November 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 139.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(6):9-11, January 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 13.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(6):12-14, January 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[Holland, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 14.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tony McClelland.
C Vu, 35(1):16-18, March 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[Holland, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 141.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(2):7-11, May 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 15.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(2):12-14, May 2023.
Francis Glassborow sets the next challenge.

[Holland, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 142.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(3):12-14, July 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 16.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, Dvir Yitzchaki, Tony McClelland, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(3):14-18, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow shares the solution to the last challenge and sets the next.

[Holland, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 143.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(4):9-13, September 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 17.
Francis Glassborow, Tim Kent, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(4):14-16, September 2023.
Francis Glassborow reviews the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Holland, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):16-21, November 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 18.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):21-23, November 2023.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions from last time, and sets a new challenge.

[Holland, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 19.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(6):5-7, January 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the challenge set in the last issue, and sets a new one.

[Holland, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(6):7-10, January 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 20.
Francis Glassborow, Luc Valade, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(1):11-13, March 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next.

[Holland, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 147.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Graham Patterson, Herman Pijl, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 36(2):8-11, May 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 21.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Daniel James.
C Vu, 36(2):12-14, May 2024.
Francis Glassborow reviews the replies to the previous problem and sets a new challenge.

[Holland, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 148.
Roger Orr, Manlio Morini, Paul Floyd, James Holland, William Grace.
C Vu, 36(3):9-14, July 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 22.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Andreas Gieriet, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):15-18, July 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next one.

[Holland, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 23.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(4):11-13, September 2024.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Holland, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 149.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Mark Easterbrook, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 36(4):14-19, September 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 24.
Francis Glassborow, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):11-14, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Holland, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 150.
Roger Orr, Richard Howells, William Grace, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):14-18, November 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 151.
Roger Orr, Laurent Perato, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(6):7-9, January 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 25.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Robin Williams, Jan Eric Breimo.
C Vu, 36(6):10-13, January 2025.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Holland, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 152.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):12-16, March 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Holland, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 26.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):17-18, March 2025.
Francis Glassborow reviews another challenge.

[Horlock, 2016]
Debugging - What Has Changed in the Last Decade?.
Neil Horlock.
C Vu, 28(3):10-11, July 2016.
Neil Horlock travels through time in search of bugs.

[Houston, 1987]
All About CUG(UK).
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(1):3, October 1987.
Aims and objectives.

[Houston, 1987]
CUG(UK) Online.
Martin Houston, Phil J. Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(1):28, October 1987.
How to keep in touch by modem.

[Houston, 1987]
Adventures In C.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(1):20, October 1987.
A basic adventure shell, with source.

[Houston, 1987]
Calling All 1986 Members.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(1):27, October 1987.

[Houston, 1987]
C Programmers Guide To Serial Communications.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.

[Houston, 1987]
A wander through the C library.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.
How the library is organised, what it will\ncost you, and what's in it

[Houston, 1987]
The C Source Library.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.

[Houston, 1988]
Debugging with the Macro Processor.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Houston, 1988]
A Call to QL Owners.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Houston, 1988]
The Source Library.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Houston, 1988]
File Recovery Under Xenix.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Houston, 1988]
First CUG(UK) A.G.M..
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Houston, 1988]
Review of Mix Power C.
Martin Houston.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Howells, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 150.
Roger Orr, Richard Howells, William Grace, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):14-18, November 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Hughes, 2003]
Maintaining Context for Exceptions.
Rob Hughes.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Hughes, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, Albrecht Fritzsche, Tom Hughes, John Lear.
C Vu, 20(1):25-28, February 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jackman, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Jackson, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Stephen Jackson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 24(4):31-32, September 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jagger, 1998]
Editorial Comment on Behalf of ACCU Committee.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Jagger, 1999]
Abstraction, Syntax, Intent.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Jagger, 1999]
Compile Time Assertions in C.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Jagger, 1999]
Compile Time Assertions in C Revisited.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Jagger, 2000]
Mostly Comments.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Jagger, 2010]
AYE Conference Report.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 21(6):20, January 2010.
Jon Jagger gives a report of his experience at the AYE Conference.

[Jagger, 2010]
An Interview with Jerry Weinberg.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 22(4):13-14, September 2010.
Jon Jagger asks the questions.

[Jagger, 2010]
What is Code-Dojo?.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 22(5):9-10, November 2010.
Jon Jagger explains a way to practise our coding skills.

[Jagger, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Jagger, 2011]
Hotel Room to Train Carriage.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 22(6):6, January 2011.
Jon Jagger shares some illuminating musings.

[Jagger, 2011]
The Kanban Ones Games.
Jon Jagger.
C Vu, 23(1):19, March 2011.
Jon Jagger describes a game revealing team behaviour.

[James, 2011]
Enum - a Misnomer.
Daniel James.
C Vu, 23(5):14-17, November 2011.
Daniel James exposes enum as unsuitable for enumeration.

[James, 2019]
Daniel James.
C Vu, 31(3):1, July 2019.
Guest Editorial.

[James, 2019]
Beyond Code Criticism.
Daniel James.
C Vu, 31(3):15, July 2019.
Daniel James considers issues that might lie behind code like that in Code Critique 117.

[James, 2019]
Ian Bruntlett, Daniel James, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 31(3):17-19, July 2019.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[James, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Daniel James, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(2):21-23, May 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[James, 2023]
Building the ePub Versions of ACCU’s Journals.
Daniel James.
C Vu, 35(3):6-9, July 2023.
Daniel James explains the process.

[James, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 21.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Daniel James.
C Vu, 36(2):12-14, May 2024.
Francis Glassborow reviews the replies to the previous problem and sets a new challenge.

[Jammalamadaka, 2004]
C++ Templates - A Simple Example.
Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.
p>This article describes the C++ code for performing basic operations on matrices using templates.

[Jammalamadaka, 2004]
Introduction to STL (Standard Template Library).
Rajanikanth Jammalamadaka.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Janzen, 2013]
Letter to the Editor.
Martin Janzen.
C Vu, 25(2):24, May 2013.

[Janzen, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Janzen, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 120.
Roger Orr, Martin Janzen, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(5):11-15, November 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Janzen, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 146.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Martin Janzen, Wayne Price, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(1):8-10, March 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Jeff, 2002]
The Wall.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Jefford, 1996]
An Introduction to MSDOS and BIOS Interrupts.
Darren Jefford.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Jefford, 1996]
MSDOS Interrupts.
Darren Jefford.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Jefford, 2000]
The Wall.
Darren Jefford.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Jenkins, 2008]
Python: New Thinking in the Teaching of Programming.
Nick Efford, Tony Jenkins.
C Vu, 20(5):24-26, November 2008.
Nick Efford and Tony Jenkins recommend Python as a practical first language.

[Jepps, 2000]
The Wall.
David Jepps.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Jepps, 2000]
The Wall.
David Jepps.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Jia, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Johnson, 2004]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Johnson, 2004]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Johnson, 2004]
Letter to the Editor.
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Johnson, 2004]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Johnson, 2004]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Johnson, 2004]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Johnson, 2004]
Blue Fountain Systems - An Open Source Company.
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
I Wish Programming Was Easy Again.
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Porting!.
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Caption Competition.
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Late News!.
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Paul Johnson.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Johnson, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 25(3):26-27, July 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Johnson, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow, Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 25(6):32-35, January 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Johnson, 2005]
Let's Do C# and MySQL - Part 1 - MySQL.
Paul F. Johnson.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Johnson, 2005]
Let's Do C# and MySQL - Part 2 - A Beginning.
Paul F. Johnson.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Johnson, 2013]
Writing a Cross Platform Mobile App in C#.
Paul F. Johnson.
C Vu, 25(2):10-11, May 2013.
Paul F. Johnson uses Mono to attain portability.

[Johnson, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Paul F. Johnson.
C Vu, 25(2):22-23, May 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2003]
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Jones, 2004]
I_mean_something_to_somebody, Part Two.
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Jones, 2007]
Developer Beliefs About Binary Operator Precedence.
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 19(1):14-20, February 2007.
Derek Jones concludes the report of his experiment

[Jones, 2007]
Derek Jones, Richard Elderton.
C Vu, 19(3):38-40, June 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2008]
Operator Names Influence Operator Precedence Decisions (Part 1 of 2).
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 20(1):5-11, February 2008.
Derek Jones plunges into the depths of operators.

[Jones, 2008]
Operator Names Influence Operator Precedence Decisions (Part 2 of 2).
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 20(2):14-16, April 2008.
Derek Jones hopes for more volunteers in the future.

[Jones, 2009]
Developer Categorization of Data Structure Fields.
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 20(6):14-17, January 2009.
Derek Jones investigates how developers create data types.

[Jones, 2009]
Deciding Between IF and SWITCH When Writing Code.
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 21(5):14, November 2009.
Derek Jones analyses some programmers’ habits.

[Jones, 2010]
Deciding Between IF and SWITCH When Writing Code (Part 2).
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 21(6):15-18, January 2010.
Derek Jones concludes his study of programmers’ habits.

[Jones, 2012]
Effect of Risk Attitudes on Recall of Assignment Statements (Part 1).
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 23(6):19-22, January 2012.
Derek Jones reveals the results of his ACCU 2011 Conference developer experiments.

[Jones, 2012]
Effect of Risk Attitudes on Recall of Assignment Statements (Part 2).
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 24(1):6-10, March 2012.
Derek Jones concludes his report of the ACCU 2011 Conference Developer Experiments.

[Jones, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Francis Glassborow, Derek Jones.
C Vu, 24(1):29-30, March 2012.
Francis Glassborow maroons Derek Jones on our desert island.

[Jones, 2013]
Impact of Semantic Association on Information Recall Performance (Part 1).
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 24(6):3-8, January 2013.
Derek Jones presents the analysis from his ACCU Conference experiment.

[Jones, 2013]
Impact of Semantic Association on Information Recall Performance.
Derek Jones.
C Vu, 25(1):11-14, March 2013.
Derek Jones concludes his analysis from the latest ACCU Conference experiment.

[Jones, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2004]
Memory for a Short Sequence of Assignment Statements.
Derek M. Jones.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Jones, 2005]
Memory For a Short Sequence of Assignment Statements.
Derek M. Jones.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Jones, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Gavin Heavyside, Derek M. Jones, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(4):23-24, September 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 1996]
C minus.
Graham Jones.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Jones, 2024]
ACCU Membership Fees.
Matt Jones, Patrick Martin.
C Vu, 36(2):16, May 2024.

[Jones, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2014]
What Do People Do All Day?.
Matthew Jones.
C Vu, 26(4):9-10, September 2014.
Matthew Jones gives some insight as to what his job involves.

[Jones, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Ewan Milne, Matthew Jones, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(3):22-23, July 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2020]
Diving into the ACCU Website.
Matthew Jones.
C Vu, 32(2):10-12, May 2020.
Matthew Jones gives us an insight into the paddling going on under the water beneath the swan that is our website.

[Jones, 2023]
In Memoriam: Robert Pauer.
Matthew Jones, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 35(1):24, March 2023.
Matthew Jones tells us about Rob.

[Jones, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 22.
Francis Glassborow, James Holland, Andreas Gieriet, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(3):15-18, July 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next one.

[Jones, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 24.
Francis Glassborow, Matthew Jones, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):11-14, November 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Jones, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Matthew R. Jones, Aschwin Marsman, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 34(1):22-24, March 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Jones, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, John Penney, Giuseppe Vacanti, Ian Bruntlett, Seb Rose, Rob Jones.
C Vu, 20(4):22-24, August 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 53.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Charles Bailey.
C Vu, 20(4):19-21, August 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Jones, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 54.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz, Colin Grant.
C Vu, 20(5):31-37, November 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Jones, 2009]
Code Critique Competition 55.
Roger Orr, Ian Bruntlett, Ken Duffill, Robert Jones, Simon Sebright, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(6):37-48, January 2009.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Jones, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Jones, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 98.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(1):19-22, March 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Jones, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kalb, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kaplan, 2015]
Delayed Copy Pattern.
Vassili Kaplan.
C Vu, 26(6):6-8, January 2015.
Vassili Kaplan presents some techniques for making efficient use of the STL containers in C++.

[Kaplan, 2015]
Split and Merge - Another Algorithm for Parsing Mathematical Expressions.
Vassili Kaplan.
C Vu, 27(2):12-15, May 2015.
Vassili Kaplan presents an alternative to Dijkstra’s algorithm.

[Kaplan, 2015]
Split and Merge Revisited.
Vassili Kaplan.
C Vu, 27(3):13-14, July 2015.
Vassili Kaplan makes improvements to the Expression Parser.

[Kelly, 2000]
Pros and Cons of Contracting.
Alan Kelly.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Kelly, 2003]
Members' experiences.
Alan Kelly.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Kelly, 2007]
Website Report.
Alan Kelly.
C Vu, 19(4):31-32, August 2007.

[Kelly, 2007]
Officer Without Portfolio.
Allan Kelly.
C Vu, 19(2):35-36, April 2007.

[Kelly, 2007]
Regional Meetings.
Peter Hammond, Allan Kelly, Ric Parkin.
C Vu, 19(4):20, August 2007.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Kelly, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Kelly, 2008]
Publications Officer.
Allan Kelly.
C Vu, 20(3):39, June 2008.

[Kelly, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Kelly, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Allan Kelly.
C Vu, 20(4):16-17, August 2008.
Paul Grenyer introduces Allan Kelly’s essential reading.

[Kelly, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Kelly, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Kelly, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Kelly, 2010]
Alan Griffiths, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, Allan Kelly, David Pol Ahonen, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(5):20-23, November 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Kent, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Kent, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 130.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Hans Vredeveld, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(3):7-13, July 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kent, 2021]
Homework Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tim Kent, Tony McClelland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(3):14-17, July 2021.
Francis Glassborow collects responses to the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Kent, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 141.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(2):7-11, May 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kent, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 15.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(2):12-14, May 2023.
Francis Glassborow sets the next challenge.

[Kent, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 142.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(3):12-14, July 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kent, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 16.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, Dvir Yitzchaki, Tony McClelland, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(3):14-18, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow shares the solution to the last challenge and sets the next.

[Kent, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 143.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(4):9-13, September 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kent, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 17.
Francis Glassborow, Tim Kent, James Holland, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 35(4):14-16, September 2023.
Francis Glassborow reviews the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Khot, 2002]
Enlarging on "A Problem of Access" in C Vu December 2001 Volume 13 Number 6.
Atul Khot.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Khot, 2005]
Pointer Reversal: An Algorithm Design Technique.
Atul Khot.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Kimchi, 2011]
Coding Standards for Software Correctness.
Yechiel Kimchi.
C Vu, 23(2):8-11, May 2011.
Yechiel Kimchi divides and conquers.

[Kimpton, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kimpton, 2022]
Using Test-Driven Design.
Duncan Kimpton.
C Vu, 34(5):9-17, November 2022.
Duncan Kimpton shares a detailed solution for the last Code Critique Competition.

[Kimpton, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 138.
Roger Orr, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(5):24-27, November 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Kloss, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Kloss, 2020]
Letters to the Editor.
Silas S. Brown, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 32(3):20, July 2020.
Two people have written to share their thoughts.

[Knuth, 1999]
1974 ACM Turing Award Lecture.
Donald E. Knuth.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Kulik, 2023]
Designing a T-Shirt for a Tech Conference.
Idalia Kulik.
C Vu, 35(2):4-5, May 2023.
Idalia Kulik describes a non-technical person’s journey.

