Highly recommended.
What’s not to like about this book? It’s fairly short and concise. It’s a pleasure to read something that doesn’t sprain my wrist. Cukic clearly not only has a good mastery of the subject but also the ability to present it in a lucid manner. The layout of the book is good – small code examples with explanations and a reasonable number of tables and diagrams. Although the subject matter is very different, this experience reminded me of when I read W. Richard Stevens TCP/IP Illustrated vols 1 and 2. That’s a high compliment.
The book has 13 chapters. The first few cover the basics. The bulk of the book is about functional programming techniques. This isn’t a recipe book – the examples serve the purpose of explaining how the techniques work. I liked the explanations of currying and monads (for listeners to cppcast I won’t attempt to explain monads here). The books is rounded off with a couple of ‘related issues’, concurrency and testing.
Overall, I felt that the book gives a good overview of functional programming and its pros and cons.
Website: https://www.manning.com/books/functional-programming-in-c-plus-plus
Code Site: https://gitlab.com/manning-fpcpp-book