REVIEW - SQL Pocket Guidebook - A Guide to SQL Usage


SQL Pocket Guidebook

A Guide to SQL Usage


Alice Zhao


O'Reilly Media (2022)




Simon Sebright


May 2024



Recommended with reservations. This is a pocket sized book (10.5 × 18 × 2cm).

I found this a tricky one to review. I like technical books, preferring to read those rather than articles and books on-screen. This is a smaller format, and depending on the actual size of your pockets, it might well fit in there. It’s divided into the following chapters:

  • SQL Crash Course
  • Where Can I Write SQL Code?
  • The SQL Language
  • Querying Basics
  • Creating, Updating and Deleting
  • Data Types
  • Operators and Functions
  • Advanced Querying Concepts
  • Working with Multiple Tables and Queries

Despite being a ‘pocket’ book, at 334 pages, there is a lot of content, which one might expect in a book of a larger format. So if you like books, it’s a question of whether you like the smaller format to have handy, or a larger format which might be able to present complex information better on a larger page.

I have dealings with SQL in my team at work and most recently came across table-valued functions. I looked that up online at the time and I note that this book does not mention them, nor the CROSS APPLY operator you need with those. So, I question how complete this book really is (the preface says it is not intended to cover all concepts in depth, however you interpret that).

The preface hints it’s for you if: you have forgotten some SQL syntax, you have come across different tools and need to know the nuances or you’ve been focusing on another coding language and need a refresher. But then it says, if SQL plays a large supporting role in your job, then this is the perfect pocket guide for you.

As for a verdict, I’m mixed. I like the intent, but feel that if you are using SQL on a daily basis, you are not going to need the ‘refresher’ aspect, and if you need more advanced topics, they are not covered. If you occasionally need to check something, well maybe, but finding what you need in 334 pages is not straightforward, although I must say, the table of contents is quite detailed.

I think I would rather trust my search engine and sites like stackoverflow to answer my question, with the variations of options that usually come with that. Or I would find a reference website for my flavour of SQL and read through their documentation and examples.

So, whilst it’s nice to have a physical companion and occasionally browse through, I could well do without it.


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