[Kumaila, 2018]
Report on Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow, Alex Kumaila, Silas S. Brown, Hubert Mathews, Pete Disdale, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(1):27-30, March 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the answers to his last challenge and gives us a new one.

[Kuschnir, 1999]
Java Style & Idioms : exceptions are fun.
Mark Kuschnir.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Kushnir, 1998]
Java Idioms.
Mark Kushnir.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Kushnir, 1999]
Java Style & Idioms.
Mark Kushnir.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Kyriacou, 1999]
You Write, The Editor Replies.
Klitos Kyriacou.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Lancaster, 2001]
Members' Experiences.
Garry Lancaster.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Lancaster, 2001]
Space Optimisation under Palm OS.
Garry Lancaster.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Lancaster, 2003]
10 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Assert (But Were Afraid to Ask).
Garry Lancaster.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Lancaster, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lancaster, 2007]
A Custom Event Layer for the ACE Reactor Framework.
Matthew Wilson, Garth Lancaster.
C Vu, 19(2):3-8, April 2007.
Matthew Wilson and Garth Lancaster describe a mechanism for seamless insertion into event-based hierarchies.

[Law, 2005]
Debuggers Should Go Backwards.
Greg Law.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Lear, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(3):3-8, June 2007.
Our new gang of four makes C++ more dynamic.

[Lear, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(4):11-15, August 2007.
Our Gang of Four bless COM with perl.

[Lear, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, Albrecht Fritzsche, Tom Hughes, John Lear.
C Vu, 20(1):25-28, February 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lear, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Leigh, 2004]
An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade in ISO C and ISO C++.
Roger Leigh.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Leigh, 2004]
An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade - Part 2.
Roger Leigh.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Leigh, 2004]
An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade in ISO C and ISO C++ - Part 3.
Roger Leigh.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Leigh, 2005]
An Introduction to Programming with GTK+ and Glade in ISO C and ISO C++ - Part 4.
Roger Leigh.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Lenton, 1998]
Onward to American Online....
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Lenton, 1999]
Home, Home on the Web....
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Lenton, 1999]
Comments on Hungarian Type Notations.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Lenton, 1999]
Data Visibility.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Lenton, 2000]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Lenton, 2000]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Lenton, 2000]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Lenton, 2000]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Lenton, 2001]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Lenton, 2001]
Head in a Virtual Cloud....
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Lenton, 2001]
In Defense of Sys Admins.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 13(4):, August 2001.

[Lenton, 2001]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Lenton, 2002]
Thinking Aloud.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Lenton, 2005]
Are Certificates Worth the Paper they are Written On?.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Lenton, 2005]
Grid and Utility Computing - The Return of the Bureau.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Lenton, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2009]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 20(6):35-36, January 2009.
Paul Grenyer introduces Alan Lenton’s reading selection.

[Lenton, 2010]
Hunting the Snark (Part 5).
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 21(6):3, January 2010.
Alan Lenton investigates engineering in software.

[Lenton, 2010]
Of Lag, Throughput and Jitter.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(1):6-7, March 2010.
Alan Lenton gives a glossary of terms.

[Lenton, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(1):34-35, March 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Lenton, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Gavin Heavyside, Derek M. Jones, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(4):23-24, September 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Paul F. Johnson.
C Vu, 25(2):22-23, May 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 25(3):26-27, July 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow, Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 25(6):32-35, January 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2014]
View from the Chair in Waiting.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 26(3):24, July 2014.

[Lenton, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow.
C Vu, 26(3):22-23, July 2014.
The latest round-up of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2014]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 26(4):20, September 2014.

[Lenton, 2014]
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 26(5):23, November 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2014]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 26(5):24, November 2014.

[Lenton, 2015]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 26(6):20, January 2015.

[Lenton, 2015]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 27(1):28, March 2015.

[Lenton, 2015]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 27(2):32, May 2015.

[Lenton, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lenton, 2015]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 27(3):XXXPagesXXX, July 2015.

[Lenton, 2015]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 27(4):24, September 2015.

[Lenton, 2015]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 27(5):28, November 2015.

[Lenton, 2016]
View from the Chair.
Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 27(6):12, January 2016.

[Lenton, 2016]
Astrid Byro, Ian Bruntlett, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 28(2):16, May 2016.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lever, 2001]
Some Thoughts on Java.
Roger Lever.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Lewis, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 65.
Roger Orr, Thaddaeus Frogley, Richard Polton, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(4):17-20, September 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Lewis, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 66.
Roger Orr, Huw Lewis, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 22(5):14-17, November 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Lewis, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 67.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(6):26-30, January 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Lewis, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 68.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 23(1):23-27, March 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Lewis, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 72.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Peter Sommerlad, Balog Pál, Huw Lewis, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(5):21-27, November 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Lewis, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Lewis, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 77.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(4):25-29, September 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Lewis, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 79.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Joe Wood, Huw Lewis, Aleksandra Mierzejewska, Michal.
C Vu, 24(6):18-22, January 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Liber, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(2):27-29, April 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Peter Hammond, Stephen Love, Nigel Dickens.
C Vu, 19(4):21-26, August 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 48.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Paul Evans.
C Vu, 19(5):24-27, October 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 49.
Roger Orr, Ivan Uemlianin, John Penney, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 19(6):23-28, December 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr

[Liber, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 52.
Roger Orr, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Peter Hammond, David Pol, Ivan Uemlianin, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(3):31-35, June 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 54.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz, Colin Grant.
C Vu, 20(5):31-37, November 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2009]
Code Critique Competition 55.
Roger Orr, Ian Bruntlett, Ken Duffill, Robert Jones, Simon Sebright, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(6):37-48, January 2009.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Liber, 2009]
Code Critique #60.
Roger Orr, Damien Ruscoe, Martin Moene, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 21(5):28, November 2009.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Lindley, 1988]
The OS-9/68000(tm) Upgrade for the Atari ST(tm).
Andrew Lindley.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Linker, 1998]
From the Coalface.
The Linker.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Linker, 1998]
From the Coalface.
The Linker.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Linker, 1999]
Tales from the Linker - The Ethics of Competition.
The Linker.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Linker, 2000]
Tales from The Linker.
The Linker.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Lloyd, 2008]
An introduction to the Java Native Interface.
Alison Lloyd.
C Vu, 20(4):3-5, August 2008.
Alison Lloyd shows us round the JNI, avoiding some traps on the way.

[Lloyd, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Alison Lloyd.
C Vu, 21(6):23-24, January 2010.
Paul Grenyer maroons Alison Lloyd.

[Lloyd, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Matthew Jones, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Garry Lancaster, Ian Bruntlett, Alison Lloyd, Paul Grenyer, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 22(3):33-35, July 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Lloyd, 2012]
The Contradictions of Technical Recruitment.
Huw Lloyd.
C Vu, 24(5):16-19, November 2012.
reflects on the interview process.

[Lofving, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Love, 2011]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Frances Buontempo, Dr Love.
C Vu, 22(6):24, January 2011.
Dr Love introduces Sue Black.

[Love, 2011]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Frances Love.
C Vu, 23(1):20, March 2011.
Dr Love introduces Chris Oldwood.

[Love, 2011]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Frances Love.
C Vu, 23(5):18, November 2011.
Frances Love introduces Paul Grenyer.

[Love, 2012]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Frances Love.
C Vu, 23(6):34, January 2012.
Doctor Love finds inspiration in the simple things.

[Love, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Peter Hammond, Stephen Love, Nigel Dickens.
C Vu, 19(4):21-26, August 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Love, 2000]
The Wall.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Love, 2000]
Taking the Easy Road.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Love, 2000]
What's An Implerface?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Love, 2000]
In Defense of the Normal Programmer.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Love, 2001]
.Net Conference 2001.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Love, 2001]
Using CVS (A Beginner's Guide).
Steve Love.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Love, 2007]
The Bazaar Thing.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 19(4):5-7, August 2007.
Steve Love works the version control job.

[Love, 2007]
The Version Control Job.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 19(5):5-9, October 2007.
Steve Love continues his series on version control.

[Love, 2007]
Regional Meetings.
Ian Bruntlett, Ric Parkin, Steve Love.
C Vu, 19(5):23, October 2007.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Love, 2008]
Personal Bazaar.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 20(1):15-17, February 2008.
Steve Love has a round-up of techniques for making Bazaar do what you want.

[Love, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Steve Love, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):36, June 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Love, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Steve Love, Jim Hague, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(4):18, August 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Love, 2008]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Steve Love.
C Vu, 20(5):39-40, November 2008.
Paul Grenyer introduces Steve Love’s reading selection.

[Love, 2009]
Reflections on Learning.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 21(5):1, November 2009.

[Love, 2009]
Charming the Snake.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 21(5):10, November 2009.
Steve Love makes his Python programs more modular.

[Love, 2010]
Tales From the Other Side.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 21(6):1, January 2010.

[Love, 2010]
By Convention.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(1):1, March 2010.

[Love, 2010]
Choose Your Language Carefully.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(2):1, May 2010.

[Love, 2010]
Software Construction Site.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(3):1, July 2010.

[Love, 2010]
A Simple Assignment.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(4):1, September 2010.

[Love, 2010]
What’s It Like?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(5):1, November 2010.

[Love, 2010]
Inspiration (P)articles.
Frances Buontempo, Steve Love.
C Vu, 22(5):13, November 2010.
Frances Buontempo continues her quest for positive experiences.

[Love, 2011]
What was, what is, and what may be.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(1):1, March 2011.

[Love, 2011]
ACCU Regional Meetings.
Chris Oldwood, Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(1):22, March 2011.
This time the spotlight falls on London.

[Love, 2011]
Coincidence and convergence.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(2):1, May 2011.

[Love, 2011]
Screen Test.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(3):1, July 2011.

[Love, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett, Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(3):31-32, July 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Love, 2011]
Forgotten Old Hat.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(4):1, September 2011.

[Love, 2011]
Language Barrier.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(5):1, November 2011.

[Love, 2012]
Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(6):1, January 2012.

[Love, 2012]
Too Clever By Half.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(1):1, March 2012.

[Love, 2012]
Dedicated Follower of Fashion.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(2):1, May 2012.

[Love, 2012]
Where is ACCU going?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(2):25, May 2012.
Steve Love invites you to exert some influence.

[Love, 2012]
Flesh on Bones.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(3):1, July 2012.

[Love, 2012]
Different Strokes.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(4):1, September 2012.

[Love, 2012]
Not Doing The Wrong Thing.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(5):1, November 2012.

[Love, 2013]
For The Sake Of It.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 24(6):1, January 2013.

[Love, 2013]
Slave to the Grind.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 25(1):1, March 2013.

[Love, 2013]
The New Informs The Old.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 25(2):1, May 2013.

[Love, 2013]
A beginner again.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 25(3):1, July 2013.

[Love, 2013]
OSS Enterprise.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 25(4):1, September 2013.

[Love, 2013]
IInterface and Other Religions.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 25(5):1, November 2013.

[Love, 2014]
On Being Ignorant.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 25(6):1, January 2014.

[Love, 2014]
The Ecumenical Programmer.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 26(1):1, March 2014.

[Love, 2014]
Continuous Learning.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 26(2):1, May 2014.

[Love, 2014]
Over and Under.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 26(3):1, July 2014.

[Love, 2014]
Look but don’t touch.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 26(4):1, September 2014.

[Love, 2014]
Community service.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 26(5):1, November 2014.

[Love, 2015]
A Mutual Understanding.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 26(6):1, January 2015.

[Love, 2015]
Private Funding.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 27(1):1, March 2015.

[Love, 2015]
In Between.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 27(2):1, May 2015.

[Love, 2015]
What is a user interface?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 27(3):1, July 2015.

[Love, 2015]
Developing programs.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 27(4):1, September 2015.

[Love, 2015]
Selective ignorance.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 27(5):1, November 2015.

[Love, 2016]
Choose your mask.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 27(6):1, January 2016.

[Love, 2016]
Cross Pollinated.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 28(1):1, March 2016.

[Love, 2016]
More Than One.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 28(2):1, May 2016.

[Love, 2016]
Fixed fixation.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 28(3):1, July 2016.

[Love, 2016]
The integrated developer.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 28(4):1, September 2016.

[Love, 2016]
Necessary technology.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 28(5):1, November 2016.

[Love, 2017]
No obvious deficiencies.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 28(6):1, January 2017.

[Love, 2017]
Unnecessary complexity.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 29(1):1, March 2017.

[Love, 2017]
Production legacy.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 29(2):1, May 2017.

[Love, 2017]
It's written, that's why.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 29(3):1, July 2017.

[Love, 2017]
The art of laziness.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 29(4):1, September 2017.

[Love, 2017]
Steve Love.
C Vu, 29(5):1, November 2017.

[Love, 2018]
Know It All.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 29(6):1, January 2018.

[Love, 2018]
On Being Lazy.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 30(1):1, March 2018.

[Love, 2018]
And another thing....
Steve Love.
C Vu, 30(2):1, May 2018.

[Love, 2018]
Into Gold.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 30(3):1, July 2018.

[Love, 2018]
Precision Engineered.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 30(4):1, September 2018.

[Love, 2018]
Precious Metals.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 30(5):1, November 2018.

[Love, 2019]
Usefulness Versus Complexity.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 30(6):1, January 2019.

[Love, 2019]
Nobody Does It Better.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 31(1):1, March 2019.

[Love, 2019]
Full Nine Yards.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 31(2):1, May 2019.

[Love, 2019]
This is only a test.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 31(4):1, September 2019.

[Love, 2019]
Sympathy for the Devil.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 31(5):1, November 2019.

[Love, 2020]
On not doing anything.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 31(6):1, January 2020.

[Love, 2020]
Imaginary friends.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 32(1):1, March 2020.

[Love, 2020]
The Story of Code.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 32(2):1, May 2020.

[Love, 2020]
More than a label.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 32(3):1, July 2020.

[Love, 2020]
Steve Love.
C Vu, 32(4):1, September 2020.

[Love, 2020]
Join the Club!.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 32(5):1, November 2020.

[Love, 2021]
Steve Love.
C Vu, 32(6):1, January 2021.

[Love, 2021]
Back to the Future?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 33(1):1, March 2021.

[Love, 2021]
Estimate or Speculate.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 33(2):1, May 2021.

[Love, 2021]
Change my Mind.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 33(3):1, July 2021.

[Love, 2021]
Magic Isn’t Simple.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 33(4):1, September 2021.

[Love, 2021]
Unsung Hero.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 33(5):1, November 2021.

[Love, 2022]
Borrowing Time.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 33(6):1, January 2022.

[Love, 2022]
The New Normal.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(1):1, March 2022.

[Love, 2022]
Something Old, Something New.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(2):1, May 2022.

[Love, 2022]
Being Judgemental.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(3):1, July 2022.

[Love, 2022]
Your Opinion Matters.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(4):1, September 2022.

[Love, 2022]
In Memoriam – Richard Harris.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(4):5, September 2022.
Steve Love shares his memories, and those of some friends who knew Richard well.

[Love, 2022]
The Joy of Coding.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(5):1, November 2022.

[Love, 2023]
Technical Debt is a Burden.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 34(6):1, January 2023.

[Love, 2023]
The Bee in my Bonnet.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 35(1):1, March 2023.

