REVIEW - The Elements of C# Style


The Elements of C# Style


Kenneth Baldwin, Andrew Gray, Trevor Misfeldt


Cambridge University Press (2004)




Francis Glassborow


June 2004



Buy a copy, keep it in your pocket to browse through while waiting in line for a meal, a bus etc.

This is a little book (literally) of 175 software development aphorisms. The expansion of each entry is well done and from time to time extra bonus information nestles either in the main text or in a footnote. For example, item 36 'Generate API Reference Documentation Directly from the Source Code' has a footnote which gives
as a useful source. Yes, it is a marvellous source, particularly if you follow such options as the 'tools' one.

The only warning I would give is that you should always read the whole of an entry because the first example in an entry is usually an example of what not to do.

There are a few experts who would find nothing new in this book, but most of the rest of us would benefit from it. Almost any time that a programmer chooses to ignore one of the aphorisms they need to justify their choice which makes it a good basis for communicating why a piece of source code either needs more comments or a different approach.

Buy a copy, keep it in your pocket to browse through while waiting in line for a meal, a bus etc. When you know it all, pass your copy on.

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