REVIEW - Intranets - What's the Bottom Line?



What's the Bottom Line?


Randy J. Hinrichs



Prentice Hall (1997)




Ruben Galea


June 1999



Managers who need to have access to a concise action plan on intranet design should read this book.

Randy Hinrichs presents a study of all the factors that must be taken into consideration when designing and implementing an intranet within an organisation.

The infrastructure of an intranet as a business model is given great importance throughout the text. These include the pros and cons of an intranet, its architecture and interactivity, as well as security measure that must be accounted for.

When properly designed, intranets can transform an organisation and give it a differentiating factor over its competitors. Productivity also increases. These lucrative results, however, require investment both from an economical and human resources perspective. Such key issues are thoroughly explained. Technical issues related to intranet architectures are also covered in a step-by-step guide.

The author's experience in designing intranets has proved to be an asset for the reader as the book outlines any pitfalls that should be avoided. Managers who need to have access to a concise action plan on intranet design should read this book.

Book cover image courtesy of Open Library.

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