[Love, 2023]
The Price of Progress.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 35(2):1, May 2023.

[Love, 2023]
The Second Cousin.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 35(3):1, July 2023.

[Love, 2023]
Not What It Says On The Tin.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 35(4):1, September 2023.

[Love, 2023]
Steve Love.
C Vu, 35(5):1, November 2023.

[Love, 2024]
Plus ça change.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 35(6):1, January 2024.

[Love, 2024]
What is a user?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 36(1):1, March 2024.

[Love, 2024]
What you think it means.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 36(2):1, May 2024.

[Love, 2024]
Objectively speaking.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 36(3):1, July 2024.

[Love, 2024]
Coding versus Typing.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 36(4):1, September 2024.

[Love, 2024]
Use Your Imagination.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 36(5):1, November 2024.

[Love, 2025]
What is Software?.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 36(6):1, January 2025.

[Love, 2025]
Most People for Most of the Time.
Steve Love.
C Vu, 37(1):1, March 2025.

[Lyndsay, 2010]
ACCU London.
James Lyndsay.
C Vu, 21(6):24, January 2010.
James Lyndsay: Anticipating Surprises (or How to Find Problems and Persuade People You’ve Avoided Them).

[Lytton, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Lytton, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 107.
Roger Orr, Jason Spencer, James Holland, Robert Lytton.
C Vu, 29(4):12-18, September 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Löfving, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Löfving, 2007]
Christer Löfving.
C Vu, 19(5):3-4, October 2007.
Christer Löfving introduces an inexpensive tool for learning and using Regular Expressions.

[Main, 2000]
OOD and Testing using the Dependency Inversion Principle.
Chris Main.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Main, 2000]
The Wall.
Chris Main.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Main, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 50.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 20(1):22-24, February 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Main, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 67.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(6):26-30, January 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Main, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 104.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, James Holland, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(1):14-18, March 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Main, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Mansergh, 2012]
ACCU Oxford.
David Mansergh.
C Vu, 24(2):19, May 2012.
An evening of lightning talks, reviewed by David Mansergh.

[Marlow, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Marlow, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow, Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 25(6):32-35, January 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Marlow, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow.
C Vu, 26(3):22-23, July 2014.
The latest round-up of book reviews.

[Marlow, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Frances Buontempo, Andrew Marlow.
C Vu, 26(6):19-20, January 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Marré, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 90.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Marcel Marré.
C Vu, 26(5):15-19, November 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 120.
Roger Orr, Martin Janzen, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(5):11-15, November 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marré, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Marsman, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Matthew R. Jones, Aschwin Marsman, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 34(1):22-24, March 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Marsman, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Aschwin Marsman, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(4):30-31, September 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Marsman, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Aschwin Marsman, Paul J. Floyd.
C Vu, 35(2):15-16, May 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Martin, 2024]
ACCU Membership Fees.
Matt Jones, Patrick Martin.
C Vu, 36(2):16, May 2024.

[Masterson, 1987]
Structure, Part 2.
Colin Masterson.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.
In the last part we spoke about structure in terms of ignoring detail. We now go on to formalise our thinking.

[Masterson, 1987]
Commenting programs, how and why.
Colin Masterson.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.
A letter has flooded in from Colin Masterson, the author of our series on structured programming:

[Masterson, 1988]
Structure, Part 3.
Colin Masterson.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Masterton, 1987]
Structure, Part 1.
Colin Masterton.
C Vu, 1(1):13, October 1987.
How to get some into your C programs!.

[Masterton, 1987]
Proficient C.
Colin Masterton.
C Vu, 1(1):16, October 1987.
Very much aimed towards the PC programmer.

[Masterton, 1987]
Debugging C.
Colin Masterton.
C Vu, 1(1):18, October 1987.
Why a book on debugging?.

[Mathews, 2018]
Report on Challenge 2.
Francis Glassborow, Alex Kumaila, Silas S. Brown, Hubert Mathews, Pete Disdale, James Holland.
C Vu, 30(1):27-30, March 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the answers to his last challenge and gives us a new one.

[Matthews, 2010]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 22(3):36, July 2010.

[Matthews, 2010]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 22(4):24, September 2010.

[Matthews, 2010]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 22(5):24, November 2010.

[Matthews, 2011]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 22(6):32, January 2011.

[Matthews, 2011]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 23(1):28, March 2011.

[Matthews, 2011]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 23(2):24, May 2011.

[Matthews, 2011]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 23(4):32, September 2011.

[Matthews, 2011]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 23(5):28, November 2011.

[Matthews, 2012]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 23(6):40, January 2012.

[Matthews, 2012]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 24(1):32, March 2012.

[Matthews, 2012]
View From The Chair.
Hubert Matthews.
C Vu, 24(2):27, May 2012.

[Maudal, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[McArdell, 2010]
ACCU Security 2009.
Ralph McArdell, Ewan Milne.
C Vu, 21(6):25-26, January 2010.

[McArdell, 2014]
Const and Concurrency (Part 1).
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 26(5):6-7, November 2014.
Ralph McArdell comments on comments to Herb Sutter’s updated GotW #6b solution.

[McArdell, 2015]
Const and Concurrency (part 2).
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 26(6):8-9, January 2015.
Ralph McArdell continues musing on comments to Herb Sutter’s updated GotW #6b solution.

[McArdell, 2015]
Raspberry Pi Linux User Mode GPIO in Python.
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 27(1):15-18, March 2015.
Ralph McArdell finds stream based input/output to be more convenient.

[McArdell, 2015]
Raspberry Pi Linux User Mode GPIO in C++ - Part 1.
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 27(2):17-21, May 2015.
Ralph McArdell expands the Raspberry Pi with a C++ library.

[McArdell, 2015]
EuroLLVM Conference 2015.
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 27(3):9-11, July 2015.
Ralph McArdell reports on his experience of the LLVM Conference.

[McArdell, 2015]
Raspberry Pi Linux User Mode GPIO in C++ (Part 2).
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 27(4):14-18, September 2015.
Ralph McArdell continues developing a C++ library for Raspberry Pi expansions.

[McArdell, 2015]
Raspberry Pi Linux User Mode GPIO in C++ (Part 3).
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 27(5):11-16, November 2015.
Ralph McArdell demonstrates the library with two peripherals on the Pi.

[McArdell, 2016]
Groovy and Grails eXchange 2015.
Ralph McArdell.
C Vu, 28(1):10-11, March 2016.
Ralph McArdell reports on his conference experiences.

[McClelland, 2021]
Homework Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tim Kent, Tony McClelland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(3):14-17, July 2021.
Francis Glassborow collects responses to the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[McClelland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 14.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tony McClelland.
C Vu, 35(1):16-18, March 2023.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets another.

[McClelland, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 16.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, Dvir Yitzchaki, Tony McClelland, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(3):14-18, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow shares the solution to the last challenge and sets the next.

[McCool, 2000]
The Wall.
Joe McCool.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[McCool, 2000]
A Perspective on Two Books.
Joe McCool.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[McFarlane, 1998]
Hungarian Notation- Another View.
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[McFarlane, 1999]
More Thoughts About Hungarian Notation.
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[McFarlane, 2000]
Recent Interview Experiences (and Other Gripes).
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[McFarlane, 2000]
Microsoft Domination.
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[McFarlane, 2000]
The Wall.
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[McFarlane, 2002]
The Wall.
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[McFarlane, 2002]
The Wall.
Kevin McFarlane.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[McMonagle, 2024]
C++ Standard Report.
John McMonagle.
C Vu, 36(3):7-8, July 2024.
John McMonagle takes the baton from Guy Davidson to report on the latest C++ news.

[McMonagle, 2024]
C++ Standard Report.
John McMonagle.
C Vu, 36(4):9-11, September 2024.
John McMonagle reports on the latest developments.

[McMonagle, 2024]
C++ Standard Report.
John McMonagle.
C Vu, 36(5):9-10, November 2024.
John McMonagle reports on the latest developments.

[McMonagle, 2025]
Standard Report.
John McMonagle.
C Vu, 36(6):5-6, January 2025.
John McMonagle reports on the latest developments.

[McMonagle, 2025]
Standard Report.
John McMonagle.
C Vu, 37(1):10-11, March 2025.
John McMonagle reports on the latest papers from the WG21 meeting in Wroclaw.

[Merideth, 2002]
Examining C++.
Alistair Merideth.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Mertz, 2019]
C++ On Sea 2019 Trip Report.
Arne Mertz, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 31(1):5-8, March 2019.
Arne Mertz and Frances Buontempo share their experiences of a new C++ conference.

[Metcalfe, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Metcalfe, 2008]
Taming the Lint Monster (Part 1).
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe.
C Vu, 20(5):3-5, November 2008.
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe gives a personal perspective of the PC-Lint code analysis tool.

[Metcalfe, 2013]
ACCU Conference 2013.
Anna-Jayne Metcalfe.
C Vu, 25(3):23-25, July 2013.
shares her conference experience.

[Michal, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 79.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Joe Wood, Huw Lewis, Aleksandra Mierzejewska, Michal.
C Vu, 24(6):18-22, January 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Mierzejewska, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 79.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Joe Wood, Huw Lewis, Aleksandra Mierzejewska, Michal.
C Vu, 24(6):18-22, January 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Mierzejewska, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Roger Orr, Ola Mierzejewska.
C Vu, 23(6):33, January 2012.
In this issue, Roger Orr kindly introduces Ola Mierzejewska on my behalf.

[Milne, 2001]
A Touch Of Abstraction.
Ewan Milne.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Milne, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Ewan Milne, Jim Hague, Ric Parkin, Pete Hammond, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(5):38, November 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Milne, 2010]
ACCU Security 2009.
Ralph McArdell, Ewan Milne.
C Vu, 21(6):25-26, January 2010.

[Milne, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Ewan Milne, Matthew Jones, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(3):22-23, July 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Miscellaneous, 2000]
Questions and Answers.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Miscellaneous, 2000]
Members' Experiences.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Miscellaneous, 2000]
Meetings in Toronto.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[Miscellaneous, 2002]
The Wall.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Miscellaneous, 2002]
Letters to the Editor.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Moene, 2009]
Code Critique #60.
Roger Orr, Damien Ruscoe, Martin Moene, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 21(5):28, November 2009.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Moene, 2010]
Code Critique #61.
Roger Orr, John Bytheway, Martin Moene.
C Vu, 21(6):26-31, January 2010.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Moene, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Moffatt, 2000]
The Wall.
Peter Moffatt.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Morini, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 148.
Roger Orr, Manlio Morini, Paul Floyd, James Holland, William Grace.
C Vu, 36(3):9-14, July 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Morrison, 2000]
John Morrison.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Morrison, 2003]
Patterns in the Web.
John Morrison.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Mrs Trellis, 2016]
ACCU London: Dietmar Khül.
Mrs Trellis.
C Vu, 28(1):24, March 2016.
A (clueless) review of the Jan 16th ACCU London Meeting.

[Mrs Trellis, 2016]
ACCU London.
Mrs Trellis.
C Vu, 28(2):16, May 2016.
Mrs Trellis reviews the March 16th meeting, without a clue.

[Munro, 1999]
Comments on a Code Review.
Ken Munro.
C Vu, 11(5):, August 1999.

[Murphy, 2003]
Letters to the Editor.
Michael J Murphy.
C Vu, 15(3):, June 2003.

[Musatti, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[N.N., 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, N.N..
C Vu, 22(3):18-19, July 2010.
A round-up of happenings across the country.

[N.N., 2014]
A Cautionary Tale.
C Vu, 26(5):13, November 2014.
[This article is only available in the printed version of CVu due to rights issues.].

[N.N., 2015]
ACCU London Review.
C Vu, 27(3):16, July 2015.
One of the attendees at a recent meet shares their experience.

[NN, 1987]
The Minix Operating System.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.
How to get in touch with our Minix coordinator

[Nash, 2002]
XML Parsing with the Document Object Model.
David Nash.
C Vu, 14(5):, October 2002.

[Nash, 2003]
Combining the STL with SAX and XPath for Effective XML Parsing.
David Nash.
C Vu, 15(5):, October 2003.

[Nash, 2005]
ACCU Conference 2005.
David Nash.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Nash, 2010]
Code Formatting in C++.
Phil Nash.
C Vu, 22(1):10-12, March 2010.
Phil Nash explains why formatting counts.

[Nash, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 83.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Phil Nash, Peter Sommerlad, Mirko Stocker, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(4):13-16, September 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Newton, 1999]
A Little Humour.
Allan Newton.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Newton, 1999]
Can juries decide?.
Allan Newton.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Newton, 2000]
So Your Code is NOT Critical?.
Allan Newton.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Nibbs, 2003]
Maintaining Context for Exceptions (Alternative).
Andy Nibbs.
C Vu, 15(6):, December 2003.

[Nichols, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Nichols, 2017]
Astrid Byro, Tim Green, Barry Nichols, Jim Segrave, Marco Dinacci, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):17-18, January 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Nir, 2001]
My Trail of 10 Books for Learning C++.
Caliv Nir.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Nodet, 2010]
Implementing One-to-Many Relations in C++.
Xavier Nodet.
C Vu, 22(3):3-7, July 2010.
Xavier Nodet looks at managing relationships in C++.

[Nonymous, 2000]
From the Coalface.
A. Nonymous.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Nonymous, 2000]
A Personal View.
A. Nonymous.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Nordén, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Noyes, 2014]
How to Deconstruct Compile Time FizzBuzz in C++ Without Using Boost.
Malcolm Noyes.
C Vu, 26(3):10-12, July 2014.
Malcolm Noyes looks under the hood at some C++ template metaprogramming tools.

[Noyes, 2016]
Using Clara to Parse Command Lines in C++.
Malcolm Noyes.
C Vu, 28(1):13-14, March 2016.
Malcolm Noyes demonstrates how to get up and running.

[O'Connell, 1999]
You Write, the Editor Replies.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[O'Connell, 1999]
Anonymous Code Exercise Rewrite.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[O'Connell, 2000]
The Wall.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[O'Connell, 2000]
The Wall.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[O'Connell, 2000]
The Wall.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[O'Connell, 2000]
The Wall.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[O'Connell, 2000]
Buffer Overflows and the Standard C Library.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[O'Connell, 2000]
The Wall.
Catriona O'Connell.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Obiltschnig, 2007]
A Guided Tour of the POCO C++ Libraries.
Günter Obiltschnig.
C Vu, 19(2):12-15, April 2007.
Günter Obiltschnig explains the origins of POCO.

[Oldwood, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Oldwood, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(2):24, May 2010.
Chris Oldwood enjoys a night out data mapping and generating code.

[Oldwood, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(4):21-22, September 2010.
Chris Oldwood chooses his companions to take to the island.

[Oldwood, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Oldwood, 2011]
ACCU Regional Meetings.
Chris Oldwood, Steve Love.
C Vu, 23(1):22, March 2011.
This time the spotlight falls on London.

[Oldwood, 2011]
ACCU 2011 Conference.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 23(2):18-19, May 2011.
Chris Oldwood shares his experiences.

[Oldwood, 2011]
Regional Meetings: ACCU London.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 23(4):32, September 2011.
Chris Oldwood reflects on a recent London event.

[Oldwood, 2012]
ACCU Conference 2012.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 24(3):16-17, July 2012.
Chris Oldwood recalls his experiences of the ACCU 2012 conference.

