REVIEW - Designing Multimedia Environments for Children


Designing Multimedia Environments for Children


Allison Druin, Cynthia Solomon



John Wiley & Sons Incorporated (1996)




David Hodge


June 1998



Interesting to read and written by someone who knows his subject.

If you are thinking of designing computer applications to be used by children and have never tackled the subject before, then this book will give you the background and insight into what children look for in a computer application and what turns them off.

There is a fair amount of history, mainly how and why Logo was developed, which shows how research into learning by computer was complemented by something that actually worked.

The book comes with a CD-ROM that gives some visual meaning to the examples that are talked about in the text.

Interesting to read and written by someone who knows his subject.

Book cover image courtesy of Open Library.

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