REVIEW - Beginning Linux?Programming


Beginning Linux?Programming


Neil Matthew, Richard Stones



John Wiley & Sons (2004)




Paul F. Johnson


August 2004



an excellent book for anyone wanting to get involved with the phenomenon that is Linux.

If you want to learn how to program for the Linux platform, you will not go far wrong with this book. It covers just about everything you will need including SQL, Gnome, GTK+, Qt, KDE, the developers tool chain and how to write shell scripts.

The code is clear and the discussion and explanations are excellent. What makes the book even better is that aspects are not kept in isolation - the material used in the SQL chapter is used further on in the book with the Gnome/GTK+ programming material. This helps bring everything together.

It is assumed that you know how to use gcc and the basics of C programming. This is not a big problem.

The only questionable part of the book is the inclusion of a chapter on writing code for device drivers, i.e. interacting directly with the kernel. Not that this a weak chapter, but having such a chapter in a beginners book is perhaps not that good an idea. Despite that, the code is fine and the methodology behind the chapter is clear.

This is an excellent book for anyone wanting to get involved with the phenomenon that is Linux. Highly Recommended

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