[Oldwood, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Floyd, Chris Oldwood, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(5):28-30, November 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Oldwood, 2013]
Regional Meetings.
Chris Oldwood, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 24(6):23-24, January 2013.
Chris Oldwood rounds up a whole series of talks from ACCU London, and Paul Grenyer gives us SyncNorwich.

[Oldwood, 2013]
The Downs and Ups of Being an ACCU Member.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(1):6-7, March 2013.
Chris Oldwood reflects on what the ACCU’s ever done for him.

[Oldwood, 2013]
In the Tool Box - Introduction.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(1):10, March 2013.
Chris Oldwood introduces a column about his weapons of choice.

[Oldwood, 2013]
ACCU Conference 2013.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(2):8-9, May 2013.
Chris Oldwood shares his experiences from this year’s conference.

[Oldwood, 2013]
Team Chat.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(2):16-17, May 2013.
Chris Oldwood considers the benefits of social media in the workplace.

[Oldwood, 2013]
Passionate About Programming or Passionate About Life?.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(3):4-5, July 2013.
Chris Oldwood takes up the baton in the Passionate debate.

[Oldwood, 2013]
Wrapper Scripts.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(3):12-14, July 2013.
Chris Oldwood automates his toolkit for an easier and more predictable life.

[Oldwood, 2013]
Pen and Paper.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(4):7-8, September 2013.
Chris Oldwood finds uses for old-fashioned tools.

[Oldwood, 2013]
(Re)Reading the Classics.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(4):11-12, September 2013.
Chris Oldwood looks back at his favourite literature.

[Oldwood, 2013]
Static Code Analysis.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(5):9-10, November 2013.
Chris Oldwood wants more than just syntax checking.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Social Networking.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 25(6):6, January 2014.
Chris Oldwood describes more of the tools of his trade.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Software Archaeology.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(1):7-8, March 2014.
Chris Oldwood digs up some ancient remains.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Developer Freedom.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(1):12-14, March 2014.
Chris Oldwood muses on the liberties we should and should not enjoy.

[Oldwood, 2014]
ACCU - For the Unknown Unknowns.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(2):6, May 2014.
Chris Oldwood ponders what the ACCU means to him.

[Oldwood, 2014]
List Incomprehension.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(2):7-8, May 2014.
Chris Oldwood gets some data structure anxiety off his chest.

[Oldwood, 2014]
ACCU Conference 2014.
Chris Oldwood, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 26(2):9-11, May 2014.
Chris Oldwood and Ian Bruntlett review the ACCU 2014 Conference.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Feature Tracking.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(3):3, July 2014.
Chris Oldwood considers different audiences for tools to track features.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Being Original.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(3):9, July 2014.
Chris Oldwood reflects on the content of talks and articles.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Revisiting the Gang of Four.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(4):14, September 2014.
Chris Oldwood reflects on things missed first time around.

[Oldwood, 2014]
Taming the Inbox.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(5):4-5, November 2014.
Chris Oldwood shares his tactics for keeping on top of the mail.

[Oldwood, 2014]
ACCU London - October 2014.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(5):19,21, November 2014.
Chris Oldwood reports from the latest meeting of the London Chapter.

[Oldwood, 2015]
Simplicity Through Immutability.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 26(6):3-5, January 2015.
Chris Oldwood considers the benefits of unchangeable data.

[Oldwood, 2015]
The Developer’s Sandbox.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 27(1):8-11, March 2015.
Chris Oldwood wants to be in control.

[Oldwood, 2015]
Dictionary and Thesaurus.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 27(3):2-4, July 2015.
Chris Oldwood finds surprising similarities in prose and code.

[Oldwood, 2016]
Finding Text.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 27(6):5-7, January 2016.
hunts for the right tool to search text files.

[Oldwood, 2016]
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 28(3):7-8, July 2016.
Chris Oldwood makes a case for collaboration over technology.

[Oldwood, 2016]
Home-Grown Tools.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 28(4):3-4, September 2016.
Chris Oldwood turns to custom tools when off the shelf won’t do.

[Oldwood, 2016]
Commit Checklist.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 28(5):6-8, November 2016.
Chris Oldwood goes through the motions of version control.

[Oldwood, 2017]
A Case of Mistaken Identity.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 28(6):5-6, January 2017.
Chris Oldwood puts values to the test.

[Oldwood, 2017]
Be Available, Not Busy.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 29(1):12-13, March 2017.
Chris Oldwood considers how agility is best achieved.

[Oldwood, 2018]
Getting Personal.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 30(1):12-15, March 2018.
Chris Oldwood considers the effect of personal choice on delivering software.

[Oldwood, 2018]
Libraries, Console Apps and GUIs.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 30(2):3-5, May 2018.
Chris Oldwood compares the use of different application interfaces.

[Oldwood, 2018]
The Half-Domain/Half-Primitive Proxy.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 30(3):12-16, July 2018.
Chris Oldwood presents a pattern for abstracting client-side proxies for testing.

[Oldwood, 2018]
To Mob, Pair, or Fly Solo.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 30(5):5-8, November 2018.
Chris Oldwood compares different collaboration practices.

[Oldwood, 2019]
An Interview Icebreaker.
Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 30(6):9-10, January 2019.
Chris Oldwood tries a novel approach to open up the interview conversation.

[Ollis, 2008]
Tell me about it.
Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 20(5):1, November 2008.
Guest Editorial

[Ollis, 2009]
Santa Claus and Other Methodologies.
Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 20(6):3-7, January 2009.
Gail Ollis takes a festive approach to software development.

[Ollis, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Gail Ollis, Pete Goodliffe, Giuseppe Vacanti, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(6):44-48, January 2009.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Ollis, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Ollis, 2014]
Astrid Byro, Paul Johnson, Alan Lenton, Andrew Marlow, Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 25(6):32-35, January 2014.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Ollis, 2015]
The Cat’s Meow.
Gail Ollis.
C Vu, 27(4):11-12, September 2015.
Gail Ollis reports from the App-a-thon World Record attempt.

[Orr, 2002]
Some Personal Reflections on C++ and Java.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Orr, 2003]
Non-Standard Code.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 15(2):, April 2003.

[Orr, 2005]
Student Code Critique Competition 34.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Orr, 2005]
Student Code Critique Competition 35.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Orr, 2005]
Student Code Critique Competition 36.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Orr, 2005]
Student Code Critique Competition 37.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Orr, 2005]
A Reflection on Defensive Programming.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Orr, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 44.
Roger Orr, John Appleby-Alis, Calum Grant, David Carter-Hitchin, Balog Pál, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(1):22-28, February 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(2):27-29, April 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Peter Hammond, Stephen Love, Nigel Dickens.
C Vu, 19(4):21-26, August 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 48.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Paul Evans.
C Vu, 19(5):24-27, October 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 49.
Roger Orr, Ivan Uemlianin, John Penney, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 19(6):23-28, December 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr

[Orr, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 50.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 20(1):22-24, February 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 51.
Roger Orr, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 20(2):22-24, April 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 52.
Roger Orr, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Peter Hammond, David Pol, Ivan Uemlianin, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(3):31-35, June 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 53.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Charles Bailey.
C Vu, 20(4):19-21, August 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 54.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz, Colin Grant.
C Vu, 20(5):31-37, November 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2009]
Code Critique Competition 55.
Roger Orr, Ian Bruntlett, Ken Duffill, Robert Jones, Simon Sebright, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(6):37-48, January 2009.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2009]
Code Critique #60.
Roger Orr, Damien Ruscoe, Martin Moene, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 21(5):28, November 2009.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Orr, 2010]
Code Critique #61.
Roger Orr, John Bytheway, Martin Moene.
C Vu, 21(6):26-31, January 2010.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Orr, 2010]
Code Critique Competition #62.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(1):28-32, March 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 63.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(2):21-23, May 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 64.
Roger Orr, Matthew Wilson, Paul Stephenson, Pete Disdale, Terry Whiterod, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(3):22-32, July 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 65.
Roger Orr, Thaddaeus Frogley, Richard Polton, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(4):17-20, September 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 66.
Roger Orr, Huw Lewis, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 22(5):14-17, November 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Orr, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 67.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(6):26-30, January 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2011]
Using the Windows Debugging API.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(1):13-17, March 2011.
Roger Orr reveals the magic of Windows Debuggers.

[Orr, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 68.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 23(1):23-27, March 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 69.
Roger Orr, Pete Disdale.
C Vu, 23(2):19-21, May 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 70.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(3):24-26, July 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2011]
Standards Report: C++0x.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(3):30, July 2011.
Roger Orr brings us up to date with the latest news.

[Orr, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 71.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(4):26-30, September 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2011]
Standards Report C++11.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(4):31, September 2011.
Roger Orr reports on the new C++ standard.

[Orr, 2011]
C++ Standards Report 11.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(5):18, November 2011.
Roger Orr reports on the new C++ standard.

[Orr, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 72.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Peter Sommerlad, Balog Pál, Huw Lewis, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(5):21-27, November 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(5):19-20, November 2011.
Roger Orr shares the contents of his suitcase.

[Orr, 2012]
Using the Windows Debugging API on Windows 64.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(6):10-14, January 2012.
Roger Orr finds smoke and mirrors inside 64-bit Windows.

[Orr, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Roger Orr, Ola Mierzejewska.
C Vu, 23(6):33, January 2012.
In this issue, Roger Orr kindly introduces Ola Mierzejewska on my behalf.

[Orr, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 73.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(6):35-39, January 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2012]
The 24th ACCU AGM.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 23(6):30, January 2012.
Acting Secretary, ACCU.

[Orr, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 75.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Herman Pijl, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki.
C Vu, 24(2):20-25, May 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 76.
Roger Orr, jingyu_chen, Paul Floyd, Helmut Wais, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 24(3):24-29, July 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 77.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(4):25-29, September 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2012]
Using the Unix ptrace API.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 24(5):3-7, November 2012.
Roger Orr exposes the Unix debugging API.

[Orr, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 78.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 24(5):24-27, November 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 79.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Joe Wood, Huw Lewis, Aleksandra Mierzejewska, Michal.
C Vu, 24(6):18-22, January 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 81.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 25(2):19-21, May 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 82.
Roger Orr, Pawel Zakrzewski, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(3):17-21, July 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 83.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Phil Nash, Peter Sommerlad, Mirko Stocker, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(4):13-16, September 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Russel Winder, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(5):16-18, November 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2014]
Identity During Construction.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 26(2):4-6, May 2014.
Roger Orr observes some subtle traps in object initialization between different languages.

[Orr, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 87.
Roger Orr, Russel Winder.
C Vu, 26(2):13-15, May 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2014]
View from without the Chair.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 26(2):16, May 2014.

[Orr, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2014]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 26(4):17-19, September 2014.
Competition 89 and the answers to 88.

[Orr, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 90.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Marcel Marré.
C Vu, 26(5):15-19, November 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 91.
Roger Orr, Alex Paterson, James Holland.
C Vu, 26(6):12-16, January 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 92.
Roger Orr, Jim Segrave, Tom Björkholm, James Holland, Alex Paterson.
C Vu, 27(1):21-25, March 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2015]
Using 32-bit COM Objects from 64-bit Programs.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 27(2):15-17, May 2015.
Roger Orr explains how to cross the platform boundary in COM libraries.

[Orr, 2015]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr, Tom Björkholm, Simon Brand, Jim Segrave, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 27(2):23-, May 2015.
Competition 93 and the answers to 92.

[Orr, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 94.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(3):17-21, July 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 95.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(4):20-22, September 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2015]
One Definition Rule.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 27(5):16-18, November 2015.
Roger Orr explains an often misunderstood aspect of C++.

[Orr, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 96.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Gareth Ansell, Matthew Wilson, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(5):21-26, November 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 97.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(6):9-11, January 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 98.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Paul Floyd, Robert Jones, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(1):19-22, March 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 99.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(2):13-15, May 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 100.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, John Roden, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(3):12-15, July 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 101.
Roger Orr, Juan Zaratiegui.
C Vu, 28(4):12-14, September 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2016]
A Commoner’s Response.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 28(5):12-13, November 2016.
Roger Orr offers an analysis of the Baron’s last game.

[Orr, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 102.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Simon Sebright, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 28(5):14-19, November 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 103.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(6):12-16, January 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 104.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, James Holland, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(1):14-18, March 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 106.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 29(3):9-11, July 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2017]
Standards Report.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 29(4):10-11, September 2017.
Roger Orr reports from the lastest C++ meeting.

[Orr, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 107.
Roger Orr, Jason Spencer, James Holland, Robert Lytton.
C Vu, 29(4):12-18, September 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 109.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(6):11-16, January 2018.
The results from the last competition and the details of the latest.

[Orr, 2018]
Standards Report.
Emyr Williams, Guy Davidson, Roger Orr.
C Vu, 29(6):18-19, January 2018.
Emyr Williams updates us on the latest in C++ standardisation.

[Orr, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 110.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Paul Floyd, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(1):15-26, March 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 111.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Balog Pál, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(2):15-22, May 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 112.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(3):17-20, July 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 114.
Roger Orr, Gennaro Prota, Stewart Becker, Joe Wood, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(5):9-15, November 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 116.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(1):11-15, March 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 120.
Roger Orr, Martin Janzen, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(5):11-15, November 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 121.
Roger Orr, Pete Cordell, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 31(6):14-17, January 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 122.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Ovidiu Parvu, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 32(1):11-17, March 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 123.
Roger Orr, Francis Glassborow, Ovidiu Parvu, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, James Holland.
C Vu, 32(2):14-21, May 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 125.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(4):14-19, September 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2020]
Further Comments on Code Critique 123.
Roger Orr, Steven Singer.
C Vu, 32(4):19-21, September 2020.
Additional information has been sent in response to an earlier Code Critique Competition.

[Orr, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 126.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(5):13-17, November 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2021]
Buffer Overflows on Windows and How to Find Them.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 32(6):6-10, January 2021.
Roger Orr takes a detailed look at handing memory problems in Windows.

[Orr, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 127.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Robin Williams, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(6):10-19, January 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2021]
A War Story.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 33(1):4-6, March 2021.
Roger Orr gets to grips with a slow Windows logon.

[Orr, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 128.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(1):12-15, March 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 129.
Roger Orr, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(2):12-14, May 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2021]
How Many Braces Must a Programmer Write Down?.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 33(3):4-5, July 2021.
Roger Orr peers into the dark depths of array initialisation in C and C++.

[Orr, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 130.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Hans Vredeveld, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(3):7-13, July 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 131.
Roger Orr, Andy Burgess, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(4):18-21, September 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 132.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(5):9-12, November 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 133.
Roger Orr, Stewart Becker, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(6):12-16, January 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 134.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(1):11-15, March 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 135.
Roger Orr, Simon Sebright, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(2):10-13, May 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 136.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(3):12-15, July 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 138.
Roger Orr, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(5):24-27, November 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2023]
Reporting An MSvc Runtime Library Bug.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 34(6):7-8, January 2023.
Roger Orr shares his experience of submitting a bug fix to Microsoft.

[Orr, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 139.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(6):9-11, January 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 141.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(2):7-11, May 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 142.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(3):12-14, July 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2023]
Are the Old Ways Sometimes the Best?.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 35(4):3-6, September 2023.
Roger Orr compares the ‘classic C++’ and ‘modern’ ways of solving various programming tasks.

[Orr, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 143.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Tim Kent.
C Vu, 35(4):9-13, September 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2023]
Are the Old Ways Sometimes the Best? – Part 2.
Roger Orr.
C Vu, 35(5):9-14, November 2023.
Roger Orr compares the ‘classic C++’ and ‘modern’ ways to solve various programming tasks.

[Orr, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(5):16-21, November 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 144.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(6):7-10, January 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 35(6):11-12, January 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Orr, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 146.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Martin Janzen, Wayne Price, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(1):8-10, March 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 147.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Graham Patterson, Herman Pijl, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 36(2):8-11, May 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 148.
Roger Orr, Manlio Morini, Paul Floyd, James Holland, William Grace.
C Vu, 36(3):9-14, July 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 149.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Mark Easterbrook, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 36(4):14-19, September 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 150.
Roger Orr, Richard Howells, William Grace, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(5):14-18, November 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 151.
Roger Orr, Laurent Perato, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(6):7-9, January 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Orr, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 152.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):12-16, March 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[O’Dell, 2011]
Experiences of Pair Programming.
Chris O’Dell.
C Vu, 22(6):4, January 2011.
Chris O’Dell shares her experiences of pair programming.

[O’Dell, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Chris O’Dell.
C Vu, 23(2):22-23, May 2011.
Chris O’Dell makes her selection.

[O’Dell, 2011]
One Test or Two?.
Chris O’Dell, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 23(3):19, July 2011.
Chris O’Dell and Paul Grenyer debate the best granularity for units.

[Palmer, 1987]
Everything You Wanted To Know About C .......
Steven Palmer.
C Vu, 1(1):, October 1987.
Your problems answered.

[Palmer, 1987]
Everything You Wanted To Know About C .......
Steven W. Palmer.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.
Tips and Tricks from Steven Palmer

[Palmer, 1988]
Defining New Data Types In C++.
Steven W. Palmer.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Palmer, 1988]
The ANSI Standard For C.
Steven W. Palmer.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.
A summary of the proposed ANSI extensions to the C Programming Language By Steven W. Palmer.

[Parkin, 2007]
Stand and Deliver.
Ric Parkin.
C Vu, 19(3):14-15, June 2007.
Ric Parkin discoers that talking at the ACCU conference can be fun.

[Parkin, 2007]
Regional Meetings.
Peter Hammond, Allan Kelly, Ric Parkin.
C Vu, 19(4):20, August 2007.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Parkin, 2007]
Regional Meetings.
Ian Bruntlett, Ric Parkin, Steve Love.
C Vu, 19(5):23, October 2007.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Parkin, 2007]
Cambridge Meeting.
Ric Parkin.
C Vu, 19(6):30, December 2007.

[Parkin, 2008]
Regional Meetings.
Ewan Milne, Jim Hague, Ric Parkin, Pete Hammond, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 20(5):38, November 2008.
A round-up of the latest ACCU regional events.

[Parkin, 2012]
Time For A Change?.
Ric Parkin.
C Vu, 24(1):28, March 2012.
Ric Parkin feels some ‘new blood’ is needed to help keep Overload at the top.

[Parvu, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 122.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Ovidiu Parvu, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 32(1):11-17, March 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Parvu, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 123.
Roger Orr, Francis Glassborow, Ovidiu Parvu, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, James Holland.
C Vu, 32(2):14-21, May 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Parvu, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Parvu, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 125.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(4):14-19, September 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Parvu, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 127.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Robin Williams, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(6):10-19, January 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pascoe, 2023]
My ACCU Conference!.
Jim Pascoe.
C Vu, 35(1):7, March 2023.
Jim Pascoe, from Blu Wireless, was interviewed about his experiences of the conference.

[Paterson, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Stefan Turalski, Alex Paterson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 25(4):19-20, September 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Paterson, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 91.
Roger Orr, Alex Paterson, James Holland.
C Vu, 26(6):12-16, January 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Paterson, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 92.
Roger Orr, Jim Segrave, Tom Björkholm, James Holland, Alex Paterson.
C Vu, 27(1):21-25, March 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Paterson, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 12.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Graham Paterson, Andrea Gieriet, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(5):18-23, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Patterson, 1998]
Common Gateway Interface Program Testing.
Graham Patterson.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Patterson, 2000]
The Wall.
Graham Patterson.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Patterson, 2000]
Building a Tool from Other Tools.
Graham Patterson.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Patterson, 2004]
Letters to the Editor.
Graham Patterson.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Patterson, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Patterson, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Patterson, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Patterson, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 147.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Graham Patterson, Herman Pijl, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 36(2):8-11, May 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pauer, 2002]
The Wall - Your Letters etc..
Robert Pauer.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Peacock, 2024]
Edward Catmur (1982–2023).
Antony Peacock.
C Vu, 36(1):5-6, March 2024.
Antony Peacock pays tribute to Ed’s many contributions to the C++ community.

[Peck, 2017]
Old money, new money....
Alison Peck.
C Vu, 29(5):12, November 2017.
Alison Peck looks at the origins of 'two pence worth'.

[Peck, 2019]
DIY Technical Authoring.
Alison Peck.
C Vu, 30(6):11-13, January 2019.
Alison Peck shares some of the tricks of her trade.

[Peck, 2022]
Guidelines for Contributors.
Frances Buontempo, Alison Peck.
C Vu, 34(5):29-30, November 2022.
If you’d considered writing for us but aren’t sure where to start, these guidelines may help.

[Penhey, 2007]
A Mission to Increase Numbers.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(1):1, February 2007.

[Penhey, 2007]
The Book List.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(1):5-7, February 2007.
Tim Penhey sets a python on the ACCU book list.

[Penhey, 2007]
Conference Time.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(2):1, April 2007.

[Penhey, 2007]
When should code be allowed to die?.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(3):1, June 2007.

[Penhey, 2007]
Why write for ACCU?.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(4):1, August 2007.

[Penhey, 2007]
How about letters?.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(5):1, October 2007.

[Penhey, 2007]
It's summertime!.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(6):1, December 2007.

[Penhey, 2007]
Guidelines for Contributors.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 19(6):29, December 2007.
Thinking of writing for us? Follow these guidelines to help smooth the way.

[Penhey, 2008]
Why bother?.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 20(1):1, February 2008.

[Penhey, 2008]
ACCU – what's it all about?.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 20(2):1, April 2008.

[Penhey, 2008]
Storm in a Teacup.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 20(2):19-20, April 2008.
Tim Penhey introduces the wonders of Storm.

[Penhey, 2008]
ACCU vs. Open Source.
Tim Penhey.
C Vu, 20(3):1, June 2008.

[Penney, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Penney, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 49.
Roger Orr, Ivan Uemlianin, John Penney, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 19(6):23-28, December 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr

[Penney, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, John Penney, Giuseppe Vacanti, Ian Bruntlett, Seb Rose, Rob Jones.
C Vu, 20(4):22-24, August 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Perato, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 151.
Roger Orr, Laurent Perato, Paul Floyd, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(6):7-9, January 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Petersen, 2005]
Patterns in C - Part 1.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Petersen, 2005]
Patterns in C - Part 2: State.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Petersen, 2005]
Patterns in C - Part 3: Strategy.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 17(3):, June 2005.

[Petersen, 2005]
Patterns in C - Part 4: OBSERVER.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Petersen, 2005]
Patterns in C - Part 5: REACTOR.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Petersen, 2008]
Lisp for the Web.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 20(2):8-13, April 2008.
Adam Petersen shows Lisp is still a contender.

[Petersen, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Petersen, 2011]
Code Patterns.
Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 23(4):20-21, September 2011.
Adam Petersen sees value in the visual shape of the code.

[Petersen, 2012]
Development Fuel: Software Testing in the Large.
Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(3):3-7, July 2012.
Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki and Adam Petersen have some advice for testing large systems.

[Petersen, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Floyd, Chris Oldwood, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(5):28-30, November 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Peterson, 2014]
Beware setlocal Behaviour in Visual C++ 2012 & 2013.
Alex Peterson.
C Vu, 26(4):11-13, September 2014.
Alex Peterson investigates a bug in the Visual C++ runtime library.

[Petriconi, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 100.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, John Roden, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(3):12-15, July 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Petriconi, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 102.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Simon Sebright, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 28(5):14-19, November 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Petriconi, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pichler, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Pijl, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 75.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Herman Pijl, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki.
C Vu, 24(2):20-25, May 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pijl, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pijl, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 104.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, James Holland, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(1):14-18, March 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pijl, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pijl, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 147.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Graham Patterson, Herman Pijl, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 36(2):8-11, May 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pijl, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 149.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Mark Easterbrook, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 36(4):14-19, September 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pilgrim, 2007]
You’ve Gotta Get On To Get Down.
Peter Pilgrim.
C Vu, 19(2):20, April 2007.
Peter Pilgrim introduces a new series and the Java User Group.

[Pilgrim, 2007]
On The Powell Cable Car at JavaONE 2007.
Peter Pilgrim.
C Vu, 19(5):17-18, October 2007.
Peter Pilgrim proposes Java is still a major player.

[Pilgrim, 2008]
Evolving the Java Language: Open Source and Open Standardisation.
Peter Pilgrim.
C Vu, 20(2):16-17, April 2008.
Peter Pilgrim discusses the community process.

[Pilgrim, 2008]
JavaOne: JavaFX and the Future of Java.
Peter Pilgrim.
C Vu, 20(4):8-10, August 2008.
Peter Pilgrim shares his perspective of the JavaOne conference.

[Pilgrim, 2008]
A Groovy Example: Mail Merge Made Easy.
Peter Pilgrim.
C Vu, 20(5):27-30, November 2008.
Peter Pilgrim demonstrates a Groovy way to automate your admin tasks.

[Pilgrim, 1998]
Software Development with Java User Interfaces.
Peter A. Pilgrim.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Pilgrim, 1999]
Software Development with Java User Interfaces II.
Peter A. Pilgrim.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Pilgrim, 2001]
What Is Swing?.
Peter A.J. Pilgrim.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Pilgrim, 2001]
What Is Swing?.
Peter A.J. Pilgrim.
C Vu, 13(4):, August 2001.

[Pizey, 2017]
ACCU Oxford - 28 March 2017.
Tim Pizey, Francis Glassborow.
C Vu, 29(2):14, May 2017.
Frances Buontempo talked about Actual Intelligence, and a few people wrote about the evening.

[Plate, 1996]
Sets a-la Pascal.
John Plate.
C Vu, 8(1):, February 1996.

[Plum, 2004]
C++/CLI, Ecma TC39/TG5,and SC22/WG21.
Thomas Plum.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Pol, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 52.
Roger Orr, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Peter Hammond, David Pol, Ivan Uemlianin, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(3):31-35, June 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Polton, 2010]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 22(4):20, September 2010.
Richard Polton discovers that a little thought and insight can save a lot of time.

[Polton, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 65.
Roger Orr, Thaddaeus Frogley, Richard Polton, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(4):17-20, September 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Polton, 2012]
Patterns and Anti-patterns - Factorisation.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 24(3):20-22, July 2012.
Richard Polton shows how redundant code can be removed by factoring to a functional style.

[Polton, 2012]
Patterns and Active Patterns.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 24(4):21-23, September 2012.
Richard Polton continues to explore how functional style can improve imperative programs.

[Polton, 2012]
Functional Decomposition.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 24(5):8-15, November 2012.
Richard Polton looks at more functional techniques for reducing duplication.

[Polton, 2013]
The Composition Pattern and the Monad.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 24(6):12-17, January 2013.
Richard Polton explains how Monads can reduce complexity.

[Polton, 2013]
Comparing Algorithms.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 25(1):15-17, March 2013.
Richard Polton takes different approaches to a well-known problem.

[Polton, 2013]
Let’s Talk About Trees.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 25(2):12-16, May 2013.
Richard Polton puts n-ary trees to use parsing XML.

[Polton, 2013]
Testing Times.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 25(4):9-11, September 2013.
Richard Polton looks at unit tests from a different perspective.

[Polton, 2013]
The Reward.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 25(4):19, September 2013.
Richard Polton writes in suggesting how we might encourage good code.

[Polton, 2013]
Generating Code From a Unit Test, Part the Second.
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 25(5):10-13, November 2013.
Richard Polton continues his quest to generate code from tests.

[Polton, 2014]
Generating Code from a Unit Test (Part 3).
Richard Polton.
C Vu, 25(6):14-18, January 2014.
Richard Polton generates the code to pass his unit tests.

[Posul, 1999]
File Positioning.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Posul, 2000]
Reading Integers.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Posul, 2000]
Reading Integers Revisited.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 12(4):, July 2000.

[Posul, 2001]
Ada Overview - Part 1.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Posul, 2001]
Ada Overview - Part 2.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Posul, 2001]
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 13(3):, June 2001.

[Posul, 2001]
Summing Arrays.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Posul, 2002]
String Comparison with Wild Characters..
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 14(1):, February 2002.

[Posul, 2002]
More Notes on Code Critique Competition 12.
Waldo Posul.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Preschern, 2023]
Fluent C.
Christopher Preschern.
C Vu, 34(6):5-6, January 2023.
Christopher Preschern describes a pattern for managing platform-specific code in C.

[Price, 2024]
Code Critique Competition 146.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Martin Janzen, Wayne Price, Silas S. Brown.
C Vu, 36(1):8-10, March 2024.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Prota, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 114.
Roger Orr, Gennaro Prota, Stewart Becker, Joe Wood, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(5):9-15, November 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Pryce, 2011]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Nat Pryce.
C Vu, 23(1):21, March 2011.
Nat Pryce makes his selection.

[Pushman, 2002]
Introduction to XML and C++.
Tim Pushman.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Pushman, 2002]
A Short History of Character Sets.
Tim Pushman.
C Vu, 14(3):, June 2002.

[Pushman, 2007]
Website report.
Tim Pushman.
C Vu, 19(1):36, February 2007.

[Pushman, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Pushman, 2007]
Website Report.
Tim Pushman.
C Vu, 19(5):31, October 2007.

[Pushman, 2008]
ACCU Conference 2008.
Jez Higgins, Allan Kelly, Tim Pushman, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Garry Bodsworth, Olve Maudal, Mark Dalgarno, Michael Foord, Pete Goodliffe.
C Vu, 20(3):14-27, June 2008.
Jez Higgins and friends look back at this year’s ACCU Conference.

[Pushman, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Quintel, 1999]
Impression of C++ for Embedded Systems.
Henrik Quintel.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Radford, 2012]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 24(3):29, July 2012.
Mark Radford reports on the latest developments for the C++ standard.

[Radford, 2012]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 24(4):29, September 2012.
Mark Radford presents the latest news from the ongoing C++ Standards process.

[Radford, 2012]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 24(5):22, November 2012.
Mark Radford reports the latest from the next version of C++.

[Radford, 2013]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 24(6):25, January 2013.
Mark Radford reports the latest from C++ Standardisation.

[Radford, 2013]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 25(1):25, March 2013.
Mark Radford looks at some features of the next C++ Standard.

[Radford, 2013]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 25(2):18, May 2013.
Mark Radford looks at some features of the next C++ Standard.

[Radford, 2013]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 25(3):22, July 2013.
Mark Radford examines a knotty issue of lifetime facing the C++ standards committee.

[Radford, 2013]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 25(4):17, September 2013.
Mark Radford reports on the latest from C++14 Standardisation.

[Radford, 2013]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 25(5):15, November 2013.
Mark Radford reports the latest from the C++ Standards meetings.

[Radford, 2014]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 25(6):20, January 2014.
Mark Radford reports on the latest from C++14 standardisation.

[Radford, 2014]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 26(1):19-20, March 2014.
Mark Radford looks at some features of the next C++ Standard.

[Radford, 2014]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 26(2):12-13, May 2014.
Mark Radford reports the latest developments in C++ Standardization.

[Radford, 2014]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 26(3):20-21, July 2014.
Mark Radford reports the latest developments in C++ Standardization.

[Radford, 2014]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 26(4):16, September 2014.
Mark Radford reports the latest developments in C++ Standardization.

[Radford, 2014]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 26(5):22, November 2014.
Mark Radford brings the latest news from C++ Standardisation.

[Radford, 2015]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 26(6):10-11, January 2015.
Mark Radford brings the latest news from C++ Standardisation.

[Radford, 2015]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 27(1):26-27, March 2015.
Mark Radford reports on the latest C++ Standardisation proceedings.

[Radford, 2015]
Standards Report.
Mark Radford.
C Vu, 27(2):21-22, May 2015.
Mark Radford reports on the latest C++ Standardisation proceedings.

[Ravnsgaard Riis, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Ridgewell, 2012]
Desert Island Books.
Mark Ridgewell.
C Vu, 24(4):30-31, September 2012.
Mark Ridgewell packs for the island.

[Ridout, 1998]
Waterfall versus RAD.
Aaron Ridout.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Ridout, 2009]
UML: Getting the Balance Right.
Aaron Ridout.
C Vu, 20(6):21-23, January 2009.
Aaron Ridout discusses the usage and aesthetics of UML.

[Ringer, 2005]
Setting up a Subversion Server for Remote Use.
Craig Ringer.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Roberts, 2004]
Letters to the Editor.
James Roberts.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Roberts, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Roberts, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Rochkind, 1988]
Notes from the Ultra-Conservative Right Wing.
Marc J. Rochkind.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Roden, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 100.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, John Roden, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(3):12-15, July 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Rose, 2008]
Advertising Officer Report.
Seb Rose.
C Vu, 20(2):28, April 2008.

[Rose, 2008]
Simon Sebright, Ian Bruntlett, Colin Paul Gloster, Seb Rose, Mark Easterbrook, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 20(2):25-27, April 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Rose, 2008]
Advertising Officer Report.
Seb Rose.
C Vu, 20(4):24, August 2008.

[Rose, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, John Penney, Giuseppe Vacanti, Ian Bruntlett, Seb Rose, Rob Jones.
C Vu, 20(4):22-24, August 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Rose, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Rose, 2011]
Testing Times.
Seb Rose.
C Vu, 23(2):4-7, May 2011.
Seb Rose shows that unit tests are for everyone.

[Rose, 2014]
Seb Rose: An Interview.
Seb Rose.
C Vu, 26(5):20-21, November 2014.
Emyr Williams continues the series of interviews with people from the world of programming.

[Rosvall, 2003]
Mixing Strings in C++.
Sven Rosvall.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Rosvall, 2017]
How Do You Read?.
Sven Rosvall.
C Vu, 28(6):8, January 2017.
Sven Rosvall shares his perspective on electronic publications.

[Rotkiewicz, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 44.
Roger Orr, John Appleby-Alis, Calum Grant, David Carter-Hitchin, Balog Pál, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(1):22-28, February 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Rotkiewicz, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 45.
Roger Orr, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz.
C Vu, 19(2):27-29, April 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Rotkiewicz, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 54.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz, Colin Grant.
C Vu, 20(5):31-37, November 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Ruscoe, 2009]
Code Critique #60.
Roger Orr, Damien Ruscoe, Martin Moene, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 21(5):28, November 2009.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Ryder, 2005]
Becoming and Being Agile.
Phran Ryder.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Ryder, 2005]
The Agile Manifesto Explained (and a First Amendment).
Phran Ryder.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Ryder, 2005]
Test Driven Development of C# User Interfaces.
Phran Ryder.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Ryder, 2005]
Conference Report - AgileNorth.
Phran Ryder.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Sabalausky, 2012]
Have Your Efficiency, and Flexibility Too.
Nick Sabalausky.
C Vu, 24(2):9-17, May 2012.
Nick Sabalausky writes no-compromise code by metaprogramming with D.

[Sabalausky, 2012]
Metaprogramming Plus: The Flexibility Enhancements.
Nick Sabalausky.
C Vu, 24(3):8-15, July 2012.
Nick Sabalausky writes more no-compromise code by metaprogramming in D.

[Saha, 2018]
Everyday Coding Habits for Safety and Simplicity.
Arun Saha.
C Vu, 30(3):9-11, July 2018.
Arun Saha has some simple advice for forming good habits in C++.

[Salter, 2005]
J2SE 5.0 New Features.
Dave Salter.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Salter, 2007]
The Two Sides of Recruitment.
Simon Salter, Emily Winch.
C Vu, 19(1):7-8, February 2007.
Simon Salter and Emily Winch look at recruitment at CherSoft

[Salter, 2011]
Intelligent Software Design.
Simon Salter.
C Vu, 23(5):17, November 2011.
Simon Salter receives divine inspiration for a satirical view of the design process.

[Sarich, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sarich, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Scattergood, 2000]
Pure, functional, lazy ISBNs.
Bryan Scattergood.
C Vu, 12(2):, March 2000.

[Schiffler, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 88.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Stefan Schiffler, Dave Cridland, Martin Janzen, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Raimondo Sarich.
C Vu, 26(3):13-19, July 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Schmidt, 2016]
View from the (Acting) Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 28(3):16, July 2016.

[Schmidt, 2016]
View from the (Acting) Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 28(4):16, September 2016.

[Schmidt, 2016]
View from the (Acting) Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 28(5):19-20, November 2016.

[Schmidt, 2017]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 28(6):19-20, January 2017.

[Schmidt, 2017]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 29(1):19-20, March 2017.

[Schmidt, 2017]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 29(2):16, May 2017.

[Schmidt, 2017]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 29(3):12, July 2017.

[Schmidt, 2017]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 29(4):20, September 2017.

[Schmidt, 2017]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 29(5):24, November 2017.

[Schmidt, 2018]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 29(6):20, January 2018.

[Schmidt, 2018]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 30(1):32, March 2018.

[Schmidt, 2018]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 30(2):24, May 2018.

[Schmidt, 2018]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 30(3):24, July 2018.

[Schmidt, 2018]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 30(4):36, September 2018.

[Schmidt, 2018]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 30(5):16, November 2018.

[Schmidt, 2019]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 30(6):24, January 2019.

[Schmidt, 2019]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 31(1):16, March 2019.

[Schmidt, 2019]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 31(2):24, May 2019.

[Schmidt, 2019]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 31(3):20, July 2019.

[Schmidt, 2019]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 31(4):16, September 2019.

[Schmidt, 2019]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 31(5):16, November 2019.

[Schmidt, 2020]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 31(6):20, January 2020.

[Schmidt, 2020]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 32(1):20, March 2020.

[Schmidt, 2020]
View from the Chair.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 32(2):24, May 2020.

[Schmidt, 2021]
An Introduction to the ACCU BIB Files (Part 1).
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 33(4):8-13, September 2021.
Bob Schmidt shares some of the work involved in producing the online magazines.

[Schmidt, 2022]
An Introduction to the ACCU BIB Files – Part 2.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 34(1):5-8, March 2022.
Bob Schmidt shares more on how the online magazines are produced.

[Schmidt, 2025]
Processing a Simple Web Form with Flask.
Bob Schmidt.
C Vu, 37(1):3-8, March 2025.
Bob Schmidt explains how Python, Flask, WSGI, and Apache can be combined to process web forms.

[Schveighoffer, 2012]
Using D Slices.
Steven Schveighoffer.
C Vu, 24(1):10-13, March 2012.
Steven Schveighoffer looks at slices in D and shows why they’re not arrays.

[Sebright, 2003]
On Not Being a Software Engineer.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Sebright, 2004]
Letters to the Editor.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Sebright, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2007]
Proactive Laziness.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(3):8-11, June 2007.
Simon Sebright explains why it's good to be lazy.

[Sebright, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2008]
Simon Sebright, Ian Bruntlett, Colin Paul Gloster, Seb Rose, Mark Easterbrook, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 20(2):25-27, April 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 51.
Roger Orr, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 20(2):22-24, April 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Sebright, 2009]
Code Critique Competition 55.
Roger Orr, Ian Bruntlett, Ken Duffill, Robert Jones, Simon Sebright, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(6):37-48, January 2009.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Sebright, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Paul Colin Gloster, Pete Goodliffe, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 22(2):29-32, May 2010.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2011]
A Software Experience.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 23(3):22-23, July 2011.
Simon Sebright shares his frustrations with popular tools.

[Sebright, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sebright, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 102.
Roger Orr, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Simon Sebright, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 28(5):14-19, November 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sebright, 2019]
A Case Against the Use of Code ‘Smells’.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 31(4):6, September 2019.
Simon Sebright asks if we’re using the term correctly.

[Sebright, 2020]
The Refactor Part of TDD – Reducing to the Min with FizzBuzz.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 31(6):7-9, January 2020.
Simon Sebright considers whether de-duplication in refactoring can be too aggressive.

[Sebright, 2020]
What Is Your Name?.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 32(2):6-7, May 2020.
Simon Sebright considers the importance of names as identification.

[Sebright, 2020]
What Is Your Number?.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 32(5):3-4, November 2020.
Simon Sebright demonstrates how simple real-world tasks aren’t always simple.

[Sebright, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(3):18-19, July 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Sebright, 2021]
Let’s Reproduce.
Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(5):4-5, November 2021.
Simon Sebright examines the importance of being thorough.

[Sebright, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Emyr Williams, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(6):22-24, January 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Sebright, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 135.
Roger Orr, Simon Sebright, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(2):10-13, May 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sebright, 2024]
Ian Bruntlett, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 36(2):15, May 2024.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Segrave, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 92.
Roger Orr, Jim Segrave, Tom Björkholm, James Holland, Alex Paterson.
C Vu, 27(1):21-25, March 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Segrave, 2015]
Code Critique Competition.
Roger Orr, Tom Björkholm, Simon Brand, Jim Segrave, James Holland, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 27(2):23-, May 2015.
Competition 93 and the answers to 92.

[Segrave, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 94.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(3):17-21, July 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Segrave, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 103.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Jim Segrave, James Holland.
C Vu, 28(6):12-16, January 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Segrave, 2017]
Astrid Byro, Tim Green, Barry Nichols, Jim Segrave, Marco Dinacci, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 28(6):17-18, January 2017.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Segrave, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Segrave, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 115.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, Alastair Harrison, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 30(6):16-22, January 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Segrave, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Selby, 2004]
Wx - A Live Port.
Jonathan Selby.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Selby, 2004]
Wx - A Live Port.
Jonathan Selby.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Selby, 2005]
Wx - A Live Port - Part 3.
Jonathan Selby.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Shagov, 2005]
Sharp as C.
George Shagov.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Sharman, 1999]
A Software Probe.
Jack Sharman.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Sharmon, 2002]
Applying OO to C.
Jack Sharmon.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Simcha, 2011]
Concurrency, Parallelism and D.
David Simcha.
C Vu, 23(4):17-19, September 2011.
David Simcha explains message passing for parallel programs in D.

[Simmonds, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Simmonds, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Simmonds, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 125.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(4):14-19, September 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Simmonds, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 126.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(5):13-17, November 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Simmonds, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Simmonds, 2023]
Code Critique Competition 140.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Graham Patterson, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, Chris Main, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(1):10-15, March 2023.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Simmonds, 2025]
Code Critique Competition 152.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Dave Simmonds, James Holland.
C Vu, 37(1):12-16, March 2025.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Simoes, 2012]
Some Thoughts on Writing a Scientific Application.
Joana Simoes.
C Vu, 24(2):3-5, May 2012.
Joana Simoes reflects on the challenges in writing software for scientists.

[Simoes, 2013]
Joana Simoes.
C Vu, 25(1):3-6, March 2013.
Joana Simoes demonstrates some features of the Qt framework for help files.

[Singer, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Singer, 2020]
Further Comments on Code Critique 123.
Roger Orr, Steven Singer.
C Vu, 32(4):19-21, September 2020.
Additional information has been sent in response to an earlier Code Critique Competition.

[Sivakumar, 2020]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 32(5):18-20, November 2020.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Sivakumar, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Matthew R. Jones, Aschwin Marsman, Balachandran Sivakumar.
C Vu, 34(1):22-24, March 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Sivaraam, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Skelton, 2005]
Transactions with Delegates in C#.
MatThew Skelton.
C Vu, 17(4):, August 2005.

[Skelton, 2005]
Tracking Exceptions in Web Services with GUIDs.
MatThew Skelton.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[Skene, 2000]
The Wall.
Don Skene.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Slaughter, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Sommerlad, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 67.
Roger Orr, Chris Main, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 22(6):26-30, January 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 68.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 23(1):23-27, March 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2011]
Code Critique Competition 72.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Peter Sommerlad, Balog Pál, Huw Lewis, Frances Buontempo.
C Vu, 23(5):21-27, November 2011.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 75.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Herman Pijl, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki.
C Vu, 24(2):20-25, May 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 79.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Joe Wood, Huw Lewis, Aleksandra Mierzejewska, Michal.
C Vu, 24(6):18-22, January 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 83.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Phil Nash, Peter Sommerlad, Mirko Stocker, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(4):13-16, September 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Sommerlad, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Southern, 2007]
ACCU Conference 2007.
Pete Goodliffe, Paul Grenyer, James Slaughter, Anna-Jayne Metcalfe, Mark Dalgarno, Kevlin Henney, Nicola Musatti, Mark Easterbrook, Chris Southern, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):18-27, June 2007.
Pete Goodliffe rounds up a retrospective of this year’s awesome ACCU conference.

[Spencer, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 107.
Roger Orr, Jason Spencer, James Holland, Robert Lytton.
C Vu, 29(4):12-18, September 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Spencer, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Spencer, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 109.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(6):11-16, January 2018.
The results from the last competition and the details of the latest.

[Spencer, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 110.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Paul Floyd, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(1):15-26, March 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Spencer, 2018]
ACCU Local Group.
Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(2):23-24, May 2018.
Jason Spencer reports on a recent visit to ACCU Oxford.

[Spencer, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 111.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Balog Pál, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(2):15-22, May 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Spencer, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 112.
Roger Orr, Balog Pál, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(3):17-20, July 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Spencer, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 113.
Silas S. Brown, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(4):16-23, September 2018.
Set and collated by Silas Brown. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Spencer, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 114.
Roger Orr, Gennaro Prota, Stewart Becker, Joe Wood, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(5):9-15, November 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Staal, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Joes Staal, Paul Grenyer, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 23(2):23-24, May 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Staal, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Joes Staal.
C Vu, 33(4):22-24, September 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Stark, 2018]
A Guide to Group Decision Making.
Glen Stark.
C Vu, 30(4):11-13, September 2018.
Glen Stark advocates an approach to promoting team harmony.

[Stephenson, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 64.
Roger Orr, Matthew Wilson, Paul Stephenson, Pete Disdale, Terry Whiterod, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(3):22-32, July 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Stevens, 2000]
The Wall.
Colin Paul Gloster, Al Stevens.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Stockdale, 2010]
Inspirational (P)articles.
Dáire Stockdale.
C Vu, 22(1):27, March 2010.
Dáire Stockdale shares a recent source of inspiration.

[Stocker, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 83.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Phil Nash, Peter Sommerlad, Mirko Stocker, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(4):13-16, September 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Stocker, 2002]
Building Sculptures out of Holes.
Raffael Stocker.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Stokes, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Alan Stokes.
C Vu, 22(5):12-13, November 2010.
Alan Stokes chooses to take old friends with him.

[Strawbridge, 2004]
XML as a Model-View-Controller System for Documents.
MatThew Strawbridge.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Stroustrup, 2000]
Learning Standard C++ as a New Language.
Bjarne Stroustrup.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Stroustrup, 2009]
What is C++0x?.
Bjarne Stroustrup.
C Vu, 21(5):21, November 2009.
Bjarne Stroustrup concludes his tour of C++0x.

[Stubbington, 1988]
C Wizard's Programming Reference.
Phil Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.
Review By Phil Stubbington

[Stubbington, 1988]
Writing for C Vu.
Phil Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Stubbington, 1988]
Phil Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(3):, February 1988.

[Stubbington, 1987]
Phil J Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.
A versatile operating system for Motorola systems

[Stubbington, 1987]
Phil J. Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(1):1, October 1987.
A few words from the editor.

[Stubbington, 1987]
Writers Start Here.
Phil J. Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(1):5, October 1987.
Guidelines for everybody with the urge!.

[Stubbington, 1987]
CUG(UK) Online.
Martin Houston, Phil J. Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(1):28, October 1987.
How to keep in touch by modem.

[Stubbington, 1987]
Phil J. Stubbington.
C Vu, 1(2):, December 1987.

[Sullivan, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, David Sullivan.
C Vu, 33(2):15-16, May 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Sullivan, 1998]
The 3 Wheel Army / Air Force Enigma Cipher Machine.
Geoff Sullivan.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Summerfield, 2004]
Going GUI with Qt.
Mark Summerfield.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Summerfield, 2004]
Creating Standard GUI Applications.
Mark Summerfield.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Summers, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 105.
Roger Orr, Jon Summers, Paul Floyd, Raimondo Sarich, James Holland, Robert Lytton, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 29(2):8-13, May 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Swigart, 2016]
Anna Filina, Clint Swigart.
C Vu, 28(5):13, November 2016.
ACCU member Clint Swigart speaks at a multi-discipline conference in Canada.

[Sykes, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sykes, 2010]
A Timer for Rummikub.
David Sykes.
C Vu, 22(2):3-6, May 2010.
David Sykes develops a PIC-based timer using test-driven development.

[Sykes, 2007]
Experiences of a First Time Presenter at the ACCU Conference.
Ed Sykes.
C Vu, 19(5):9, October 2007.
The title says it all. But did the speaker?

[Sykes, 2008]
David Sykes, Ed Sykes, Seb Rose, Frances Buontempo, Alan Lenton, Omar Bashir, John Lear, Alan Griffiths, Tim Pushman, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(5):40-44, November 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Sykes, 2013]
Desert Island Books.
Ed Sykes.
C Vu, 24(6):26, January 2013.
Ed Sykes finds things to read on a Desert Island.

[Taverner, 2021]
Homework Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Tim Kent, Tony McClelland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(3):14-17, July 2021.
Francis Glassborow collects responses to the previous challenge and sets a new one.

[Taverner, 2021]
Homework Challenge 6.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(4):14-17, September 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 5 and sets the next one.

[Taverner, 2021]
Homework Challenge.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Andreas Gieriet, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 33(5):13-19, November 2021.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 6 and sets Challenge 7.

[Taverner, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 7.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Handley, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Andreas Gieriet.
C Vu, 33(6):17-22, January 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the solutions to the last challenge.

[Taverner, 2022]
Homework Challenge 9.
Francis Glassborow, Gary Taverner, Rev'd Dr James Handley, James Holland, Geoff Daniels.
C Vu, 34(1):16-21, March 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 9.

[Taverner, 2022]
Homework Challenge 10.
Francis Glassborow, Dave Simmonds, James Handley, Graham Patterson, James Holland, Gary Taverner, Silas S. Brown, Jim Segrave.
C Vu, 34(2):15-22, May 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the solutions for the last challenge and sets number 10.

[Taverner, 2022]
Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Spencer Collyer, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(3):8-10, July 2022.
Francis Glassborow reports on Homework Challenge 10 and sets a new challenge for new time.

[Taverner, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 11.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(4):11-16, September 2022.
Francis Glassborow shares the submissions for the last homework and sets a new challenge.

[Taverner, 2022]
Report on Homework Challenge 12.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Graham Paterson, Andrea Gieriet, James Holland, Gary Taverner.
C Vu, 34(5):18-23, November 2022.
Francis Glassborow presents the submissions for the last challenge and sets a new one.

[Terje Slettebø, 2010]
Desert Island Books.
Paul Grenyer, Terje Slettebø.
C Vu, 22(1):33-34, March 2010.
Paul Grenyer maroons Terje Slettebø.

[Thomas, 2004]
An Introduction to Objective-C.
D. A. Thomas.
C Vu, 16(4):, August 2004.

[Thomas, 2004]
An Introduction to Objective-C.
D. A. Thomas.
C Vu, 16(5):, October 2004.

[Thomas, 2004]
An Introduction to Objective-C.
D. A. Thomas.
C Vu, 16(6):, December 2004.

[Thomas, 2005]
An Introduction to Objective-C.
D. A. Thomas.
C Vu, 17(1):, February 2005.

[Thomas, 2005]
An Introduction to Objective-C.
D. A. Thomas.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Thomas, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Thomas, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Thornton-Clark, 1999]
Handling the Windows Console.
Nigel Thornton-Clark.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Tolman, 2014]
Phenomenal Software Development.
Charles Tolman.
C Vu, 25(6):9-10, January 2014.
Charles Tolman considers the philosophical implications of software development.

[Tomes, 2000]
The Wall.
Kevin Tomes.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Tomes, 2001]
Your Letters - The Editor's Replies.
Kevin Tomes.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Tornhill, 2014]
The Soundtrack to Code.
Adam Tornhill.
C Vu, 25(6):7-9, January 2014.
Adam Tornhill takes a look at the relationship between music and concentration.

[Tornhill, 2015]
Writing a Technical Book.
Adam Tornhill.
C Vu, 27(2):8-11, May 2015.
Adam Tornhill discusses motivation, publishing and how to stay focused without ruining your life.

[Tornhill, 2017]
Beyond Functional Programming: Manipulate Functions with the J Language.
Adam Tornhill.
C Vu, 29(1):8-11, March 2017.
Adam Tornhill explores a different kind of programming language.

[Towler, 2003]
Letters to the Editor.
Matthew Towler.
C Vu, 15(4):, August 2003.

[Trew, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(3):3-8, June 2007.
Our new gang of four makes C++ more dynamic.

[Trew, 2007]
Scripting C++ Objects.
Kevin Dixon, Simon Gray, John Lear, Simon Trew.
C Vu, 19(4):11-15, August 2007.
Our Gang of Four bless COM with perl.

[Trobridge, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Turalski, 2013]
Jez Higgins, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 25(1):26-27, March 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Turalski, 2013]
Astrid Byro, Stefan Turalski, Alex Paterson, Bob Corrick.
C Vu, 25(4):19-20, September 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Turalski, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Turalski, 2015]
Astrid Byro, Ewan Milne, Matthew Jones, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(3):22-23, July 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Ubben, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Uemliani, 2008]
Omar Bashir, Colin Paul Gloster, Ivan Uemliani.
C Vu, 20(3):37-40, June 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Uemlianin, 2007]
Michel Greve, James Roberts, Ivan Uemlianin, Paul Gloster, Andrew Marlow, Christer Löfving, Omar Bashir, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(4):27-32, August 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Uemlianin, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Uemlianin, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 49.
Roger Orr, Ivan Uemlianin, John Penney, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 19(6):23-28, December 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr

[Uemlianin, 2008]
A Simple Calculator in Tkinter and wxPython.
Ivan Uemlianin.
C Vu, 20(1):18-20, February 2008.
Ivan Uemlianin compares two python GUI toolkits.

[Uemlianin, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 52.
Roger Orr, Seweryn Habdank-Wojewódzki, Peter Hammond, David Pol, Ivan Uemlianin, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 20(3):31-35, June 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Unknown, 1998]
Two Views of ACCU's Conference.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Unknown, 1998]
Just for Fun.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Unknown, 1999]
Technical Support.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Unknown, 1999]
Other Periodicals.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Unknown, 2000]
The Wall.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Unknown, 2000]
The Wall.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Unknown, 2000]
The Wall.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Unknown, 2004]
Letters to the Editor.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Unknown, 2004]
From the Coalface.
C Vu, 16(3):, June 2004.

[Vacanti, 2007]
Ivan Uemlianin, Frank Antonsen, Simon Sebright, Omar Bashir, Allan Kelly, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Grenyer, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 19(5):28-32, October 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Vacanti, 2008]
Simon Sebright, Ian Bruntlett, Colin Paul Gloster, Seb Rose, Mark Easterbrook, Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 20(2):25-27, April 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Vacanti, 2008]
Colin Paul Gloster, John Penney, Giuseppe Vacanti, Ian Bruntlett, Seb Rose, Rob Jones.
C Vu, 20(4):22-24, August 2008.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Vacanti, 2009]
Jez Higgins, Gail Ollis, Pete Goodliffe, Giuseppe Vacanti, Colin Paul Gloster.
C Vu, 20(6):44-48, January 2009.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Vacanti, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Derek Graham, Gail Ollis, Allan Kelly, Pete Goodliffe, Chris Oldwood, Giuseppe Vacanti, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 21(6):32-35, January 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Vacanti, 2011]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Paul Grenyer, Ian Bruntlett.
C Vu, 22(6):30-32, January 2011.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Vacanti, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vacanti, 2014]
Parsing Configuration Files in C++ with Boost.
Giuseppe Vacanti.
C Vu, 26(5):8-9, November 2014.
Giuseppe Vacanti describes how to deal with program options, C++ style.

[Vacanti, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Floyd, Paul Grenyer, Guiseppe Vacanti, Alexander Demin.
C Vu, 24(2):26-27, May 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Valade, 2024]
Report on Homework Challenge 20.
Francis Glassborow, Luc Valade, Silas S. Brown, James Holland.
C Vu, 36(1):11-13, March 2024.
Francis Glassborow reports on the last challenge and sets the next.

[Various, 2012]
Two Pence Worth.
C Vu, 24(5):27, November 2012.
An opportunity to share your pearls of wisdom with us.

[Various, 2013]
Two Pence Worth.
C Vu, 24(6):25, January 2013.
An opportunity to share your pearls of wisdom with us.

[Various, 2013]
Two Pence Worth.
C Vu, 25(4):16, September 2013.
An opportunity to share your pearls of wisdom with us.

[Various, 2017]
Two Pence Worth.
C Vu, 29(5):12, November 2017.
Another crop of sage sayings from ACCU members.

[Vertices, 2016]
An Open Question (or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Public Wi-Fi).
C Vu, 28(1):7-10, March 2016.
Vertices examines some of the dangers of using other people’s networks.

[Viega, 2000]
The ITS4 Software Security Scanner.
John Viega.
C Vu, 12(3):, May 2000.

[Vlaskine, 2013]
On Software Design, Space, and Visuality.
Vsevolod Vlaskine.
C Vu, 25(3):3-4, July 2013.
Vsevolod Vlaskine examines the motivations behind design visualisation.

[Vlaskine, 2013]
Two Sides of the Code.
Vsevolod Vlaskine.
C Vu, 25(4):5-7, September 2013.
Vsevolod Vlaskine takes a critical look at the language of programming.

[Vlaskine, 2014]
Architectureless Software Design.
Vsevolod Vlaskine.
C Vu, 25(6):18-20, January 2014.
Vsevolod Vlaskine explores some ideas of simplicity in software design.

[Vlaskine, 2014]
Staying in Touch: Performative Negotiation.
Vsevolod Vlaskine.
C Vu, 26(1):15-17, March 2014.
Vsevolod Vlaskine joins the dots between three practices to reduce technical cost.

[Vollmann, 2000]
Undefined vs. Implementation Defined.
Detlef Vollmann.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Vollmann, 2000]
The Wall.
Detlef Vollmann.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Vollmann, 2001]
A Little Class.
Detlef Vollmann.
C Vu, 13(5):, October 2001.

[Vollmann, 2002]
The Wall - Your Letters etc..
Detlef Vollmann.
C Vu, 14(2):, April 2002.

[Vredeveld, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 117.
Roger Orr, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Balog Pál, Peter Sommerlad, Silas S. Brown, Chris Trobridge.
C Vu, 31(2):12-20, May 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 118.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer.
C Vu, 31(3):9-14, July 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 119.
Roger Orr, Nicolas Golaszewski, James Holland, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 31(4):9-14, September 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2019]
Code Critique Competition 120.
Roger Orr, Martin Janzen, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, James Holland.
C Vu, 31(5):11-15, November 2019.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 121.
Roger Orr, Pete Cordell, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 31(6):14-17, January 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 122.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Ovidiu Parvu, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 32(1):11-17, March 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 123.
Roger Orr, Francis Glassborow, Ovidiu Parvu, Hans Vredeveld, Balog Pál, James Holland.
C Vu, 32(2):14-21, May 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 124.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Marcel Marré, Jan Eisenhauer, Ovidiu Parvu, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(3):13-17, July 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 125.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(4):14-19, September 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2020]
Code Critique Competition 126.
Roger Orr, Dave Simmonds, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 32(5):13-17, November 2020.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 127.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Robin Williams, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(6):10-19, January 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 130.
Roger Orr, Silas S. Brown, Hans Vredeveld, Tim Kent, James Holland.
C Vu, 33(3):7-13, July 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 131.
Roger Orr, Andy Burgess, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(4):18-21, September 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 132.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 33(5):9-12, November 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 133.
Roger Orr, Stewart Becker, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(6):12-16, January 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 134.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(1):11-15, March 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 135.
Roger Orr, Simon Sebright, Hans Vredeveld, James Holland.
C Vu, 34(2):10-13, May 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 136.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(3):12-15, July 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Vredeveld, 2022]
Code Critique Competition 137.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Frances Buontempo, Silas S. Brown, Paul Floyd, Duncan Kimpton, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld.
C Vu, 34(4):16-29, September 2022.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wadsworth, 2000]
The Wall.
Steve Wadsworth.
C Vu, 12(1):, January 2000.

[Wais, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 76.
Roger Orr, jingyu_chen, Paul Floyd, Helmut Wais, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 24(3):24-29, July 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wakely, 2015]
Standards Report.
Jonathan Wakely.
C Vu, 27(4):18-19, September 2015.
Jonathan Wakely reports the latest on C++17 and beyond.

[Wakely, 2015]
Standards Report.
Jonathan Wakely.
C Vu, 27(5):28, November 2015.
Jonathan Wakely reports on developments in C++.

[Wakely, 2016]
Standards Report.
Jonathan Wakely.
C Vu, 28(1):18, March 2016.
Jonathan Wakely reports from the latest C and C++ meetings.

[Wakely, 2016]
Standards Report.
Jonathan Wakely.
C Vu, 28(2):11-12, May 2016.
Jonathan Wakely reports from the latest C and C++ meetings.

[Wakely, 2016]
Standards Report.
Jonathan Wakely.
C Vu, 28(4):15, September 2016.
Jonathan Wakely brings the latest news.

[Washington, 1999]
For Discussion.
John Washington.
C Vu, 11(4):, June 1999.

[Watson, 1998]
Close Encounters with Internationalisation.
David Watson.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Watts, 2001]
The Path of MCSD.
Will Watts.
C Vu, 13(6):, December 2001.

[Wendle, 1996]
A Personal View.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 8(2):, April 1996.

[Wendle, 1998]
A Personal View.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 10(6):, September 1998.

[Wendle, 1998]
A Personal View.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 11(1):, November 1998.

[Wendle, 1999]
A Personal View.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 11(2):, February 1999.

[Wendle, 1999]
A Final Personal View.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 11(3):, April 1999.

[Wendle, 1999]
A Personal View.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 11(6):, October 1999.

[Wendle, 2000]
Are You Fit for Employment?.
George Wendle.
C Vu, 12(5):, September 2000.

[Westing, 2005]
Forgetting the ABC.
Orjan Westing.
C Vu, 17(2):, April 2005.

[Wheeler, 2001]
Your Letters - The Editor's Replies.
Richard Wheeler.
C Vu, 13(1):, February 2001.

[Whitehead, 2001]
Once more unto the breach?.
Paul Whitehead.
C Vu, 13(2):, April 2001.

[Whitehead, 2002]
A Little String Thing.
Paul Whitehead.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Whiterod, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 64.
Roger Orr, Matthew Wilson, Paul Stephenson, Pete Disdale, Terry Whiterod, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(3):22-32, July 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Whittaker, 2010]
Regional Meetings.
Paul Grenyer, James A. Whittaker, Allan Kelly, Jason Gorman, Steve Freeman, Andrew Jackman, Jon Jagger, Rachel Davies, Giovanni Asproni, Chris Oldwood.
C Vu, 22(5):18-19, November 2010.
A round-up of what’s happened at an event near you!.

[Wiesenhuetter, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Emyr Williams, Anthony Williams, Alan R. Griffiths, Paul Floyd, Stephan Wiesenhuetter.
C Vu, 35(1):19-23, March 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Wignall, 2005]
Cryptographic Mistakes Made in Programming.
Jonathan Wignall.
C Vu, 17(6):, December 2005.

[Williams, 2004]
Writing Maintainable Code.
Anthony Williams.
C Vu, 16(2):, April 2004.

[Williams, 2007]
Pete Goodliffe, Peter Hammond, Simon Sebright, Paul Thomas, James Roberts, Anthony Williams, Ian Bruntlett, Mark Easterbrook.
C Vu, 19(2):31-34, April 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Williams, 2010]
Jez Higgins, Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Alan Lenton.
C Vu, 22(1):34-35, March 2010.
The latest roundup of ACCU book reviews.

[Williams, 2011]
Memories of Learning C.
Anthony Williams.
C Vu, 23(5):20, November 2011.
Anthony Williams recalls his first experiences of C.

[Williams, 2013]
All the World’s a Stage...
Anthony Williams.
C Vu, 25(3):6-10, July 2013.
Anthony Williams shows how Actors simplify multithreaded code in C++11.

[Williams, 2021]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd.
C Vu, 33(1):17-19, March 2021.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 34(2):23-24, May 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Paul Floyd, Spencer Collyer.
C Vu, 34(3):17-19, July 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Emyr Williams, Anthony Williams, Alan R. Griffiths, Paul Floyd, Stephan Wiesenhuetter.
C Vu, 35(1):19-23, March 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2025]
Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Anthony Williams.
C Vu, 37(1):18-20, March 2025.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2014]
Dr Bjarne Stroustrup: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 26(3):6-7, July 2014.
Emyr Williams begins a new series of interviews in the programming world.

[Williams, 2015]
Scott Meyers: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 26(6):16-18, January 2015.
Emyr Williams continues the series of interviews with people from the world of programming.

[Williams, 2015]
Kevlin Henney: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 27(1):18-19, March 2015.
Emyr Williams continues the series of interviews with people from the world of programming.

[Williams, 2015]
Anthony Williams: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 27(3):15-16, July 2015.
Emyr Williams continues the series of interviews with people from the world of programming.

[Williams, 2015]
Robert Martin: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 27(5):27, November 2015.
Emyr Williams continues the series of interviews with people from the world of programming.

[Williams, 2017]
Kate Gregory: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 28(6):10-11, January 2017.
Emyr Williams returns with a new interview from the world of programming.

[Williams, 2017]
Troy Hunt: An Interview.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 29(1):18-19, March 2017.
Emyr Williams continues the series of interviews with people from the world of programming.

[Williams, 2018]
Standards Report.
Emyr Williams, Guy Davidson, Roger Orr.
C Vu, 29(6):18-19, January 2018.
Emyr Williams updates us on the latest in C++ standardisation.

[Williams, 2018]
Standards Report.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 30(2):13-14, May 2018.
Emyr Williams reports on news from the world of Standards.

[Williams, 2018]
ACCU Standards Report.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 30(4):14-15, September 2018.
Emyr Williams reports the latest from the C++ Standards meetings.

[Williams, 2019]
ACCU Standards Report.
Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 30(6):14-15, January 2019.
Emyr Williams reports the latest from the C++ Standards meetings.

[Williams, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Francis Glassborow, Emyr Williams, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 33(6):22-24, January 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Anthony Williams, Emyr Williams.
C Vu, 34(2):23-24, May 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2023]
Ian Bruntlett, Emyr Williams, Anthony Williams, Alan R. Griffiths, Paul Floyd, Stephan Wiesenhuetter.
C Vu, 35(1):19-23, March 2023.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Williams, 2009]
Good Intentions.
Faye Williams.
C Vu, 20(6):1, January 2009.
Guest Editorial

[Williams, 2018]
Challenge 4 Report & Outlining Challenge 5.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Paul Davies, Pete Disdale, Richard Brookfield, Robin Williams, Steven Singer, Stephen Baynes, Tim Kent, Colin Hersom, Burkhard Kloss.
C Vu, 30(4):24-34, September 2018.
Francis Glassborow presents the responses to the challenge from last time and outlines the next one.

[Williams, 2021]
Code Critique Competition 127.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, James Holland, Hans Vredeveld, Robin Williams, Ovidiu Parvu.
C Vu, 32(6):10-19, January 2021.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Williams, 2025]
Report on Homework Challenge 25.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, James Holland, Robin Williams, Jan Eric Breimo.
C Vu, 36(6):10-13, January 2025.
Francis Glassborow reports on the previous challenge and sets another.

[Willis, 2002]
My First Steps in Java Web Development.
Emma Willis.
C Vu, 14(4):, August 2002.

[Wilson, 2007]
A Custom Event Layer for the ACE Reactor Framework.
Matthew Wilson, Garth Lancaster.
C Vu, 19(2):3-8, April 2007.
Matthew Wilson and Garth Lancaster describe a mechanism for seamless insertion into event-based hierarchies.

[Wilson, 2008]
!(C ^ C++).
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 20(5):17-23, November 2008.
Matthew Wilson takes a considered look at C and C++.

[Wilson, 2010]
Experiments in String Switching.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 22(3):9-11, July 2010.
Matthew Wilson examines switching on strings.

[Wilson, 2010]
Code Critique Competition 64.
Roger Orr, Matthew Wilson, Paul Stephenson, Pete Disdale, Terry Whiterod, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 22(3):22-32, July 2010.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Wilson, 2010]
Flexible Function Façades for C and C++.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 22(4):5-12, September 2010.
Matt Wilson presents a technique for compiling headers as C or C++ without changes.

[Wilson, 2011]
Further Experiments in String Switching.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 23(1):11-13, March 2011.
Matthew Wilson finds adding requirements can be agreeably easy.

[Wilson, 2011]
Enumerating Experiences.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 23(4):3-11, September 2011.
Matthew Wilson uncovers some traps and pitfalls with enumerations in C and C++.

[Wilson, 2012]
An Introduction to CLASP, Part 1: C.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 23(6):23-32, January 2012.
Matthew Wilson presents a cure for his command line blues.

[Wilson, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 74.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Alan Bellingham, Simon Farnsworth, Matthew Wilson, Barry Nichols, Graham Patterson, Huw Lewis.
C Vu, 24(1):20-28, March 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wilson, 2012]
Anatomy of a CLI Program Written in C.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 24(4):10-20, September 2012.
Matthew Wilson dissects a simple console application to reveal hidden complexity.

[Wilson, 2015]
Anatomy of a CLI Program written in C++.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 27(4):6-11, September 2015.
Matthew Wilson dissects a small program to examine its gory details.

[Wilson, 2015]
Building C & C++ CLI Programs with the libCLImate Mini-framework.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 27(5):5-10, November 2015.
Matthew Wilson presents a framework for simplifying CLI programs.

[Wilson, 2015]
Code Critique Competition 96.
Roger Orr, Mathias Gaunard, Gareth Ansell, Matthew Wilson, James Holland.
C Vu, 27(5):21-26, November 2015.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wilson, 2019]
Building C#/.NET, Go, and Ruby Programs with libCLImate – Part 1: Ruby.
Matthew Wilson.
C Vu, 31(2):4-9, May 2019.
Matthew Wilson demonstrates command-line processing.

[Wilzbach, 2018]
The Expressive C++ Coding Challenge in D.
Sebastian Wilzbach.
C Vu, 30(1):7-11, March 2018.
Sebastian Wilzbach presents a D language solution to a C++ problem.

[Winch, 2007]
The Two Sides of Recruitment.
Simon Salter, Emily Winch.
C Vu, 19(1):7-8, February 2007.
Simon Salter and Emily Winch look at recruitment at CherSoft

[Winder, 2011]
Somno, The Barber of Clapham Junction, Introduces GPars.
Russel Winder.
C Vu, 22(6):11-22, January 2011.
Russel Winder introduces concurrency techniques in Groovy.

[Winder, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Russel Winder, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(5):16-18, November 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Winder, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 87.
Roger Orr, Russel Winder.
C Vu, 26(2):13-15, May 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Winder, 2017]
Code Critique Competition 108.
Roger Orr, Kaartic Sivaraam, Russel Winder, Jim Segrave, Felix Petriconi, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 29(5):13-23, November 2017.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Winder, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 110.
Roger Orr, James Holland, Paul Floyd, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 30(1):15-26, March 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Winder, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 113.
Silas S. Brown, Russel Winder, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(4):16-23, September 2018.
Set and collated by Silas Brown. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wood, 2007]
Code Critique Competition 46.
Roger Orr, Reg Charney, Ian Bruntlett, Silas S. Brown, Jonas Hammarberg, Peter Pichler, Jim Hague, Thaddaeus Frogley, Nevin Liber, John Penney, Jean-Marc Bourguet, Joe Wood, David Carter-Hitchin.
C Vu, 19(3):29-37, June 2007.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Wood, 2008]
Code Critique Competition 54.
Roger Orr, Robert Jones, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber, Michal Rotkiewicz, Colin Grant.
C Vu, 20(5):31-37, November 2008.
Set and collated by Roger Orr.

[Wood, 2009]
Code Critique #60.
Roger Orr, Damien Ruscoe, Martin Moene, Joe Wood, Nevin Liber.
C Vu, 21(5):28, November 2009.
The winner of last week’s competition.

[Wood, 2010]
A Brief Introduction to F#.
Joe Wood.
C Vu, 21(6):4-8, January 2010.
Joe Wood shares his experiences with a new .Net functional language.

[Wood, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 79.
Roger Orr, Peter Sommerlad, Joe Wood, Huw Lewis, Aleksandra Mierzejewska, Michal.
C Vu, 24(6):18-22, January 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wood, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Paul Floyd, Björn Fahller, Ken Duffill, James Byattand, Carl Gibbs, Brian Ravnsgaard Riis, Emil Nordén, Joe Wood, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(6):21-31, January 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Wood, 2018]
Code Critique Competition 114.
Roger Orr, Gennaro Prota, Stewart Becker, Joe Wood, James Holland, Jason Spencer.
C Vu, 30(5):9-15, November 2018.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Yitzchaki, 2023]
Report on Homework Challenge 16.
Francis Glassborow, Silas S. Brown, Tim Kent, Dvir Yitzchaki, Tony McClelland, James Holland.
C Vu, 35(3):14-18, July 2023.
Francis Glassborow shares the solution to the last challenge and sets the next.

[Youhanaie, 2012]
Jez Higgins, Paul Grenyer, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Floyd, Chris Oldwood, Adam Petersen.
C Vu, 24(5):28-30, November 2012.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Youhanaie, 2022]
Ian Bruntlett, Fred Youhanaie, Paul Grenyer.
C Vu, 34(5):31, November 2022.
The latest roundup of reviews.

[Youngman, 2013]
Jez Higgins, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 25(1):26-27, March 2013.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Youngman, 2015]
From the bookcase.
Astrid Byro, Alan Lenton, Ian Bruntlett, Paul Floyd, Simon Sebright, Neil Youngman, Stefan Turalski.
C Vu, 27(2):30-32, May 2015.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[Zakrzewski, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 80.
Roger Orr, Henrik Austad, Jon Kalb, Balog Pál, Pete Disdale, Martin Moene, Pawel Zakrzewski.
C Vu, 25(1):18-24, March 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Zakrzewski, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 82.
Roger Orr, Pawel Zakrzewski, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(3):17-21, July 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Zaratiegui, 2016]
Code Critique Competition 101.
Roger Orr, Juan Zaratiegui.
C Vu, 28(4):12-14, September 2016.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Zaratiegui Vallecillo, 2013]
Code Critique Competition 84.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Russel Winder, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 25(5):16-18, November 2013.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Zaratiegui Vallecillo, 2014]
Code Critique Competition 85.
Roger Orr, Juan Antonio Zaratiegui Vallecillo, Hushan Jia, Paul Floyd, Giuseppe Vacanti, Marcel Marré, Jan Ubben, Herman Pijl.
C Vu, 26(1):20-23, March 2014.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[Zicari, 2005]
db4objects - Innovating Object Databases with Open Source.
Roberto Zicari.
C Vu, 17(5):, October 2005.

[de Beer, 2000]
The Wall.
Silvia de Beer.
C Vu, 12(6):, December 2000.

[de Beer, 2007]
Ian Bruntlett, Frances Buontempo, Paul Grenyer, Paul Thomas, Pete Goodliffe, Christer Lofving, Derek M Jones, Silvia de Beer, Silas S. Brown, Mark Easterbrook, Tim Pushman, Simon Sebright.
C Vu, 19(1):29-35, February 2007.
The latest roundup of book reviews.

[jingyu_chen, 2012]
Code Critique Competition 76.
Roger Orr, jingyu_chen, Paul Floyd, Helmut Wais, Balog Pál.
C Vu, 24(3):24-29, July 2012.
Set and collated by Roger Orr. A book prize is awarded for the best entry.

[van Laenen, 2013]
Tar-Based Back-ups.
Filip van Laenen.
C Vu, 25(2):6-7, May 2013.
Filip van Laenen rolls his own with some simple tools.

[van Rens, 2018]
ACCU Conference 2018: Trip Report.
Kris van Rens.
C Vu, 30(2):8, May 2018.
Kris van Rens shares his experiences from ACCU 2018.

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